Der er et yndigt land
Der er et yndigt land (literally There is a lovely land) is the National Anthem of Denmark since 1835, it was written by patriot Adam Oehlenschläger in 1819 and was composed by composer Hans Ernst Krøyer in 1835.[1]
Der er et yndigt land, det står med brede bøge nær salten østerstrand Det bugter sig i bakke, dal, det hedder gamle Danmark og det er Frejas sal
Der sad i fordums tid de harniskklædte kæmper, udhvilede fra strid Så drog de frem til fjenders mén, nu hvile deres bene bag højens bautasten
Det land endnu er skønt, thi blå sig søen bælter, og løvet står så grønt Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø’r og mænd og raske svende bebo de danskes øer
Hil drot og fædreland! Hil hver en danneborger, som virker, hvad han kan! Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå, så længe bøgen spejler sin top i bølgen blå
There is a lovely country it stands with broad beeches near the salty eastern beach It winds itself in hill, valley, it is called old Denmark and it is Freja's hall
There sat in former times, the armour-suited warriors, rested from conflict Then they went forward to the enemies’ injury, now their bones are resting behind the mound's menhir
That country is still lovely, because the sea waves so blue frolic, and the foliage stands so green And noble women, beautiful maidens, and men and brisk swains inhabit the Danes’ islands
Hail king and fatherland! Hail every a Dane-citizen, who works, what he can Our old Denmark shall endure, as long as the beech reflects its top in the blue wave