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Tulsi Gabbard

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==Tulsi claims she’s revealing a new 9/11 Secret==
On 11 September 2019 she stated that "[[Al Qaeda]] Is Stronger Now Than They Were on [[9/11]]".<ref></ref> What if Tulsi is only superficially antiwar however, but her real mission is electing Tulsi Gabbard? Is Tulsi Gabbard promoting a limited hangout designed to keep the public confused about who caused 9/11 and why? Tulsi repeats the commonly accepted official narrative – “9/11 was caused by Al Qaeda hijackers”, adding her new secret revelation of Saudi Arabia's involvement as the masterminds who planned it all, and should be held accountable, compensating the victims. Tulsi conveniently leaves out suspected Mossad and CIA involvement. What’s Tulsi’s agenda here? Since President Trump protects and arms Saudi Arabia, Tulsi pretends Trump’s a willing servant of the Saudis, but never acknowledging who ordered him to do it, and who the Saudis are serving as well. By Tulsi demonizing the Saudis, she indirectly attacks Trump as Saudi Arabia's bitch.<ref></ref> Why doesn’t Tulsi name the complete Middle East cabal, including Israel, Mossad, CIA, NATO allies, along with Saudi Arabia, and by who’s authority they all ultimately serve? What if the truth is President Trump is the Rothschild-syndicate's bitch, but so are the Saudis, Israel, CIA, NATO, Mossad and all the others? Why doesn’t Tulsi reveal the complete truth of your situation? Why doesn’t conservative media, including Fox's Tucker Carlson, call her out for it? If this doesn’t fit the definition of a limited hangout, then what is it? The way to understand Tulsi however, is to understand she's a politician of contradictions, who regularly flip-flops her position. She demands compensation for 9/11 victims from Saudi Arabia, to embarrass President Trump, but doesn't bother showing up to vote for a bill to actually compensate 9/11 Victims? Tulsi Gabbard is one of the just NINE Democrats in the House to miss the vote on HR 1327 “Never Forget the Heroes” Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act.<ref></ref>