Last modified on July 13, 2016, at 06:52

Continental drift

The Continental drift theory asserts that the Earth had a single large land mass which broke into continents that continued to separate, and that they still move slowly today. The breaking up of one land mass into the separate continents was first proposed by creationist Antonio Snider in 1859,[1] then later by Alfred Wegener in the 1930s, but the idea wasn't widely accepted until the 1960s.[1]

It had long been noticed that some continents seem to fit together like a jigsaw, especially the west coast of Europe and Africa and the east coasts of the Americas, but it was Snider who first proposed the idea that the continents had actually moved, and he did so based partly on the account in Genesis 1:9-10 .[1]

The theory of continental drift is notable in that mainstream scientists dismissed the theory for many decades, finally taking a look at the evidence for it after nearly an entire generation had passed (see scientific bias).

  • "The reactions by the leading authorities in the different disciplines was so strong and so negative that serious discussion of the concept stopped."[2]

Like Semmelweis, "Wegener did not have an explanation for how continental drift could have occurred."[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Batten, Don, et. al., The Creation Answers Book, chapter 11: What about continental drift?, p. 157, 2007
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wegener and Continental Drift Theory