is a left-wing liberal political action committee and 501c tax-exempt organization that promotes progressive politics, especially with regard to U.S. foreign policy; specifically, military affairs. A front group for the Democrat Party, it was formed in 2006 over opposition to President George W. Bush policy in Iraq. Their stated mission reads, "which primarily helps elect Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran candidates and educates about veterans and military issues aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election." [1] VoteVets operates the Vote Vets Action Fund. They want the world and the IRS to believe these are two separate and distinct organizations. VoteVets is immersed in the left-wing sphere of influence such as the Americans Against Escalation in Iraq coalition.[2] Associations and primary fundraisers include Democrats the DCCC, AFL-CIO and SEIU labor unions, the Center for American Progress,, Media Matters for America, many other Shadow party/George Soros backed organizations such as democratic donors and operatives Fund for America, run by John Podesta.[3] Co-Founder and Chairman Jon Soltz, an Iraq War veteran, became involved in politics by volunteering for Massachusetts Senator John Kerry's failed presidential bid in 2004. VoteVets claims 95,000 members.[4]
The VoteVets advisory board
Jon Soltz, General Wesley K. Clark (ret.), Major General Paul D. Eaton (ret.), Bob Kerrey, Tammy Duckworth, Paul Hackett, Richard Beattie, Bill Belding, Leslie H. Gelb, Elaine Kamarck, Lawrence Korb, William E. Little, Lawrence E. Penn III, Edward Vick,
Election cycle
During the 2006 mid-term elections, the group spent roughly $2 million trying to get liberal Democrats elected into office by going after numerous Republican politicians.[5] Senators targeted by the campaign included: spending $45,000 on ads targeting George Allen, also Rick Santorum, Conrad Burns, and Jim Talent.
A 2007 New York Times article published about Gen. Batiste in Iraq, making a television ad denouncing Bush for VoteVets. As a news correspondent, his employer CBS News wasn't pleased that he earned $500,000. from VoteVets. Batiste attacked a sitting President during war,
“ | You continue to pursue a failed strategy that is breaking our great Army and Marine Corps. I left the Army in protest in order to speak out. Mr. President, you have placed our nation in peril. Our only hope is that Congress will act now to protect our fighting men and women. | ” |
His role was either diminished or Batiste retired from VoteVets.[6]
In mid-2008, began airing ads attacking veteran and former Vietnam POW, Senator John McCain during his failed presidential bid. The scam of it all is that VoteVets attacked McCain a veteran, while 'non-armed forces' candidate Barack Obama gets VoteVets full support.
In 2009, VoteVets political television ads appeared promoting a candidate and an environmental agenda. Environment is a DNC promoted issue and VoteVets stated goal is to be military centric, which is deceitful.
Former Democratic presidential candidate, VoteVet TV spokesman retired Gen. Wesley Clark, made huge errors and incorrect battlefield assessments regarding VoteVets views on Iraq and the War on Terror. He undermines our nation lying, "Because of Iraq, there are more terrorists in the world.", he doubted our brave men and women in uniform, he doubted a real difference-maker General Petraeus. Just like the entire VoteVets organization, Clark and the Democrats were all wrong when they politically positioned themselves against the U.S.-led Iraq military Surge.
False Ads
The group repeatedly creates headlines by providing false stories, which both Democrats and Republicans blame each other, point fingers of fault. An example would be a story about body armor that democrat-led FactCheck points out that VoteVets utilized a “a nasty tactic" [7] and democrat-led MediaMatters (a VoteVets fundraiser) disputes all allegations.
VoteVets being a liberal organization, will not take Barack Obama to task for military action in Libya, Afghanistan, and other African countries. They have put together opposition to Rush Limbaugh, demanding his censorship and removal from the Armed Forces Radio network,[8] even though the military said they will not remove Rush.
- ↑ Official website
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- ↑ Profile: VoteVets NPR, August 4, 2008
- ↑ Launches Ad Blitz Targeting McCain, Cornyn on 21st Century Bill News- VoteVets, May 20, 3008
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- ↑ Batiste Lays With Dogs, Gets Fleas Democracy Project, May 12, 2007
- ↑ False Claims About Body Armor, September 20, 2006
- ↑ LEFTIST VOTEVETS TARGET LIMBAUGH, BigJoournalism, March 7, 2012