User talk:Joaquín Martínez

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This is the current revision of User talk:Joaquín Martínez as edited by Conservative (Talk | contribs) at 00:06, May 4, 2024. This URL is a permanent link to this version of this page.

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Hi Jóáquin! Haven't heard from you in a long time. I used to enjoy your posts about art very much; wish you hadn't stopped presenting them here. Where are you posting these days? Please keep posting on Conservapedia as well as wherever you've been posting lately. Keep posting pics of your granddaughter; she's such an adorable little kid!! - User:DanAP.

Jóáquin was very busy improving his property for a while. He did post some very nice artwork, church pictures, etc. to Conservapedia.
In addition, he likely didn't like Donald Trump's initial statements about Mexico/Mexicans which were not diplomatic at first. For example, Trump said that the USA was going to build a wall across the Mexican border and have the Mexicans pay for it.
I had a cordial relationship with Jóáquin and I might still have his email. Get back to me in 30 days about this matter if I don't follow up with you. Conservative (talk) 07:57, July 31, 2023 (EDT)
I just sent him an email indicating that you posted a nice message to him. Conservative (talk) 08:03, July 31, 2023 (EDT)
My email to Joaquín Martínez bounced back. The email address that I have is no longer valid. Conservative (talk) 17:40, July 31, 2023 (EDT)
That's unfortunate, but thank you for trying. DanAP (talk) 09:16, August 1, 2023 (EDT)

Mexico and the growth of religion in the USA in the latter part of the 21st century

If you read this message, check out this article: United States, immigration and the growth of religion in the USA in the latter part of the 21st century. It mentions Mexico.

On behalf of all North American Christendom, I hereby declare victory! Olé! Olé! Olé!

Invite someone to mass this Sunday! Conservative (talk) 20:06, May 3, 2024 (EDT)