The Ainu are a Japanese indigenous and minority people, with a distinct culture and language, not known to be related to any other.
This ethnic group lives mainly in Hokkaido, the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin.
- "The Ainu lived in this place a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun came" is told in one of their legends.
As the Ainu people originally did not have an alphabet, they have orally transmitted literature such as tales, legends, experiences, and morals from generation to generation. They believe that gods are found in every phenomenon and object.
They wore mainly "Atush", clothing made out of Elm bark interwoven with cotton. [1]
Ainu ate Salmon, Bear, and Deer, usually boiled or dried. This meat was often mixed with Ubayuri, a lily, in stew.[2]
The Ainu are descended from Mongoloid travelers who in turn migrated from the Middle East after the Great Flood. They arrived by canoe in Hokkaido just before the Jomon Period.[3]