Essay: Russian Statistics Service indicates that 22.6 percent of Russian households aren't connected to a sewer system
"According to data put out by the Russian Statistics Service 22.6 percent of Russian households aren't connected to a sewer system, most of them in rural areas. Russian commentators are divided about how vital an achievement modern toilets are." - What do outdoor toilets tell us about Russia?, Euro Topics Press Review, April 3, 2019
Moscow Times, April 2, 2022: Indoor Plumbing Still a Pipe Dream for 20% of Russian Households, Reports Say: "Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population."
UA News reported in 2019 in their news article Nearly one quarter of Russians lack access to sewerage systems: "In modern Russia, 22.6% of the population does not have access to centralized sewerage systems, according to a survey performed by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) in September 2018. The investigation into the quality of life in Russia showed that most of these families (16.8%) use a pipe to a pit latrine, and 5.8% of Russians simply lack any sewerage system."
On October 20, 2023, The Financial Times, reported:
“ | The letter of Mergen Mongush from Moscow (“Not the Kremlin line, but an ordinary Russian’s view”, October 7) is very misleading. Most desirable high-end retail products in Russian shops are well beyond the purchasing power of the vast majority of Russians outside of Moscow and St Petersburg, as totalitarian Russia has the highest wealth disparity of any large country. The wealth of Tatarstan, Tyumen and many other areas is funnelled to a small elite of Russians in cities that are not producing this wealth, while these regions remain impoverished.
When, for example, Russian troops invaded at Irpin and Bucha, close to Kyiv, they were shocked to see, in ordinary Ukrainian homes, huge televisions, high-quality washing machines and dryers, computers, internal toilets and other goods that are luxuries for them. So they killed Ukrainian inhabitants, not just to carry out Vladimir Putin’s orders, but to steal their possessions and take them back to Russia. There are many photographs of Russian military vehicles carrying Ukrainian toilets, washing machines, etc back to Russia — and lots of jokes were made about this, but the failure of Russia to care for most of its own population and instead create huge wealth disparities is a serious matter. Russia may have greater wealth as a country, but most Ukrainians live better than the average Russian.[1] |
” |
Indoor plumbing and sewage facts about Russia:
According to an article about the indoor plumbing and sewage system problem in Russia:
“ | First place: Russia has the largest population share of any developed nation with no access to indoor plumbing
Family values: 45% of Russian families with multiple children are not connected to centralized sewage systems Fetid water: 88% of wastewater does not meet purification requirements, but gets dumped into Russian waterways nonetheless Why are these numbers so high? It’s mainly due to endemic social issues: high poverty levels, the slow decay of rural villages, high tariffs placed on dwindling remote populations, and a lack of municipal rights are all contributing factors.[2] |
” |
"Sewer systems in Russia have been neglected for decades. Many citizens do not even have access to working water closets, and some public infrastructure has literally collapsed due to unmaintained sewage lines. However unattractive this fact may be, it should be taken seriously as it attests to wider societal problems in Russia." - Russia’s strange acceptance of the sewage pit, New Eastern Europe website, 2019
Russian soldiers in the war in Ukraine stealing Ukrainian toilets

So they killed Ukrainian inhabitants, not just to carry out Vladimir Putin’s orders, but to steal their possessions and take them back to Russia."[3]
- 1 Russian social stability is threatened by a lack of toilets in rural areas? Russian commentators are divided!
- 1.1 You can't run a state without warm toilets: Radio Kommersant FM argues that sewer systems are essential to stop the rural exodus - and to stabilise the political system
- 1.2 For Vedomosti, by contrast, the outdoor toilet is also a symbol of autonomy
- 1.3 Video: Report from Mother Russia. Woman explains why no toilet and bathroom
- 1.4 How rampant is outhouse theft in Russia? Russian news report about a stolen outhouse. Russia needs more indoor toilets to stop outhouse thefts!
- 1.5 Next time you see a Ukrainian flag remember this
- 2 Sanitation: Moses vs. Vladimir Putin: Moses wins!
- 3 If the Russians had more toilets, would they be happier?
- 4 Vladimir Putin: More toilets! Less bullets!
- 5 Places in Russia that could use more toilets in the home and less outhouses. Baby, it's cold outside! Brrrr!
- 6 Quote
- 7 Post Soviet Russia: For Russia's Nouveaux Riches, Indoor Plumbing Deluxe
- 8 Are Ukrainian and Western indoor toilets an existential threat to Russia?
- 9 Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement with President George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush made no promises about sending U.S. toilets to rural Russia
- 10 America's sewage system is better than Russia's TERRIBLE sewage system
- 11 User Conservative's international relations essays
- 12 User:Conservative's essays
- 13 References
Russian social stability is threatened by a lack of toilets in rural areas? Russian commentators are divided!

