This is the current revision of
User:Toby Chester as edited by
Toby Chester (Talk | contribs) at
17:24, September 24, 2021. This
URL is a permanent link to this version of this page.
My real name is not Toby Chester; Toby is the name of my deceased pug, and Chester is the name of Toby's father.
I created a Conservapedia alternative named Conservapaedia. Its primary focus is on Traditional Roman Catholicism and English politics, history, geography and culture.
You can view it here.
I am a Paleoconservative National Populist.
I am a practising Traditional Roman Catholic and I attend SSPX churches.
This link is a summary of my view of guns.
I am English, but I currently reside in Malaya.
English is my first (and only) language.
I am the great-great-great nephew of Sir Joseph Paxton.
I currently browse with Gab's Dissenter Browser, a fork of Brendan Eich's Brave Browser.
I currently search with Result Hunter.
I am a supporter of Luton Town Football Club.
I am a keen boxing fan (watching boxing, not actually fighting).
I play piano.
About Me
User's absolute choice is to abstain from sex of any kind until marriage.
This user supports Brexit!
This user is proud to be a British citizen.
This user has repented of his sin against God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
This user is disgusted by the tawdry lies brought upon the Presidency by this man
This user knows that this man is guilty of perjury
This user believes there is something to the Gap Theory: GE 1:2, The Earth became waste and ruin.
This user knows that Epstein didn't kill himself.
This user doesn't believe but knows that evolution cannot explain the complexity of species.
This user does not use illegal drugs, but thinks that marijuana should be legalized.
This user believes life begins at conception.
This user believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ alone and that all other belief systems are forms of idolatry.
This user knows that the Democrat Party is, and has always been, the party of slavery, the KKK, corruption, criminality, lies, deceit, oppression, segregation, Jim Crow, racism, anti-Americanism, violence and hate.
This user does not support Hillary Clinton.
This user knows that John McCain was not a "war hero" for betraying his fellow POWs, was a mediocre politician and was an anti-Trump RINO who betrayed his fellow citizens in support of Obama's policies.
This user supports de-funding NPR.
This user does not support Barack Obama.
This user does not support Bernie Sanders.
This user knows that Elizabeth Warren only tells 1/1024th of the truth, if at all.
This user knows electing Obama was an Outrageously Big Awful Mistake, America!.
This user knows that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party never switched.
This user clicks "Show Preview" before clicking "Save Page," and thinks others should do the same.
This user is a sysop somewhere other than Conservapedia.
Not here
This user supports President Donald Trump. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
This user isn't from America, but is still proud to be a conservative.
This user is a Young Earth Creationist.