Warren G. Harding

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Warren Harding was one of the greatest presidents of the United States of America. His gifted presidency, now often maligned by the mainstream media helped transform the nation into a peacetime posture. Although some members of his administration were allegedly corrupt, Mr. Harding's unassailable character was an exemplary example for all Americans.

Key Accomplishments

Immigration Control

Mr. Harding signed into law the Emergency Quota Act which sought to control runaway immigration following World War I and preserve the distinctive American culture by ensuring the majority of immigrants came from the historically compatible cultures of Northern Europe. This law aimed to bring wages of hard working Americans under control by limiting immigration to 3% of the 1910 census. It was so successful that it was followed on by a similar act in 1924, after Mr. Harding's death.

Tulsa Race Riot

Harding sought to calm race relations during the Tulsa Race Riot and events that followed. His wise words helped to calm the nation especially in the Tulsa area at this time of disturbance. His press secretary also sent a telegram to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People offering the president's support.


Harding pardoned socialist Eugene Debs who was wrongly imprisoned during World War I for opposing the war.


Harding created the Bureau of the Budget, restrained federal budget, reduced wartime armaments and helped to stimulate the economy helping lead to the period of prosperity experienced in the United States during the 1920s. Due in part to Mr. Harding's conservative economic policy, the US experienced a period of profound economic growth in the early 1920s that continued through most of the decade.


While Harding did lack the vision to continue aggressive military spending in preparation for future defense, he did preside over modernization of the U.S. forces including the addition of the experimental aircraft carrier Langley and the T-2 submarine.


Mr. Harding errantly helped bring about the 40-hour work week which restricted the economic output of the US and restricted small, medium and large businesses alike. Still this reactionary event did help calm a period of increased labor tension.

Assault in the MSM

Recently liberals have maligned Harding so far as to cast him as being one of the worst U.S. Presidents. They point to a dubious assortment of allegations as to the president's respect for his marriage. They go so far as to blame him for setting into place policies that helped bring about the Great Depression despite Mr Harding's death nearly 7 years before its start. A number have suggested that he was a "do nothing" president and overlook his accomplishments. Much of this is due to a liberal bias that government should do more which opposes Mr. Harding's conservative Republican beliefs.