Last modified on January 13, 2022, at 21:12

Michael Isikoff

Mainstream news sources published fake news stories put out by the Obama administration stirring up xenophobic anti-Russian hysteria to cover-up its illegal surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign.

Michael Isikoff is the chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News, where he is also editor at large for reporting and investigations.

Michael Isikoff wrote the fake news article for Yahoo News based on information given to him personally by Christopher Steele of FusionGPS that Sally Yates of the Department of Justice and James Comey of the FBI used to hoax the FISA Court into granting a FISA warrant on the 2016 Trump campaign. The fake news article was presented to the court as supposed independent corroboration by an investigative journalist of the FBI's own investigation of the same false information gathered from the same source - Christopher Steele in the Steele dossier. Steele was paid by both the 2016 Clinton campaign and the FBI to invent lies about Donald Trump and the Trump campaign, then leaked the fake news rumor to leftwing media outlets that Donald Trump was an agent of Russia and under investigation by the FBI.

Nancy Pelosi explained the technique of smearing political opponents as a "wrap-up smear"; a government official leaks false information to the media about a political opponent; the liberal media dutifully reports it. From there the news reports are used as evidence to open investigations, in court hearings, or in the case of the Kavanaugh smear, congressional hearings.

See also
