Free State Wyoming

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Free State Wyoming is a political strategic relocation project started by Boston T. Party as a more conservative, pro Second Amendment-oriented offshoot of the Free State Project (FSP). In 2001, the FSP started as a plan for 20,000 libertarians to all relocate to the same state. Each FSP member signed a pledge that once 5,000 had signed, a mail ballot would be held to select the target state, and that each member would have the right to opt out if the target state was not acceptable to him. In 2003, a ballot was held to select among the ten states with the lowest populations, and New Hampshire won the vote. In response, about 20% of the members opted out of FSP, and some of them founded Free State Wyoming as an alternative home for relocating libertarians. However, the FSP continued to gather additional members based on a move to New Hampshire, and reached the 20,000 goal in February 2016. In contrast, Free State Wyoming does not have a trigger membership goal that will obligate its members to move to Wyoming.

Although Free State Wyoming encourages relocation to anywhere in the state, it has five favorite counties, with Crook, Weston, and Hot Springs being the best.[1]


External links


  1. About Free State Wyoming. Retrieved on April 3, 2016.