Warren Commission

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The Warren Commission (officially called the the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy) investigated and reported to the public on the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The commission was chaired by Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and personified the Deep State in covering up the crime for the benefit of the credibility of the federal police state.

Specifically, the Warren Commission absurdly concluded that one particular bullet from Lee Harvey Oswald -- dubbed the "magic bullet" by skeptics -- traversed a physically impossible path to kill JFK and wound Texas Governor John Connally.


President Lyndon Johnson appointed the commission with the following members:

The Commission met in private, but the meetings were not secret, and the members and witnesses were free to discuss the testimony outside the Commission hearings.


The Commission concluded that the assassination of Kennedy and the wounding of Texas Governor John Connally was the work of Lee Harvey Oswald who was acting alone.


Despite rejection by conspiracy deniers, documents on JFK's autopsy reports show that Gerald Ford had deceptively edited them to fit the "single bullet theory".[1] An analysis into the bullet wounds in addition to Connally's testimony of a separate bullet hitting him provides a further compelling reason against the conclusions of the Warren Commission.[2]


In response to the strong criticism against the "Warren Report", in 1978-79 the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) reexamined the Warren Commission evidence with the help of a forensics panel. The HSCA involved Congressional hearings and ultimately concluded that Oswald assassinated Kennedy.
