Last modified on June 15, 2024, at 04:01

Sex change theory

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American, is the official spokesperson for the Ukrainian Territorial Defense.

The theory of "sex change" is based on the claim that a person of one gender can be born "trapped" in an opposite-gender body. The theory plays havoc with traditional ideas of masculinity and femininity. It is referred to as "transgenderism" by its liberal proponents, but can be better seen and understood as a type of mental disorder called gender confusion.[1][2]

Transgender Ideology

See also: Transgender

Democrat leader Joe Biden declared Easter Sunday 2024 "Transgender Visibility Day".[3]

Traditionally, individuals who are classed or who identify themselves as "transgender" or "transsexual" are said to possess a desire to become the opposite sex. However, many such individuals reject this categorization, insisting that they are in some meaningful sense a member of the opposite sex already. While acknowledging that this is not true by any genetic or anatomical definition, transgender individuals insist that such physical markers as sex chromosomes, or the possession of male or female reproductive organs and/or sexual characteristics, have nothing to do with whether a person truly is male or female; that it is a matter of personal identity or self-perception and thus not subject to biological reality. To this end, transgender individuals will frequently insist that they were "born in the wrong body" and that they are simply changing their outward appearance to reflect this inner truth.

Those who identify as transgender over the long term frequently assert that they have had feelings of gender confusion from the ages of 3-5, the period in which males and females typically begin to be socialized differently and to become aware of these categories. They further state that these feelings intensify significantly during puberty, and persist throughout their adult lives. Some seek to compensate by engaging in behavior that overly exaggerates the stereotypes associated with their sex (some "male-to-female" transsexuals, for example, previously took up hobbies such as bodybuilding, or joined the military). Many, however, experience feelings of failure and depression, and suicides or attempted suicides are not uncommon. The transgender movement strongly implies that this depressive state is the inevitable endpoint for all transgender persons, unless they are given the opportunity to live as the opposite sex; in this context, such behavior is represented as literally a matter of life and death. Although this is far from universally true, as many transgender individuals never do act on their desires, it has become part of the popular image surrounding transsexualism in recent years.

There is nothing within the scientific knowledge of the human body and of sexual development to support the claim of transgender individuals that they were "born in the wrong body." Disorders of sexual development, including various forms of hermaphroditism, are well-known and carefully documented, but such "intersex" cases, as they are sometimes labeled, are rare and cannot account for more than a small minority of those who identify as transgender. Claims sometimes made to the effect that such persons have brains resembling those of the opposite sex are not borne out by the available medical research. The ways in which persons with gender confusion view themselves overlap considerably with the symptoms of anorexia and "body integrity dysphoria" (in which people seek to become disabled via the removal of a limb or the destruction of a sense such as vision or hearing), and it has been suggested that the cause of these disorders lies in a defect of the brain's spatial-cognitive abilities, but more research is needed.

100% of all rapes between inmates resulting in pregnancy in women's prisons are committed by transgenders.

Gender affirming care

Although some people affected by gender confusion are content merely with transvestism or "cross-dressing" (that is, wearing the clothing of the opposite sex), many seek to also have their physical appearance altered, so that their bodies will more closely resemble that of their desired gender. The ultimate goal among such persons is to be accepted not simply as someone who likes dressing as a member of their desired gender, but as someone who truly is that gender. Today, this process is popularly referred to as "transitioning" (a man, for example, would be said to be "transitioning to female," and vice versa).

The idea of "transitioning" (in both a surgical and a non-surgical sense) has been embraced primarily by advocates of the 1960s sexual revolution such as homosexual rights activists, but rejected by the Roman Catholic Church and most conservative Protestant denominations, though some liberal churches (such as the Episcopalians and Unitarians), which no longer believe in the truth of Scripture, have become increasingly accepting of it.[4]

Gender-confused patients seek to undergo surgical sex change operations (also known as gender reassignment surgery, or what amounts to surgical mutilation) to change their external appearance to that of the gender with which they claim to identify. Patients often undergo psychotherapy, hormone treatment, chemical castration and facial surgery as well. A man, for example, will be prescribed artificial female hormones such as estrogen, which would cause him to develop larger breasts and other female physical characteristics; conversely, a woman would be given artificial male hormones such as testosterone, which would cause her to develop a deeper voice, more facial and body hair, and other male physical characteristics. What is often not disclosed, however, is that these hormones are by their nature highly disruptive of the body's normal processes and often have serious long-term side effects. Women who take testosterone for long periods, for example, are at increased risk for heart disease, and may have their reproductive ability seriously damaged.

In the United States, according to traditional practices, a patient must undergo counseling before being approved for the surgery. Patients in the US are also required to have two letters of recommendation from certified psychiatrists, and must have lived a year acting as the gender that they claim to identify with.[5] Patients sometimes choose to have the surgery done abroad in places like Thailand for three reasons: 1. It is often less expensive for the patient, 2. The patient may be able to bypass some legal restrictions, 3. The surgeons in Thailand have a reputation of being particularly skilled in this area.[6] However, even such "safeguards" as exist are frequently not observed in practice. Many individuals begin hormone therapy within a few months or even weeks of "coming out" as transgender, and many of the psychiatric evaluations are cursory only.

It should be noted that hormone therapy and removing and adding body parts does not change the genetic makeup of an individual. On the genetic level, individuals who started as men are still men no matter what appearance they choose, and women who started as women are still women after surgery as well.


