Eugen K. Balon

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Eugen K. Balon, in full Eugene Kornel Balon, born in Silesia, is a University Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, known for his opposition to mainstream Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism[note 1]. He published an integrated idea of how so called Epigenesis might influence the development of living organisms. His own theory, named Theory of Alprehost, is based on well-known model of epigenetic landscape by Conrad H. Waddington.[2] In 1975 Balon founded the journal Environmental Biology of Fishes and was its Editor-in-Chief for 27 years. He also designed, co-edited (with David Noakes), and arranged publication of the first 4 issues of the Guelph Ichthyology Reviews. He was Assistant Editor of Rivista di Biologia, and currently is Advisory Editor of Bioeconomics. After he retired in 1995 he traveled extensively and presented lectures/seminars in numerous countries.[3]


  • Evolution by Epigenesis: Farewell to Darwinism, Neo- and Otherwise. The ideas assembled in this paper came together during author's five years in Africa and the 30 years in Canada but were nurtured by the ideas forced underground and by the experiences during the preceding 20 years of adulthood behind the Iron Curtain. Author concludes, by using various quotes and based on personal experiences with some dishonest scientists declaring faith in Darwinism in the manipulated system, that totalitarianism being enforced by the “communist” party network was not much worse than to see ‘Darwinism’ being enforced by the “mainstream” peer network. After criticising expelling qualified scientists just because they dared to criticise Darwinism and attacking public spendings on searching evidence for a theory that hardened Neo-Darwinists claim to be already proven 'beyond reasonable doubt' he further makes appeal to join the ever- increasing ranks of honest scholars and voice with them objections to Darwinism – not as "science that it isn’t", but as justification for social injustice.[1]


  1. Cf. "As the demands of the industrial revolution are long gone, and a new revolution in communication is taking place, twenty-first century demands on science will also change, hopefully deleting the former dogmas of Darwinism sensu lato into the trash file, much like, for example, the fittest executives of the “Enrons” and their likes."[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eugene K. Balon. Evolution by Epigenesis: Farewell to Darwinism, Neo- and Otherwise. Retrieved on 10-Mar-2013.
  2. Edward John Larson (2006). "Doslov (Epilogue)", Evolúcia: neobyčajná história jednej vedeckej teórie (in Slovak). Slovart, 293–295. “..Jeho teória vychádza zo známeho modelu epigenetickej krajiny Conrada H.Waddngtona. (Actual quote is from Epilogue by Vladimír Kováč, professor of Biology who translated the book by E.J.Larson)” 
  3. DR Eugene Kornel Balon. zoominfo. Retrieved on 10-Mar-2013.