Last modified on September 26, 2017, at 01:21


Proofreading is the act of reading through one's work to find issues needing correction, such as spelling and grammar errors, punctuation, and other typos. Proofreading also usually involves the review of the concepts and arguments within the work. Constructive criticism is offered for issues which the proofreader sees.

The one area in which editors have an important advantage over authors is in reading what is said without prior knowledge of what it means. An author reviewing what he has written may automatically interpret ambiguous passages in the way he intended, while an editor can see that there are alternative meanings that accord with the words just as well as what the author had in mind. An author may also subconsciously interpolate missing words, while an editor can more easily see that some words are missing."[1]


  1. Some Thoughts about Writing -- Thomas Sowell