Different states have different laws regarding the status of people who have had sex change operations. Generally, their birth certificates are reissued with their new claimed legal gender. Since they are not required to divorce before surgery, this could lead to de facto same-sex "marriage" if they stay with their spouse. The country of Brazil offers free sex change operations because they are claimed to be a constitutional "right".[7]


J. Michael Bailey wrote a book which disagrees with the "born trapped" theory. In his book, he argued that some people born male who want to cross genders are driven primarily by an erotic fascination with themselves as women.[8] Dr. Bailey has come under tremendous social and administrative pressure, motivated by political correctness, from liberal partisans who disagree with his scientific views based on political and personal motivation. This pressure has focused primarily upon objections to the implications of his theory, rather than objections to his empirical evidence. Rather than try to refute his empirical findings, "transgender activists worked to try to ruin Bailey professionally and personally." [9]

According to the Vatican, people who have undergone a sex-change operation cannot enter into a valid marriage, either because they would be "marrying" someone of the same sex in the eyes of the church or because their mental state casts doubt on their ability to make and uphold their "marriage" vows.[10]


One significant phenomenon in recent years has been the increasing prominence of "de-transitioners," referring to men and women who underwent gender reassignment but then reverted to living as their actual gender. In some cases, this is purely in reaction to the negative medical consequences of the procedures involved, while others have come to reject the transgender ideology itself as destructive and detached from reality.[11] Among this latter group, critiques of the ideology vary; some continue to subscribe to a version of critical theory, adhering to such movements as radical feminism, while others embrace a more traditional understanding of gender roles, whether from the influence of Christian teachings or from a decision that these are more socially stable.[12]

Whatever their motivations, detransitioned individuals have often been sharply and publicly critical of the transgender movement, and for that reason have been attacked by LGBT activists and by the media for being "transphobic." A 60 Minutes segment on CBS in May 2021 that briefly included the stories of a few such persons, in a broader story on the status of "transgender rights" in America, was denounced by these activists, because it acknowledged that some people who transition have second thoughts and do not have universally positive experiences.[13]

Famous gender-confused people

  • Christine (born George) Jorgensen: An American World War II veteran, George became Christine following a 1952 operation. This was the first widely publicized sex change surgery.[14]
  • Bruce Jenner (who now claims to be "Caitlyn" Jenner) won Olympic medals competing as a male decathlete.
  • Jan (born James) Morris: A British World War II veteran, reporter, and father, Morris underwent sex change surgery in 1972.[15]
  • Renée Richards (born Richard Raskind): An American eye surgeon and tennis player. Richards made waves in 1976, when he entered amateur tennis competitions as a "woman".[16]
  • Chastity ("Chaz") Bono: Daughter of Sonny and Cher. Underwent surgical mutilation in 2009, and legally became a "man" when the Los Angeles County Superior Court approved her name and gender "change" on May 6, 2010.[17]
  • Larry ("Lana") Wachowski: Co-Director of The Matrix trilogy.[18] His brother, Andy ("Lily") Wachowski also came out as gender-confused in 2016.[19]
  • Roderick ("Laverne") Cox:[20] First gender-confused actor to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy.[21]
  • Walter ("Jenna") Talackova: Canadian male model and TV personality of Czech/First Nations background who experienced gender confusion early on and underwent surgical mutilation at age 19 to facilitate his delusion. Talackova tried to deceive organizers of the Miss Universe Canada pageant to enter the 2012 version of the event by claiming to be a "woman", but he was denied entry into the pageant (which is reserved for women only, specifically stating in its rules that only natural-born women are qualified to enter) when he was discovered to really be a man. He then contacted liberal feminist attorney Gloria Allred, who forced the Miss Universe organization to cave in to liberal bullying, political correctness and the LGBT agenda and allowed Talackova to enter the pageant. He did not get far in the pageant however, as he failed to make the final five contestants.[22]
  • Jaron ("Jazz Jennings") Bloshinsky:[23] Star of reality TV series I Am Jazz. 15-year-old boy who began claiming to be a "girl" from the age of five after experiencing gender confusion. His parents, Greg and Janette Bloshinsky, have chosen to encourage and enable him in his choice to pretend to be "female".
  • Brandon ("Nyla Rose") DeGroat,[24] an undersized gender-confused male professional wrestler and actor who competes against female wrestlers in intergender matches in All Elite Wrestling.[25]
  • Fallon Fox (real name unknown), a gender-confused male professional MMA fighter who fractured a female opponent's skull.[26]
  • Ellen ("Elliot") Page came out as gender-confused in 2020.[27]

See also


  1. Gender confusion
  2. Answering parents' questions on gender confusion in children at Focus on the Family
  3. Biden goes full HomoPrez with White House proclamation day replacing Easter, by Seraphim Hanisch, March 31, 2024.
  4. "The key point is that the (transsexual) surgical operation is so superficial and external that it does not change the personality. If the person was male, he remains male. If she was female, she remains female." [1]
  11. 'Hundreds' of Transgender People Want To Go Back To Their Birth Sex, Says Formerly Trans Woman
  13. Valerie Richardson, '60 Minutes' hit with backlash from LGBTQ advocates for detransition report. The Washington Times, May 26, 2021.
  14. Christine Jorgensen site
  15. Jan Morris: A Profile
  16. The Lady Regrets
  20. IMDb profile
  22. "Transgender" contestant falls short at Miss Universe Canada
  23. Gender, Patriarchy, and All That Jazz : Mary Lou Singleton (Warning: Contains feminist rhetoric and nonsense)
  24. Two references:
  26. Trans MMA Fighter ‘Enjoyed’ Fracturing Biological Woman’s Skull, Called it ‘Bliss’ (June 22, 2020). Retrieved on 2020-09-10.

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