Iran nuclear deal

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The Iranian nuclear deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a failed diplomatic agreement by the Obama administration negotiated by John Kerry to help the Islamic Republic of Iran get 150 billion dollars from taxpayer money and American banks. Iran is now using this money for terrorism.

Then-President Obama was a supporter of Iran and Islam in general, and wanted a deal to help both. President Obama said the joint agreement put Iran on the path of having nuclear weapons in 13 years. In 2016, Obama Administration official Ben Rhodes admitted that the administration "created an echo chamber" in the media to advocate for the deal and attack those who opposed it.[1]

Obama never submitted the Iran nuclear deal to Congress because he knew it had no chance of passing. The Iranian parliament also never approved the actual deal, nor did the Iranian president ever sign it. Obama finalized it on Jan. 21, 2016 when he signed Executive Order 13716.

The deal limited Iran's uranium enrichment, but it did not stop Iranian support of terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah. It also did not address Iran's expansionist ambitions in the Middle East. [2] Months after the deal was signed,

President Donald J. Trump shredded the agreement in May 2018. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked President Trump for his decision.[3]

Boeing allegedly would have been helped by the deal, by enabling it to compete with the European consortium Airbus to rebuild and modernize Iran's commercial aircraft fleet.

In May 2019, Iran announced it would partially leave the deal,[4] and on July 1, 2019, it broke the deal's terms.[5] It later announced it would increase its enrichment of uranium in violation of the deal's terms.[6] Even after leaving office, Obama Administration officials continued trying to save the deal.[7] On January 5, 2020, Iran announced it would fully abandon the nuclear deal.[8]

Russia's role

See also: Mueller office

The report of Special Counsel of Robert Mueller flatly states that Russia began interfering in American democracy in 2014.[9] Over the next couple of years, the effort blossomed into an attempt to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. The Obama administration knew this and did nothing. National Security Advisor Susan Rice told her staff to "stand down" and "knock it off" against the Russians.[10][11] Obama was singularly focused on the nuclear deal with Iran. Obama wanted Vladimir Putin in the deal, and to stand up to him on election interference would have, in Obama's estimation, upset that negotiation.[12]

Project Casandra and Bruce Ohr

Main article: Project Cassandra

Months after the deal was signed in 2015, radicals linked to Hezbollah stashed thousands of disposable ice packs containing ammonium nitrate - a common ingredient in homemade bombs. Hezbollah is an arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, directly under control of Iran. The plot was uncovered by MI5 and the London Metropolitan Police, just months after the UK signed up to the Iran nuclear deal.

Three metric tonnes of ammonium nitrate was discovered - more than was used in the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people and damaged hundreds of buildings.[13]

Bruce Ohr[14] was "the head of the Justice Department's OCDETF [Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force], was directly involved with Project Cassandra, the interagency investigation spearheaded by the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] that tracked a massive international drug and money-laundering scheme allegedly run by Hezbollah.”[15] Project Cassandra had uncovered a global narcotics smuggling ring between North and South America, Africa, and Europe run by Hezbollah. The Obama administration ordered the DEA to stand down in its investigations of Hezbollah and Iranian narco-terrorism so that President Obama could reach a deal with Iran.

External links

See also


  2. (Ghoraba, Hany). Why Egypt Supports U.S. Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Deal. The Investigative Project On Terrorism. Retrieved September 2, 2018.
  3. (Keinon, Herb). NETANYAHU APPLAUDS TRUMP’S ‘BRAVE DECISION’ TO PULL OUT OF IRAN DEAL. Jerusalem Post. Retrieved September 2, 2018.
  4. Multiple references:
  5. Multiple references:
  6. Multiple references: See also:
  7. Wong, Kristina (May 31, 2019). Ex-Obama Officials Try to Save Iran Nuclear Deal as Trump’s Maximum Pressure Campaign Takes Hold. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 2, 2019.
  8. Multiple references: