Atheist marriages
Atheist marriages often demonstrate a lesser commitment to two people loving each other when compared to Bible believing Christian marriages.[2] See also: Atheism and marriage
The BBC errantly claims in their article entitled Non-religious weddings and civil partnerships: "A non-religious wedding marks the commitment of two people to share their lives together just as much as does a religious wedding."[3] Yet the facts speak otherwise.
The social researcher and author Shaunti Feldhahn found that those who attend church regularly have a significantly lower divorce rate than those who don’t.[4][5] Feldhahn conducted eight years of research on divorce statistics and examined U.S. Census data, data from various university centers and relevant books/journals. [6] In addition, Feldhahn interviewed social science researchers about their methodology and to confirm various quotes.[7]
The Christian apologist Ken Ammi wrote:
“ | Michael Caputo, on Atheism and Divorce wrote:
“Very little else has produced as much euphoria in atheists than Christian researcher, George Barna’s announcement that Born Again and other Christians have a very high rate of divorce, while atheists have the lowest rate. Atheist web sites immediately announced the glorious news worldwide. The divorce rates they published were the following: Jews: 30%; Born Again Christians: 27%; other Christians: 24%; atheists only 21% ... “Was George Barna quoted correctly?… Yet the survey found that the percentage of atheists and agnostics who have been married and divorced is 37%—very similar to the numbers for the born again population. [ref] [emphasis in original] “The sample used by Barna was a bit less than 4000. Atheists and agnostics make up about 10% of the American population (2% being atheists). That means that about 400 of the people sampled were atheists/agnostics (About 80 being atheists). This is hardly a sufficient sample to reach any reliable conclusion … “According to Barna, ‘Forty-two percent of adults who associate with a faith other than Christianity had co-habited, while atheists were the most likely to do so (51%). “It is critical to stress that it is a well known fact that cohabiters experience a very high number of ‘breakups’ before getting married. ‘Millions of people … believe that cohabitation is a prelude to marriage. And for many, it is. However, Smock reports that 45% of cohabitations break up with no marriage. Another 10% continue cohabiting.’ “Barna did not include this enlightening fact in his research. Thus, if 21% of atheists divorce after marriage, and 45 % break up once or more before marriage, what we have is the astounding rate of about 66% of atheist couples experiencing ‘at least’ one break up. If, however, the number is 37%, then we have a shocking figure of 82% … “What needs mentioning is the fact that many atheists do not cohabit as a prelude to marriage. They in fact see cohabitation as ‘equivalent’ to any marriage relationship … These break ups were not included in the Barna research … “The appellation ‘Christian’ a Christian does not make. There are great numbers of people in this world who call themselves ‘Christians’ but have never internalized the teachings of Jesus Christ … “Recently the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has published its mammoth study on Religion in America based on 35,000 interviews. The results are quite enlightening in further elucidating the topic of atheism and divorce. According to the Pew Forum a whopping 37% of atheists never marry as opposed to 19% of the American population, 17% of Protestants and 17% of Catholics.(9) How enlightening… Not only do atheists cohabit and break up in very large numbers, they also do not marry in very large numbers.” [all emphasis by Caputo] Vox Day further notes: “the 2001 ARIS study … a much larger study that reaches precisely the opposite conclusion … according to ARIS 2001 more than half of all atheists and agnostics don’t get married … If one correctly excludes the never-married from the calculation, then atheists are 58.7 percent more likely to get divorced than Pentecostals and Baptists, the two born-again Christian groups with the highest rate of divorce, and more than twice as likely to get divorced than Christians in general.”[8] |
” |
See also: Atheism and divorce
- 1 Irreligion and domestic abuse
- 2 Atheism and divorce
- 3 Atheism, homosexuality and domestic abuse
- 4 Atheist marriages and childless couples
- 5 Atheist weddings
- 6 Atheism and polymory
- 7 Atheism and lower empathy for others
- 8 Teachings of Jesus Christ and the New Testament on marital love
- 9 Most Christians live outside the Western World where divorce rates are lower
- 10 Atheist Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce and polyamory
- 11 See also
- 12 External links
- 13 References
Irreligion and domestic abuse
See also: Irreligion and domestic violence and Atheism and anger and Atheism and interpersonal relationships
The abstract for the 2007 article in the journal Violence Against Women entitled Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence indicated:
“ | The authors explored the relationship between religious involvement and intimate partner violence by analyzing data from the first wave of the National Survey of Families and Households. They found that: (a) religious involvement is correlated with reduced levels of domestic violence; (b) levels of domestic violence vary by race/ethnicity; (c) the effects of religious involvement on domestic violence vary by race/ethnicity; and (d) religious involvement, specifically church attendance, protects against domestic violence, and this protective effect is stronger for African American men and women and for Hispanic men, groups that, for a variety of reasons, experience elevated risk for this type of violence.[10] | ” |
A higher rate of domestic violence exists among cohabiting couples as compared with married couples[11] Atheists have lower marriage rates than theists (see: Atheism and marriage).
