Causes of atheists eating babies

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As can be seen below, there are a number of causes why some atheists eat babies. See also: Causes of atheism

Historically, individuals in atheistic cultures have eaten babies/children due to the mistaken notion that baby flesh has medical benefits or due to foolish/failing atheistic societies having famines (see: Atheists eat babies meme and Communist China and baby eating and Soviet Union and the eating of children and North Korea and the eating of children).[1][2][3]

In addition, atheism fails to provide a basis for objective morality (see: Atheism and morality). The Debunking Atheists blog states: "An atheist may... say murder, rape, and eating babies are wrong; but when asked why, they will not have a final reason, or authority, to which they can appeal to, besides their own subjectivity... So it is merely a personal choice not to."[4] See also: Atheist population and immorality

The prophet Moses authored the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

Moses associated parents being reduced to child eating as being in a cursed/wretched state (Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53-57).

Furthermore, since World War II a majority of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the evolutionary position which employs methodological naturalism, have been atheists and agnostics.[5] Under a naturalistic, atheist worldview eating a baby is no different than eating a hamburger since cows and humans are merely animals.

Under a naturalistic, atheist worldview, human beings are merely atoms. Eating a baby is no different than eating a salad under such a worldview. In a naturalistic, atheistic worldview, the universe is merely the outcome of an accidental arrangement of atoms and eventually all the suns in the universe will eventually burn out (see: Atheism, agnosticism and pessimism). And unlike Bible believing Christians, there are atheists who actually assert the universe popped into existence from nothing (see: Atheism and the origin of the universe). For instance, the atheist Stephen Hawking asserted: "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing".[6]

The Soviet atheists and Chinese atheists foolishly caused man-made famines via atheistic pseudoscience (see: Lysenkoism). See also: The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

The Old Testament prophet Moses associated parents being reduced to child eating as being in a cursed/wretched state (Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53-57).

Atheists have often had an anti-civilizational effect on the world (see: Atheism and its anti-civilizational effects and Atheist population and immorality).

Atheistic China and baby eating

In 2014, The Washington Times reported: "China’s one child policy, baby trafficking, and sex trafficking of North Korean women aren’t the worst human rights violation happening in the country. Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health is.[7]

See also: Communist China and baby eating and Abortion and atheism and Atheism and medicine

Most atheists are likely East Asians (see: Asian atheism).

China has the biggest atheist population in the world and practices state atheism (see: China and atheism).

In 2014, The Washington Times reported:

China’s one child policy, baby trafficking, and sex trafficking of North Korean women aren’t the worst human rights violation happening in the country. Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health is.

South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.[8]

For additional information, please see:

Soviet Union, famine and individuals eating children

See: Soviet Union, famine and individuals eating children

North Korea, famine and the eating of children

See: North Korea, famine and the eating of children

Atheism and cannibalism

See: Atheism and cannibalism

Atheism and a lack of appreciation for the beauty of babies and human beings

See also: Atheist art and Atheism and culture

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam

Theists have created many great works of art dealing with the human physique such as Michelangelo's Creation of Adam.

Despite atheism being around since at least ancient Greece, there has not been a strong tradition of creating musical and artistic works related to atheism. Musical/artistic talent can be enhanced through practice and the atheist creed of "there is no God" is not an inspiring creed that produces a significant amount of music/art (See: Atheist art). For example, despite Wikipedia being founded by an atheist and an agnostic, there are no articles specifically devoted to the topics of atheist music or atheist art at Wikipedia, but Wikipedia does have articles devoted specifically to Christian art and Christian music.

Therefore, some atheists may eat human baby flesh because they lack an appreciation for the beauty of babies and the beauty of human beings (see also: Argument from beauty).

For more information please see: Atheism and art/music

Atheism, baby eating and veganism

See also: Atheism and veganism

A vegetarian thali from Rajasthan, India. Because many Indian religions promote vegetarianism, India has more vegetarians than the rest of the world put together.[9]

While there are atheists who are vegans, most atheists are not vegans.

As noted above, China has the largest atheist populuation in the world and has state atheism (see: China and atheism). Wikipedia declared in August 2019: "In China, consumption of meat is rapidly increasing while a small but growing number of young people in large cities are vegan. An estimated 4 to 5 percent of Chinese are vegetarian. However, in a survey conducted by SJTU researchers, only 0.77 percent of respondents labeled themselves vegetarian."[10]

India is a very religious country (see: also: Religion in India). In 2007, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations statistics indicated that Indians had the lowest rate of meat consumption in the world.[11] India has more vegetarians than the rest of the world put together.[12]

3% of Indians are convinced atheists.[13]

Unlike atheist controlled mainland China, which practices state atheism, India has not had any recent embarrassing publicity about its citizens eating human baby flesh via powdered capsules. See: Communist China and baby eating.

Atheism, psychopathy, sociopathy and baby eating

See also: Atheism and psychopathy and Atheism and sociopathy

A psychopath is someone with an anti-social personality disorder characterized by violent, perverted or immoral behavior often leading to criminality. Psychopaths have little or no concern for other people. Some psychopaths equate love with sexual arousal.[14] A few studies have found that there is a positive correlation of atheism and psychopathy (see: Atheism and psychopathy).

See also:

See also


  1. Cannibalism in the Soviet Union' by Kerry Kubulius
  2. North Korean reveals cannibalism is common after escaping starving state, Express
  3. Atheists eat babies, Debunking Atheists blog
  4. Hawking atheopathy by Jonathan Sarfati
  5. Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world, Washington Times, 2014
  6. Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world, Washington Times, 2014
  7. Edelstein, Sari (2013). Food Science, An Ecological Approach. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Page 281. ISBN 978-1-4496-0344-1. “...India has more vegetarians than everywhere else in the world combined.” 
  8. Vegetarianism by country
  9. Meat Consumption Per Person. Retrieved on 23 January 2018.
  10. Edelstein, Sari (2013). Food Science, An Ecological Approach. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Page 281. ISBN 978-1-4496-0344-1. “...India has more vegetarians than everywhere else in the world combined.” 
  11. Global Index Of Religion And Atheism. WIN-Gallup. Archived from the original on 16 October 2012. Retrieved on 3 September 2013.
  12. Robert D. Hare (2011). Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us. Guilford Press, 52. ISBN 978-16062-35782.