Josh Hawley

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Josh Hawley
Josh Hawley.jpg
Senior U.S. Senator from Missouri
From: January 3, 2019 – present
Predecessor Claire McCaskill
Successor Incumbent (no successor)
42nd Attorney General of Missouri
From: January 9, 2017 – January 3, 2019
Governor Eric Greitens
Mike Parson
Predecessor Chris Koster
Successor Eric Schmitt
Party Republican
Spouse(s) Erin Morrow
Religion Evangelical Christian
Senator Josh Hawley was Conservative of the Year 2019

Joshua David “Josh” Hawley, born December 31, 1979 (age 44), is the conservative U.S. Senator from Missouri, serving since 2019. He is a Republican and trounced in a landslide pro-abort liberal Democrat Claire McCaskill in the 2018 midterm elections. Previously, he served as Missouri Attorney General and also worked for conservative legal organizations such as The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and Alliance Defending Freedom.

Hawley is a leader in defending against attempts by the Left to erode masculinity and manliness. He was also outspoken and unapologetic for defending election integrity against never-ending liberal attempts to undermine it.

As a U.S. Senator, Hawley has taken the lead on requiring judicial nominees who respect the U.S. Constitution and who are not pro-abortion. Sen. Hawley has forcefully promoted strongly conservative positions on multiple issues.[1]

He also defended President Trump during the Democrats' witchhunts against him. Hawley showed his adamant support and understanding of Trump's innocence.[2]

After vowing to object to the "results" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Hawley's Washington, D.C. home, where his wife and newborn baby were, was surrounded by a militant mob of far-left activists in early January 2021, some of which tried to pound on the door to further harass and intimidate his family.[3]

Political positions

In a speech to the Heritage Foundation on February 17, 2023, Hawley criticized the Uniparty:

Dozens of lawmakers and so-called experts and talking heads have claimed that an invasion of Taiwan simply will not happen, or that if it does we'll of course prevail. They say that China is afraid to challenge us, or just that they won't. These people prefer to tell a familiar and comforting story, it's become a bit of a bedtime story in the foreign policy community which goes like this: That winning the Cold War allows us to police the world for all time. No problem. They want us to believe our military might is infinite, that American power faces no real constraints, and that we ought to use it to try and reshape the world.

Now they want us to believe we can fight an endless proxy war in Ukraine, and somehow, someway none of this will deter our ability to stop China from invading Taiwan, or deter our ability to stop China elsewhere. Curiously enough, this story of American Empire, and that's really what it is–a story of liberal empire–is not particularly partisan. It's told by neoconservatives on the right and liberal globalists on the left. Together they make up what you might call the Uniparty, the D.C. establishment that transcends all changing administrations.[5]

Ukraine aid

See also: Ukraine aid and NATO war in Ukraine

In September 2023, Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky, who cancelled democratic elections, visited Washington to beg for more aid after the Ukrainian military had been defeated in the field. Hawley remarked to the press, "If there’s some path to victory in Ukraine, I didn’t hear it today...And I also heard that there’s going to be no end to the funding requests...What we were basically told is buckle up and get out your checkbook...It’s American people’s money...They’ve spent $115 billion, and, so far, they have basically nothing to show for it...Take out Ukraine, insert Iraq or Afghanistan, and you would get exactly what George W. Bush said for years – and other people after him – about why we have to stay indefinitely in those countries and keep spending money indefinitely, with no oversight...It’s the same recycled argument...We shouldn’t be spending a dime more on Ukraine”.[6]

Hawley revealed that the public was being lied to about the war footing in the region and that Ukraine is definitely 'not winning.' Hawley indicated that Americans will be asked to spend hundreds of billions more to protect "US standing" on the world stage. Zelensky asked Biden and Congress for money, stating that if Ukraine didm't get the aid, they will lose. The intelligence suggests that Ukraine would lose the war anyway.

The media psyop operation bombarding the public with tales of imminent Ukrainian "victory" against Russia lost its momentum as reality set in. Though, in the interview wirh Sen. Hawley it did not stop journalists from trying to insert their list of debunked talking points as they seemed to debate Hawley more than ask questions. These debate points have long been a part of the media's pro-Nazi narrative, such as assertions of an inevitable "domino effect" leading to a Russian invasion of Europe should Ukraine fall are reminiscent of the same fake news claims during the Vietnam War. There was and is no evidence to indicate Russia has plans to attack Poland or any other NATO member, with President Vladimir Putin aware of the danger of nuclear conflict. As Hawley pointed out, the warhawks can't have it both ways - They can't claim that arming Ukraine has led to the degradation of Russian forces "on the cheap", and at the same time claim that Russia is strong enough to then overrun Europe should Ukraine lose.

Another disturbing argument is the notion that Ukrainian citizens need to be used as cost effective cannon fodder and human shields to prevent a wider war between Russia and NATO. It is the same claim that Ukrainian dictator Zelensky made since 2022 in order to frighten the western populace into throwing billions more dollars into Ukraine's corrupt coffers - "$100 billion and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives will buy you the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Russians. A proxy war is lot cheaper than engaging in a direct war with them..."

But why entertain a war with Russia at all? A false choice has been presented - Either Americans support a proxy war against Russia, or be forced to fight a direct war. There has been no quantifiable benefits for the western public. It is clear, however, that there are elements of the global establishment and military industrial complex that desire an ongoing conflict with Russia. The anti-Russian rhetoric began with Hillary Clinton's Russiagate hoax in 2016 well before the war in Ukraine. Propaganda surrounding Donald Trump and Russiagate has been thoroughly debunked. Most of the "evidence" presented to prove that the 2016 election was manipulated by Russia was in fact fabricated by groups under the watch of Democrat operatives, the Obama administration, and some Neo-cons. Of course, the aftermath of the propaganda convinced a large portion of the public, mostly on the left, that Russia was a predator lurking at their door waiting to strike.[7]


Hawley has been denounced by many observers, including the ADL,[8] for his tirade against "cosmopolitan" elites,[9] an antisemitic canard infamously used by Communist mass murderer Joseph Stalin. Despite widespread backlash, Hawley dismissed criticisms of his alleged usage of Communist propaganda.

See also

External links

  • Profile at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress


  1. Multiple references:
  2. Multiple sources:
    • Doe, John. “Senator Hawley on Impeachment Trial Opening Arguments.” C-Span, 22 Jan. 2020,
    • Schwartz, Ian. “Sen. Hawley: Trump Impeachment A Joke, ‘It's Time To Get The President Exonerated.’” RealClearPolitics, 17 Dec. 2019,
  3. Hoft, Jim (January 4, 2021). VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby. Gateway Pundit. Retrieved January 5, 2021.
  6. US: WH Issues Ukraine Aid Warning, Alahednews,. September 20, 2023.
  8. Sales, Ben (July 19, 2019). Senator’s speech on ‘cosmopolitan elites’: Anti-Semitic dog whistle or poli-sci speak? Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved March 10, 2023.
  9. Cooper, Ryan (July 25, 2019). GOP Sen. Josh Hawley grossly mischaracterized the views of 4 academics in his 'cosmopolitan elites' speech. The Week. Retrieved March 10, 2023.