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Conservative Christian Libertairian - "Prepper-Patriot" Politics to Understand "The System"
The Systems of support or simply "The System" are the collection of systems which provide for and maintain modern life. Many of these systems could be considered necessary to modern life. However, since many of these systems are unsustainable, extremely fragile, and already failing, developing alternative systems of support and investing in tangibles is an extremely important mission for communities.
The continued survival of all of the innumerable good things of "The West" including its systems is one of the particular missions of conservatives, libertarians, preppers-survivalists, and American patriots. This mission particularly means the survival of the limited government Republican system (not Democracy) established by the United State Constitution and its Bill of Rights, the survival of the liberty-oriented American values - Small town values of Real America that built the success of these United States over the last two "America centuries". This also implies the traditional values, capitalism and free enterprise supported by modern conservatism - modern preparedness, which are the original American patriot Founding Fathers' values. For the survival of these systems and values, it requires preparation.
In the first decade of the 21st century, we easily see these values and way of life being imperiled when faced with the destructiveness of a diverse collection of forces
- forces of so-called "revolutionary" liberal collectivist forces from the entitlement mentality Welfare state (ObamaCare-Common Core-Social Security),
- forces of the globalist elitist gun control-focused (citizen disarmament) left-wing socialist Nanny state - United Nations - "One world government forces with continual incrementalist
- forces of the leftist post modern" version of a "socialist-communistic" Police state (including The Perpetual War (War on Drugs - War on Terror), crony capitalism, the militarization of police, asset forfeiture confiscation for Police budget deficit via RICO, SWAT "Brownshirts" and Pre-dawn No-knock raids, Sneak and peek warrants, and domestic mass surveillance of law-abiding citizens, "Stasi"-like secret police "If You See Something, Say Something" informants, and other exponential expansion of the Police state just as found in 20th century National Socialism-Communism-Stasi)
- forces of Islamic Jihadism with Shira law - Terrorists -- Please realize that Islam is entirely compatible with socialism and that particularly in America many Muslims (e.g. Black Panther Party, et al) also advocates of socialism-Marxism-communism. See Arab socialism (Arabic: الاشتراكية العربية, Al-Ishtirākīya Al-‘Arabīya), which is a political ideology based on an seemingly strange, yet all to real amalgamation of Pan-Arabism and socialism. Look at the numerous African nations that are both [[Islamic] and with socialist tendencies or actual socialist governments. See: African socialism: the Pan-Africa movement including the 20th century Pan-African Union of African States, 21st century African Union.
- forces of Statist China and Russia and their coalition to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency. See BRICS nations (Brazil-Russia-China-South Africa coalition)
All of the above forces can become major hindrances to the survival of the American system and its "systems of support".
The broad categories that summarize what systems are key to the survival of the American modern world are listed below.
Systems of Support
- Water system
- Food distribution system
- Food production system
- Economic system
- Energy system including the Power grid
- Education system
- Legal system
- Law enforcement
Water Distribution System
Water is vital for all known forms of life. As such it is the greatest human need, after oxygen. Humans need clean water for drinking because if you don't drink water or take it in through the food you eat you die. It is also important for the water to be clean because drinking water with harmful substances can cause major illness and death in humans.
- Aging water lines, which can cause leaks leading to loss of water
- Bacteria, leading to mandatory "boil water" notices
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
- Replacement and upgrades to water lines and water treatment facilities
Food Distribution System
The food distribution system consists of a fragile interdependent chain of transportation, warehousing, and retail facilities which move food from the production system to consumers.
Food Production System
The food production system consists a large number of growers, livestock producers (usually in CAFOs), processing facilities, and inspectors.
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
Economic System
The economy is the system of trade and production which we depend on today to meet the complex needs of our society. Our economic system is capitalism and the free market.
- Currency such as cash, gold, and silver
- Debt
- Fungibility
- Investment
- Market liquidity
- Obamunism: Income redistribution of Obamanomics Economic planning of the Obama administration fiscal policy, Obama administration monetary policy, Obamacare, Federal funding via Crony capitalism (Obama donor list, Bailout, Obama administration corporate bailouts, Obamageddon)
- National Debt: Debt Ceiling-Deficit spending and the Federal Reserve System's Ponzi scheme of Quantitative easing-Debt monetization devaluation of Fiat currency through Money supply-Treasury bills bought mostly by China and Japan
- Globalization-Globalism: United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank
- Liberal Keynesian economics: John Maynard Keynes and Fabian Socialist influence on Barack Obama
- Banksters: Elitist Quantitative easing of the Federal Reserve Bank, MF Global, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Rothschild family, Bernie Madoff, Dianne Feinstein
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
- Limited government: Conservative values/Traditional values - Modern conservatism - Modern preparedness, Capitalism and Free enterprise are the original American Patriot Founding Fathers' values
- American values and Free enterprise-Capitalism
- Small town values of Real America
- Modern preparedness: "If times get tough, or even if then don't", Threats, Threat probability, Impact scale, You are in control of your life
- Family values and Parental rights: Sanctity of life, Family-Marriage, Homeschooling teaching Virtue, Patriotism, Duty, and Self-reliance
Energy System
including the Power grid
The Energy system is the totality of all the smaller systems that together provide the infrastructure for energy based systems. These include mining and harvesting materials as energy sources. Examples are drilling for oil, mining coal, or on a smaller scale collecting firewood. The transportation, refinement, and sales of these raw materials is also a large part of the system. Knowing the ins and outs of these complex systems allow you to actively choose which energy sources to use, create stockpiles of raw materials, and acquire the hardware and knowledge to convert energy source to a usable form. Creating alternatives to this system is also important.