A September 9, 2012 article at Atlantic Wire wrote about the noted atheist John Lennon:
“ | But people have mostly forgotten that Lennon was also physically abusive towards women. "I used to be cruel to my woman," he said, citing the lyrics to "Getting Better" in a Playboy interview near the end of his life. "Physically—any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women." In his biography The Lives of John Lennon, Albert Goldman also maintains that Lennon was guilty of spousal abuse.[12] | ” |
For more information, please see:
Secular Europe and domestic violence
See also: Secular Europe and domestic violence
In March of 2014, the Swedish news website The Local published an article entitled Sweden stands out in domestic violence study which declared:
“ | A new EU review of violence against women has revealed that one in three European women has been assaulted, and one in twenty has been raped, with the Scandinavian countries at the top of the league tables.
In the Scandinavian countries, in contrast, around half of the women reported physical or sexual violence, which researchers at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights said could have several explanations... In Sweden, 81 percent of women said they had been harassed at some point after the age of 15 - compared to the EU average of 55 percent. After Sweden, which had the highest rate, Denmark, France, the Netherland and Finland all saw rates above 70 percent. The EU member state with the lowest rate - 24 percent - was Bulgaria.[15] |
” |
Sweden is one of the most atheistic countries in the world and the website reported that in 2005 46 - 85% of Swedes were agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[16] Sweden also has the 3rd highest rate of belief in evolution as far as Western World nations.[17] See also: Sexual immorality and Sweden
Denmark has the highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[18] In addition, in 2005 Denmark was ranked the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reported that in 2005 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[19]
Finland was ranked the 7th most atheistic country in the world in 2005.[20] Finland has the 17th highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[21]
France was ranked the 8th most atheistic country in the world in 2005.[22] France has the 4th highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[23]
In 2005, the Netherlands was ranked the 13th most atheistic country in the world and the website reports that in 2005 39 - 44%% of the Dutch were agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[24] The Netherlands also has the 11th highest rate of belief in evolution as far as Western World nations.[25]
For more information, please see: Irreligion and domestic violence
Atheism and divorce
See: Atheism and divorce
Atheism, divorce, love and poor interpersonal skills
See: Atheism, divorce, love and poor interpersonal skills
Atheism, homosexuality and domestic abuse
See: Atheism, homosexuality and domestic abuse
Atheist marriages and childless couples
See also: Decline of global atheism
Michael Blume, a researcher at the University of Jena in Germany, wrote concerning the sub-replacement fertility rates of most atheist populations: "Most societies or communities that have espoused atheistic beliefs have not survived more than a century." Blume also indicated concerning concerning his research on this matter: "What I found was the complete lack of a single case of a secular population, community or movement that would just manage to retain replacement level."[26] See also: Atheism and sexuality
In addition, professor Eric Kaufmann using a multitude of demographic studies argues in an academic paper entitled Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century the decline of atheism in terms of its global adherents is an established trend that will persist for the foreseeable future and the rate of decline will accelerate. In the Western World, due to immigration and the higher birth rates of religious people, Kaufman writes: "Committed religious populations are growing in the West, and will reverse the march of secularism before 2050."