Russian rural residents unite! You have nothing to lose but your outhouses!
You can't run a state without warm toilets: Radio Kommersant FM argues that sewer systems are essential to stop the rural exodus - and to stabilise the political system
“The lack of urban-style toilets is the main reason why people leave their villages for the cities. First and foremost it's the young people, for whom living in the 21st century means at least enjoying the most basic comforts. Yes, things are improving, but not very fast. ... In some regions of Siberia and the far east the situation is appalling. It is said that as many as a million people leave the region every year. Hence the eternal question: where is our country headed? Will it continue to live without urban-style toilets while repeating the mantra 'We build missiles'? The bottom line is that it's hard to build a stable political system without sewers and warm toilets.” - You can't run a state without warm toilets

Question: Will Russia have another revolution?
Question: Will Vladimir Putin's regime be flushed down the proverbial toilet of Russian progress fomented by Western capitalists and their governments?
For Vedomosti, by contrast, the outdoor toilet is also a symbol of autonomy
For Vedomosti, by contrast, the outdoor toilet is also a symbol of autonomy:
“Private homes everywhere have the possibility to build a standard toilet, except in the regions in the far north. But the lack of centralised sewer system is, particularly in villages and small towns, often a deliberate decision by the inhabitants - since being connected also entails monthly payments for this service. And ultimately it's not the availability of a warm 'city toilet' that matters: the habit of using the outdoor toilet is stronger. You enjoy a certain autonomy from the state - and for free.” - Outdoor toilet is a piece of freedom
Video: Report from Mother Russia. Woman explains why no toilet and bathroom
How rampant is outhouse theft in Russia? Russian news report about a stolen outhouse. Russia needs more indoor toilets to stop outhouse thefts!
Read: Russian news report about a stolen outhouse

Next time you see a Ukrainian flag remember this
Letter: Russia’s looting soldiers tell real story of its economy, Financial Times, October 20, 2023
Next time you see a Ukrainian flag, remember not only does Ukraine have beautiful blue skies and majestic plains of wheat, but there are ordinary Ukrainian homes with huge televisions, high-quality washing machines and dryers, computers, and internal toilets - goods that are luxuries to Russian, soldier looters![6]
Question: Is this the main reason why Ukraine wants to join the European Union? What will the Ukrainians do next in their quest to keep up with Western Joneses?
For more information, please see: Why has the West been so successful?
Sanitation: Moses vs. Vladimir Putin: Moses wins!
See also: Bible scientific foreknowledge and Moses
Max Neuberger, writing in his "History of Medicine" states regarding the Mosaic Law:
“ | The commands concern prophylaxis and suppression of epidemics,[7] suppression of venereal disease and prostitution, care of the skin, baths,[8] food, housing and clothing, regulation of labour, sexual life, discipline of the people, etc. Many of these commands, such as Sabbath rest, circumcision,[9][10] laws concerning food (interdiction of blood and pork), measures concerning menstruating and lying-in women,[11] and those suffering from gonorrhoea, isolation of lepers, and hygiene of the camp, are, in view of the conditions of the climate, surprisingly rational.[12] | ” |
Vladimir Putin