The power grid is a part of the larger Energy system that consists of numerous production facilities (Coal, Natural gas, Nuclear, Hydroelectric, Wind and Solar), distribution networks (lines, transformers, etc.), and maintenance and monitoring personnel.
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
Education System
Education is the process through which one learns useful skills or obtains knowledge. This includes the educational systems available to education our children as well as looking at what and how adults learn. The systems available for education our children include government run school system, home schooling, unschooling[1], and online education. When discussing adult education topics of interest include coyote teaching, the value or lack thereof of college, student loans as it relates to debt slavery, and learning skills useful to both success] and survival as a modern person.
Government Run Educational System
The United States government run school system is a Prussian model system that began in the late 1700s. Although several of the innovations and standards established in these systems can be considered positives the system also instills many negative affects on those forced to participate in it. These systems have been reluctant and slow to adapt to new technological breakthroughs.
These schools are some what good at developing the basic level of reading, writing, and math but do not do a particularly good job of teaching children to think for themselves. This system is almost very good at producing " teacups" and does not promote resiliency.
- Liberalism: Liberal values, Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism
- Public school values: Entitlement mentality Indoctrination of the Teacup Generation by Public schools in the United States and Common Core
- Teachers' unions: National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers
- Hollywood values: List of celebrities against Second Amendment - always Liberal Elitists
- San Francisco values: Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Leland Yee
- Fashion industry values: addiction and eating disorders
- Professor values and Political correctness
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
Self Directed Education
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson
Alternative Educational Systems
The trends of homeschooling, unschooling, and using online educational resources have continued to change the paradigm around the state school systems]] and are a prime examples of an alternative systems of support replacing the mainstream system. Many of these educational models allow children to decide what is important or interesting to them (an example of self directed learning) while mentors, teachers, and parents simply guide and challenge the learner to come to their own conclusions, complete specific projects, or challenge them to see things from a different perspective. The Internet allows for access to a vast amount of raw information (see Conservapedia for instance) as well as forming learning communities not available with a physical location school.
Permies Kids Community
PERMIE KIDSs is an online community of parents and educators empowering children to take a solutions-based, active approach to life by learning to care for people and the Earth (see Permaculture). Jen Mendez is the founder of PERMIE KIDs. Although the exact processes of the system are currently be developed you can learn more about PERMIE KIDs and join in the discussion and development at [1].
PERMIE KIDs is an acronym that stands for the key principles and characteristics it aims to cultivate in students.
Problem solver
List of online education resources
- Khan Academy
- Connections Academy
- OER Commons
- Code Academy
- Alternative Education Resource Organization Member School Directory
- Stanford Online High School
- K12 Online Education and Schools
- BrainPOP
- Massive Open Online Courses
- Discovery Education
Legal System
The legal system consists of the enforcement officers, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, and numerous support staff responsible for administering the law in any state or country.
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
Law Enforcement System
Possible Remedies and Antidotes
- County Sheriff
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Richard Mack of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)
- Oath Keepers
- ↑ Accessed April 4, 2014
See Also
- Liberal media elite: Mainstream media
- Liberalism: Liberal values, Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism
- Public school values: Entitlement mentality Indoctrination of the Teacup Generation by Public schools in the United States and Common Core
- Teachers' unions: National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers
- Hollywood values: List of celebrities against Second Amendment - always Liberal Elitists
- San Francisco values: Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Leland Yee
- Fashion industry values: addiction and eating disorders
- Professor values and Political correctness
- Obamunism: Income redistribution of Obamanomics Economic planning of the Obama administration fiscal policy, Obama administration monetary policy, Obamacare, Federal funding via Crony capitalism (Obama donor list, Bailout, Obama administration corporate bailouts, Obamageddon)
- National Debt: Debt Ceiling-Deficit spending and the Federal Reserve System's Ponzi scheme of Quantitative easing-Debt monetization devaluation of Fiat currency through Money supply-Treasury bills bought mostly by China and Japan
- Globalization-Globalism: United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank
- Liberal Keynesian economics: John Maynard Keynes and Fabian Socialist influence on Barack Obama
- Banksters: Elitist Quantitative easing of the Federal Reserve Bank, MF Global, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Rothschild family, Bernie Madoff, Dianne Feinstein
- Big Government: Liberal ObamaCare-Common Core-Social Security Welfare state leads to Nanny state, leads to Gun control, Militarization of police, Asset forfeiture and Domestic mass surveillance of law-abiding citizens via the Police state: Globalist-United Nations-Statist-Socialist-National Socialist-Communist
- Militarization of Police: SWAT and Pre-dawn No-knock raids, Sneak and peek warrant
- The Perpetual War: War on Drugs, War on Terror and the Police state
- Asset Forfeiture: Confiscation for Police budget deficit via RICO
- Domestic Mass Surveillance of Law-Abiding Citizens: via Google, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, the Utah Data Center, PRISM, NSA-DHS-BATF-FBI-CIA and other Intelligence agencies' Computer surveillance, Eavesdropping, Data mining, Spyware, Wiretap - Roving wiretap, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, NSA warrantless surveillance controversy, National security letter, Patriot Act, NDAA, Executive Orders, United States Census, Common Core, "Stasi"-like secret police "If You See Something, Say Something" informants, and other exponential expansion of the Police state
- Nazism and socialism: National Socialism - the Nazis were elitist Police state liberals not conservatives
- Liberal totalitarianism
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