Living fossil

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Living fossil is a term used by evolutionist scientists to describe plants and animals which were either considered extinct until living examples are found or which, though never considered extinct, are now the sole or rare examples of species known more abundantly from fossils. The coelacanth is considered to be an example of living fossil by evolutionists.

Examples of living fossils

This is a non-exhaustive list of living fossils. Stewart documented 121 specific living fossils.[1]


  • Araucaria araucana or Monkey-puzzle tree
  • Cycads
  • Wollemia [2]
  • Neolecta


Argument against Darwinism

Darwinists acknowledge they have no answer as to why some genera survived unchanged for millions of years while others have supposedly evolved (Ward, Peter. 1992. On Methuselah’s Trail: Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York). Margaret Helder reviewed Ward's book in Creation Matters Vol. 3, No. 2 (March/April, 1998).[4] Similarly, Darwinist M. Afaro acknowledged having no answer in Darwinian theory for the persistence of living fossils.[5]

Dr. Joachim Scheven is a zoologist/paleontologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Munich. He worked as a research biologist at an institute in Tübingen and taught in Africa and Germany before setting up his single-handedly amassed collection of ‘living fossils’ in a Flood geology display at the Lebendige Vorwelt museum in Hagen Germany.[6]

Intelligent Design Community on Living Fossils

German paleo-entomologist Dr. Günter Bechly explains the real, living problem of living fossils — a term resisted by evolutionists though coined by Darwin himself and undeniably a living reality. Listen to a new ID the Future episode, as host Sarah Chaffee talks with Dr. Bechly.[7][8]


  1. "Living Fossils", posted 2013
  2. Snelling, A. 2006. Wollemia nobilis: A Living Fossil and Evolutionary Enigma. Acts & Facts. 35 (4).[1]
  3. Living Fossils: Anthedons. Joachim Scheven. Creation 17, no 3 (June 1995): 52.[2]
  7. Living Fossils Really Do Live — and Pose Problems for Evolution. Posted on May 14, 2018.[3]
  8. David Klinghoffer, May 15, 2018. Bechly: Why the Phenomenon of Living Fossils Is Under “Massive Attack Evolution News and Science Today.[4]

External links