Last modified on September 4, 2022, at 16:37


Vaccination is the injection of a dead or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease.[1] This limited exposure to the pathogen is intended to cause the patient's body to react and create antibodies, but not actually become ill. In the United States and throughout the modern world, some parents routinely get their children vaccinated to ward off measles and several other diseases which most people in the 21st century have never heard of. Disease such as polio and smallpox, major causes of death and suffering in the past, have been eliminated from the developed world through mass vaccination. Measles has recently begun to return because some children have not been vaccinated.

Often vaccinations have adverse side effects. Particularly new and untested vaccinations tend to be unpopular, and controversies have developed over whether the government has the right to vaccinate schoolchildren against the parents' wishes.

Some people are hesitant to take them due to toxins and unhealthy substances which are in vaccines. Some contain some of what seem to be the strangest ingredients, such as Monosodium Glutamate (classified as an Excitotoxin), aspartame (artificial sweetener), formaldehyde, and aborted human fetal tissue (for diploid cells, etc.) [2] Others avoid them because some research has shown that they drastically increase the risk of autism.[3] Although this latter claim has been countered by some conflicting research,[4] many still consider this to be a risk. Some vaccines contain (or formerly contained) thimerosal, which contains mercury; this was one of the main reasons a link to autism was suspected. Still more individuals avoid them for religious reasons. Those who stay away from the vaccine often seem to avoid getting that disease by using natural means, like Vitamin D supplementation [5] or the use of other natural treatments.

Common or routine vaccines exist for: covid 19, chicken pox, diptheria, influenza (select strains only), pneumonia, shingles, etc.


  • Kurt Link M.D. The Vaccine Controversy: The History, Use, And Safety Of Vaccinations (Praeger, 2005).[6]


  2. Hull, Janet. "Toxins In Vaccines." Toxins In Vaccines. Web. 3 Dec. 2015. <>.
  3. Heyes. "Whistleblower Goes Public: CDC Buried Data Showing Vaccines Increase Risk of Autism by 340%." Natural News. 21 Aug. 2014. Web. 3 Dec. 2015. <>.
  5. Biggar, Allison. "How to Prevent and Cure the Flu Naturally without a Vaccine." NaturalNews. 20 Nov. 2009. Web. 3 Dec. 2015. <>.
  6. BMJ v.331(7526); 2005 Nov 19. National Library of Medicine

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