Great Replacement

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Charlottesville white supremacists were trained by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.[1]

The great replacement is a white supremacist canard, originating as a brainchild of the Progressive Movement, which incorrectly claims that immigration is a deliberate means of altering racial demographics to "replace" whites. The myth was largely invented by Madison Grant, a eugenicist, environmentalist activist[2] birth control activist,[3] and outspoken supporter of central planning.[4] It was also promulgated by Lothrop Stoddard,[5] another racist demagogue, supporter of birth control, and associate of Margaret Sanger.[6]

During the 1920s, the progressive[7] Ku Klux Klan promoted great replacement canards in their bigotry against immigrants. The Second Klan, a reformist and extremely populist movement,[8] viewed immigration and tolerance of non-native born Americans as a tool for conservative big business interests and machine politicians to maintain their own power. As such, the KKK aligned with insurgent progressive elements in both parties and its leaders frequently denounced conservative Democrats and "standpat" (Old Guard) Republicans.

Joe Biden famously said:[9]

This country is doomed! It is doomed not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European! Hear me! Minority white European!

Increasing sentiment of the great replacement hoax has incited numerous mass murders committed by Nazi (National Socialist) terrorists in the Western world. The racist narrative has also been adopted in a variant by Ukrainian fascists in hatred against ethnic Jews and Russians amidst the Russia-Ukraine War.


  2. Madison Grant. National Park Service. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
  3. Spiro, Jonathan (2009). Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant, p. 159. Google Books. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
  4. Tucker, Jeffrey A. (July 6, 2016). The Link between Extreme Environmentalism and Hard-Core Racism. FEE Stories. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
  5. Cineas, Fabiola (May 17, 2022). Where “replacement theory” comes from — and why it refuses to go away. Vox. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
  6. Franks, Angela (2014). Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility, p. 79. Google Books. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
  7. Progressive Movement. Ohio History Central. Retrieved November 25, 2022.
  8. Walker, Jesse (December 2, 2005). Hooded Progressivism. Reason. Retrieved November 25, 2022.