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1800+ This user has made over 1800 edits to Conservapedia

Handy Hints

Here are a few examples of handy techniques. I've put them here for my own reference, but they may also be helpful to others. To make more sense of them, click on "edit" to see the code that produced these examples.

How to strike out text:

  • Put <s> in front of the text, then </s> at the end of the text.
  • Example: How to <s>strike out</s> text.
  • Result: How to strike out text.

How to add references/citations:

  • Put <ref> Title of Reference [URL of reference] </ref> The title can be put after the URL also, but it looks nicer in the reference section when it is put before the URL. The title will not be seen with the text, it will only appear in the references section if there is one.
  • Example: <ref>Conservapedia Main Page []</ref>
  • Result: (See the References section below.)[1]

How to add a reference section at the end of an article:

  • Put == References == to create the heading. Then on the next line put <references/>. Every page that includes citations should have a references section at the bottom.
  • Example:

== References ==


  • Result: See below, at the bottom of the page.
  • Result: (See the References section below.)[2]

How to add a request for a citation:

  • Add {{fact}} after the section that needs a citation.

How to indicate that an article lacks citations:

  • Add {{citations missing}} to the top of the article. This warns users that there are no citations in the article and the article is therefore of questionable accuracy.
  • OR add {{RefAppeal}} to the top of the article. This includes a similar warning and request for improvement.

How to set a quote off from the main article:

  • Add {{cquote| before the quoted material and }} at the end.
  • Result:
This is what the quoted material would look like.


  • Add <blockquote> before the quoted material and </blockquote> at the end.
  • Result:
    This is what the quoted material would look like.

I prefer the first option, since it makes it clear that the material is a quotation.

How to flag a stub article (so that others may improve it):

  • Add {{stub}} to the article.

How to request that an article be considered for deletion:

  • Add {{delete}} to the article. This will begin the deletion consideration process.

How to report an problem with the web site:


  1. Conservapedia Main Page [1]
  2. Conservapedia Main Page [2]