See also: Russia is dying out. The war in Ukraine is making Russia's demographic crisis even worse
Moscow Times, April 2, 2022: Indoor Plumbing Still a Pipe Dream for 20% of Russian Households, Reports Say: "Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population."
Adam Gwiazda's article Demographic crisis in Russia states:
“ | The state of public health is one of the most extreme aspects of the demographic crisis in Russia. As a result of the AIDS epidemic, alcoholism and the dreadful state of health care, in the years 2005-2015 the mortality rate in Russia was three times higher among men and twice as high among women as in other countries with a similar level of social and economic development. More than half of the deaths of Russians aged 15-54 were caused by alcohol abuse after the collapse of the USSR. It should be noted that even the increase in the income of the Russian population by about 80 per cent in the years 1999-2008 did not result in a decrease in the mortality rate. High Russian mortality is the result not only of “normally” treatable diseases, such as tuberculosis, but also of lifestyle: drinking vodka, smoking cigarettes and AIDS. Every year, 500,000 people die due to alcohol in Russia. This applies to both women and men. The drug problem is also huge, as the prices of drugs are lower than in Western countries.
Russia is also unable to cope with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, which are the main cause of death. The problem is not only the lack of sufficient funds for health care (until mid-2005, about 4.2 per cent of GDP was allocated for this purpose, while in rich European countries it was on average 8-10 per cent of GDP), but also the country’s unfavorable social and economic situation, relatively low position of health and a long life on the Russian list of priorities, poverty, lack of responsibility for one’s own health, and bad habits.[13] |
” |
Singapore has the 2nd lowest infant mortality rate in the world - so it is much better than Russia in this respect as Russia has about a 400% higher infant mortality rate.[14]
Singapore compared to Russia: Why a Westerner falling for Russian propaganda is like a man who is seduced by a corrupt 300 pound woman
For more information, please see:
If the Russians had more toilets, would they be happier?
See also: Are the Russians as unhappy as they claim they are?

According to, the happiness index, calculated as the difference between shares of happy and unhappy people, reached 18 percent in Russia in 2021, down from 51 points in 2016. To compare, an average of 44 countries surveyed worldwide was measured at 43 percent in 2021, having increased from the previous year.[17]
Please read: Are the Russians as unhappy as they claim they are?

Vladimir Putin: More toilets! Less bullets!
See also: Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian
"Yet that is only part of the story. As Laura Solanko, a senior adviser at the Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition, said: “When a country is at war, gross domestic product is a fairly poor measure of welfare.” Producing bullets adds to a country’s growth rate without necessarily improving the quality of life." - Russia’s Economy Is Increasingly Structured Around Its War in Ukraine by Patricia Cohen, New York Times, October 9, 2023

Places in Russia that could use more toilets in the home and less outhouses. Baby, it's cold outside! Brrrr!
Singapore compared to Russia: Parts of Russia are so bad to live in that Russia offers free land to Russians and foreigners. Singapore raises threshold for foreign investors seeking permanent residency
- Russia offers free land to Russians and foreigners: "In an attempt to boost the population and economy of the largely undeveloped regions,Vladimir Putin has ordered free land handouts in Russia’s Far East and Siberia. Last week he signed a law offering land plots to Russians and foreigners for free if they are willing move to the country’s remote Far Eastern and Siberian regions. Under the deal, all citizens can apply for a hectare of land (2.5 acres) – about the size of a football pitch – in a vast stretch of territory spanning the upper Arctic reaches near Alaska, down to islands off the coast of Japan and south to the Chinese border."
- Singapore raises threshold for foreign investors seeking permanent residency: "Singapore will raise the minimum investment required for individuals to obtain permanent residence in the city state. To qualify investors are now required to put at least US$7.43 million into a new or existing business, or at least US$18.5 million in local companies."
'I Can See' America From Here: Bleak Life In Russia's Chukotka
Watch the video: 'I Can See' America From Here: Bleak Life In Russia's Chukotka