Atheist weddings
See: Atheist weddings
Atheism and polymory
See: Atheism and polymory
Atheism and lower empathy for others
See also: Atheism and uncharitableness
In 2007 the Baptist Press reported:
“ | ...a pollster at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, found that adults who profess a belief in God are significantly more likely than atheists to say that forgiveness, patience, generosity and a concern for others are "very important." In fact, the poll found that on 11 of 12 values, there was a double-digit gap between theists and atheists, with theists more likely to label each value "very important."
The survey by sociologist and pollster Reginald Bibby examined the beliefs of 1,600 Canadians, 82 percent who said they believed in "God or a higher power" and 18 percent who said they did not.[27] |
” |
Teachings of Jesus Christ and the New Testament on marital love
See also: Christian marriage and Agape
Jesus Christ and his apostles taught a gospel of love.[29] For example, the New Testament teaches that a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25).
In his article The Triumph of the Gospel of Love, Monk Themistocles (Adamopoulo) wrote:
“ | It is generally agreed by scholars and saints that the teaching of "love" and charity represent one of the essential dimensions of the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Paul. Accordingly, from the extant words and parables of Jesus many concern themselves with the message of love. For example on the Sunday of Meat Fare, from the Gospel of Matthew, we hear Jesus identifying Himself and in solidarity with the destitute, the suffering, the rejected and the oppressed, calling for and rewarding altruistic philanthropy:
"... I was hungry and you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me drink, when I was a stranger you took me in, when naked you clothed me, when I was ill you came to my help, when in prison you visited me ... I tell you this anything you did for one of my brothers here, however humble, you did it for me." (Matt 25:35-36, 40)... Christians undertook a great deal of almsgiving to the poor not only to fellow believers but to pagans as well. So amazed was the anti-Christian pagan emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363 AD), with the sheer benevolence and excellence of Christian philanthropy that he was forced to admit in wonder their superiority over paganism in matters of charity: "These godless Galileans (ie. Christians) feed not only their own poor but ours: our poor lack our care" (Ep. Sozom. 5:16).[30] |
” |
Most Christians live outside the Western World where divorce rates are lower
See also: Global Christianity
Global Christianity
Christianity is the world's largest religion and it has seen tremendous growth over its 2000 year history.[32] Christianity has recently seen explosive growth outside the Western World.[33] In 2000, there were twice as many non-Western Christians as Western Christians.[34] In 2005, there were four times as many non-Western Christians as there were Western World Christians.[35] There are now more non-Western missionaries than Western missionaries.[36]
In 2012, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) reported that every day there are 800 less atheists per day, 1,100 less non-religious (agnostic) people per day and 83,000 more people professing to be Christians per day.[37][38]
In 2011, the American Spectator declared concerning research published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research:
“ | The report estimates about 80,000 new Christians every day, 79,000 new Muslims every day, and 300 fewer atheists every day. These atheists are presumably disproportionately represented in the West, while religion is thriving in the Global South, where charismatic Christianity is exploding."[39] | ” |
For more information, please see: Global Christianity
Developing countries and lower divorce rates
Developing countries have lower divorce rates than countries in the Western World.[40]
Atheist Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce and polyamory
See also: Atheism, polyamory and other immoral relationships and Atheism and marriage
The atheist Richard Carrier divorced his wife and now practices polyamory.[41] Before divorcing his wife, he was involved in adulterous affairs[42]
The Christtian apologist Jason Engwar at the Christian blog Triablogue wrote:
“ | Richard Carrier has a post up announcing that he's "polyamorous", which he calls his "sexual orientation". He's been adulterous in his relationship with his wife, and they decided to get a divorce after having tried polyamory for a while. In the thread, he refers to how he has "sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses", how he's come across "many" polyamorists, and how he's become more convinced that "monogamy is the actual problem". So far, most of the responses at his blog are positive.[43] | ” |
Carrier advocates the crank notion that Jesus never existed and is merely a myth which is a baseless, extreme minority position among historians and contrary to abundant historical evidence pointing to Jesus being a historical figure (The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a parcel of the propaganda of the atheistic, communist Soviet Union, is the only encyclopedia to ever advocate the Christ myth. See also: Historicity of Jesus).[44][45][46]
See also
- Atheism and romance
- Atheism and sexuality
- Prominent atheists and adultery
- Atheism and women
- Atheism and interfaith marriages
- Atheism and rape
- Atheism and pornography
- Atheism and illegitimate births
- Atheism and morality
External links
- ↑ Post Scriptum to Original Article, "Atheism and Divorce.". Atheism Exposed (2008).
