Lobo is an adult animated black comedy show created by John P. McCann and based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Like the comics, the show is filled with graphic violence, sexual content, drug use and strong language.[1] It had the voice talents of Greg Eagles, Kevin Michael Richardson, Tom Kenny, Grey DeLisle and Dee Bradley Baker. The first story arc had Lobo and an escaped con with a smiley face named Sunny Jim making a bet to see which one could have casual sex with Darlene Spritzer, a waitress first. The second story arc has Lobo being hired by Sniff to free his gay brother Slaz from prison in exchange for a stash of Cuban cigars. The final story arc has Lobo hunting down a pig-like alien named Mudboy to pay for his rent. The Ten Commandments can be seen covered in vomit. A stand-alone episode called “Lobo for President” has Lobo calling out hypocrisy for the aliens portraying him as a presidential candidate. Lobo and a few other characters use guns, which promote the Second Amendment. Lobo glorifies drinking alcohol and cigar smoking and since he is immortal, there are no bad effects on him with the exception of getting intoxicated at one point.