“Then came the time for the evening visit to the toilet, for which, in all likelihood, you had waited, all atremble, all day. How relieved, how eased, the whole world suddenly became! How the great questions all simplified themselves at the same instant---did you feel it?” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Post Soviet Russia: For Russia's Nouveaux Riches, Indoor Plumbing Deluxe
- For Russia's Nouveaux Riches, Indoor Plumbing Deluxe By Sophia Kishkovsky, The New York Times, September 14, 2005
Are Ukrainian and Western indoor toilets an existential threat to Russia?
See also: Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian and Why has the West been so successful?
Russia is a nuclear-armed country with a large army and a big stockpile of weapons. But did it feel threatened by Ukraine due to Ukrainian toilets?
Is Putin worried that Russian rural residents might soon want indoor toilets too?
See also:
*Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian
*Why has the West been so successful?
Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement with President George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush made no promises about sending U.S. toilets to rural Russia
See also: Why has the West been so successful?

Bush made no promises about sending U.S. toilets to rural Russia. Bush reportedly said, "Read my lips Mikhael. No USA indoor toilets for rural Russia!"
However, Bush did promise to aid Russia in terms of the lighting of outhouses via his "thousand points of light for Russian outhouses" initiative which sent funding to Russian candlemakers who sold candles to rural parts of Russia.
See also: Why has the West been so successful?
America's sewage system is better than Russia's TERRIBLE sewage system
See: America's sewage system is better than Russia's TERRIBLE sewage system

User Conservative's international relations essays
- The myth of multipolarity. What do the terms unipolar, bipolar and multipolar mean as far as international relations?
- What drives Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin?
- Why has the West been so successful?
- The anti-Christianity Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin and Xi Jinping have opposed homosexuality so this isn't a very high moral bar for China and Russia to clear
The United States
- The United States will be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future
- Is the USA an economic powerhouse and juggernaut?
War in Ukraine
- How long will the war in Ukraine last and what will its likely outcomes will be? A prediction on its outcomes
- The SPECIFIC MONTH OF APRIL 2022 was not a pivotal point in politics that will affect politics for 30 years
User:Conservative's essays
- ↑ Letter: Russia’s looting soldiers tell real story of its economy, Financial Times, October 20, 2023
- ↑ Russia is Struggling with a Shitty Problem. Literally.
- ↑ Letter: Russia’s looting soldiers tell real story of its economy, Financial Times, October 20, 2023
- ↑ What do outdoor toilets tell us about Russia?, Euro Topics Press Review, April 3, 2019
- ↑ What do outdoor toilets tell us about Russia?, Euro Topics Press Review, April 3, 2019
- ↑ Letter: Russia’s looting soldiers tell real story of its economy, Financial Times, October 20, 2023
- ↑ Wise, David A. "Modern medicine? It's not so modern!" Creation ex nihilo, December 1994, 17(1):46-49. Accessed September 12, 2008.
- ↑ Garner, Carl B. "WASH YOUR HANDS!" Southwest School of Bible Study, n.d. Accessed September 12, 2008.
- ↑ Circumcision Information Site
- ↑ Morris, Brian. "Medical Benefits from Circumcision," with annotations offered in rebuttal. December, 1998. Accessed September 12, 2008.
- ↑ Ben-Noun LL. "What is the Biblical attitude towards personal hygiene during vaginal bleeding?" Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2003 Jan 10, 106(1):99-101. Accessed September 12, 2008.
- ↑ Neuburger, Max. History of Medicine. Oxford University Press, 1910, Vol. I, p. 38.
- ↑ Demographic crisis in Russia by Adam Gwiazda, 2019
- ↑ Infant mortality rate by country
- ↑ World Happiness Index 2023 Country Wise List
- ↑ World Happiness Index 2023 Country Wise List
- ↑ Happiness index in Russia compared to the world from 2011 to 2021
- ↑
- ↑ Russia’s population is in a historic decline as emigration, war and a plunging birth rate form a ‘perfect storm’, Fortune magazine, 2022