- ↑
- Atheist marriage and divorce by Ken Ammi
- doi: 10.1177/1077801207308259 Violence Against Women, Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence, November 2007 vol. 13 no. 11 1094-1112
- Sweden stands out in domestic violence study Published: 05 Mar 2014 08:3 - Gives some domestic violence rates for some secular European countries
- Foust, Michael (October 23, 2007). "Poll: Atheists less likely to 'do good'" Baptist Press. Retrieved on July 20, 2014.
- ↑ Non-religious weddings and civil partnerships
- ↑ Go to church
- ↑ The Good News About Marriage
- ↑ About this Book - The Good News about Marriage
- ↑ About this Book - The Good News about Marriage
- ↑ Atheist marriage and divorce by Ken Ammi
- ↑ doi: 10.1177/1077801207308259 ]Violence Against Women, Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence,] November 2007 vol. 13 no. 11 1094-1112
- ↑ doi: 10.1177/1077801207308259 Violence Against Women, Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence, November 2007 vol. 13 no. 11 1094-1112
- ↑ Demography. 2006 Feb;43(1):127-40. Why are cohabiting relationships more violent than marriages?. Kenney CT1, McLanahan SS.
- ↑ John Lennon and Chris Brown Have Something in Common
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Sweden stands out in domestic violence study Published: 05 Mar 2014 08:3
- ↑ Sweden stands out in domestic violence study Published: 05 Mar 2014 08:3
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
- ↑ Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
- ↑ Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
- ↑ Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
- ↑ Atheists a dying breed as nature 'favours faithful' - Sunday Times Jan 02 2011 - Jonathan Leake - Full Draft Version from Michael Blume, 06. January 2011, 11:11
- ↑ Foust, Michael (October 23, 2007). "Poll: Atheists less likely to 'do good'" Baptist Press. Retrieved on July 20, 2014.
- ↑ The Triumph of the Gospel of Love by Monk Themistocles ((Adamopoulo)
- ↑ The Triumph of the Gospel of Love by Monk Themistocles ((Adamopoulo)
- ↑ The Triumph of the Gospel of Love by Monk Themistocles ((Adamopoulo)
- ↑ Is Christianity taking over the planet?
- ↑
- ↑ Is Christianity taking over the planet?
- ↑ Is Christianity taking over the planet?
- ↑ Is Christianity taking over the planet?
- ↑ Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
- ↑ Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Status of Global Missions
- ↑ Thriving Christianity
- ↑ International statistics
- ↑ Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
- ↑ Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
- ↑ Atheism, Adultery, Polyamory, And Shifting Morals
- ↑ A Response to "Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story" by JP Holding
- ↑ The Incredible Sinking Carrier or, The Impossible Faith Vindicated by JP Holding
- ↑ Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth by Christopher Price