2023 Sabbath Jerusalem Synagogue Massacre

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2023 Sabbath Jerusalem Synagogue Massacre

[2023 East Jerusalem synagogue shooting / The shooting attack in Neve Yaakov]


Jan 27, 2023. Islamist[1] Racist[2] Arab terrorist, Alkam Khairi [Alqam Khayri], [Kheiri, Kheiry] (علقم خيري),[3][4][5][6] of East Jerusalem, looking to kill Jews, murdered an elderly woman and when someone rushed to help her, the Arab murdered him too.

He awaited outside a synagogue in Neve Ya'akov ‘Ateret Avraham’: The murderous attack on Shabbat evening, in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood: around 8:00 p.m., the terrorist got out of a vehicle and opened fire on worshipers in a synagogue and passers-by.[6]

A couple hearing the shots, rushing, trying to help the wounded, were murdered too.[7][8]

Another murdered in the brutal attack is Asher Natan, a boy of only 14 who was on the street at the time of the attack.[9]

It was 'absolute carnage.'[10][11]

At least 7[12][13] were murdered in cold blood and others were seriously injured, including a boy and a woman about 60 years old.[14][15] After entering and attacking the people in the synagogue, the vicious Arab shooter started chasing after people who were trying to escape. "He then attempted to flee the scene by car and fired in the direction of Israel Police officers. The officers fired back and killed him."[6]

The murderer Alkam only stopped firing after his gun was jammed.[16]

candles lit

As if Arab Islamic terrorists ever need a "reason," but Hamas took advantage of the timing and stated that: "The attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem is a response to the operation in Jenin."[17] But it did not offer a "reason" for the plot of big massacre that was thwarted in the Jenin operation.

Hours later, another coward Arab ambushed Jews behind a car shooting and injuring 2. Was subdued.[18][5]

Security camera footage shows the suspects who allegedly carried out a shooting attack at the Almog Junction in the West Bank, January 28, 2023

As is often after bloody massacres, the sick "appetite" for blood, only increases in the radical cult of the "Palestinians", and other attempted attacks followed afterwards. Such as two terrorists arriving by a car at a restaurant at Almog intersection, one opening fire and running,[19] miraculously[20] by the grace of God his gun jammed after firing one bullet (the pair was apprehended days later, as other armed terrorists were eliminated[21][22]), as well as a gunman intruder was eliminated at the entrance of Kdumim.[23]

The Islamist father from hell

The terrorist's father: "This is my joy, like his wedding." He claimed that Allah wanted him to be a "Shahid."[1]

Typical racist-Arab-Islamist sick joy

Dancing to the blood:

  • "Palestinian" cities celebrate Jerusalem massacre. Celebrations were held in the West Bank cities throughout the night to hail the Jerusalem terrorist attack. Palestinians praised the massacre with fireworks and sweets that were being distributed on the streets."[24] "Celebrations, including fireworks and guns being shot in the air, were witnessed in Jenin and other Arab towns throughout Israel in reaction to the incident."[6] In various Arab areas, in public, sweets were handed out too.[25][26][27]

"Allah Akbar" wafted from mosque loudspeakers.[28][29]

  • Also an "activist" at Ayman Odeh's party posted smiling in face of the massacre.[30]

  • Backstabbing, ungrateful: (a) two racist Arab students at Hadassah hailed the attacker, attack, with one quoting a Quran verse too.[31] (b) And an Arab student in Kiryat Ono Academic College mocking the bloody crime.[32]

  • In Herzliya two Arab assistants at the Kochav Yam municipal residence in Herzliya published words of praise to the massacre with Islamists themes. Upon dismissing them, it was explained that "Statements praising the murder of a Jew for being Jewish have no place in Israeli society, and certainly not in the education system."[33] Horror at Arab employees of day care:[34]
    Employees at the Kochav Yam daycare center in Herzliya shared words of joy on social media following the massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue on Friday night, praising the terrorist who carried out the attack. The employees shared images from the scene of the attack as well as celebrations from the Arab street, adding PLO flags and a finger emoji of the victory sign to their posts. Frightened parents came across the words of praise for the attack, and turned to the daycare administrators demanding action against the employees. The kindergarten administrators told the parents that the workers would no longer be welcome at the daycare and that they had been summoned for a hearing. One mother of a child at the daycare wrote to her friends in a private Facebook group: "Hey moms, after the terrorist incident yesterday in Jerusalem, two aides from my son's kindergarten put up a post supporting the attack. The administrators of the kindergarten sent us a message that the aides are summoned to a hearing and will no longer enter the kindergarten."

  • Al-Jazeera presenters, Journalists In Qatari Press, Qatar-Backed Muslim Clerics: Terrorist Attack: "'brave act' of 'legitimate resistance [sic],' its perpetrator is a 'hero.'"[35]

  • The International Union of Muslim Clerics (IUMS) member declared that the Jerusalem terrorist who killed seven civilians is a 'hero' and a 'role model'; and that the Quran explicitly calls to wage jihad for the sake of allah.[36]

See also Moustafa Kamel.

"Moderates" sickening rationalization, etc.

Hours after the bloody massacre, the infamous "Palestinian " Mariam Barghouti[37] at the hate site Mondoweiss,[38][39] wrote this instead: "a day of protest and resistance across Palestine following ‘massacre’ [referring to the anti-Arab-terrorists operation - with the "m" word and where the Arabs plotted to and also attacked] in Jenin." She even Tweeted about this- phrasing it as so called "9 refugees," no less.

While the world, including various Arab nations, condemned the two attacks in Jerusalem, but the "Palestinian" Arab leader Abu Mazen avoided condemnation, blaming Israel instead.[40][5]

Abu Mazen's own Fatah openly praised the massacre.[41][42]

Bigoted Ayman Mohyeldin who works for MSNBC was slammed for his tweet, including:[43]
The desperation is just oozing here in a shameless attempt to draw a moral equivalency between Jews killed while worshiping and targeted killings of Hamas/Islamic Jihad. Killing civilians in a synagogue, on Shabbat, on Holocaust Memorial Day, will not in fact "free Palestine."

It's also closely related to the falsehood of the 'cycle of violence' - dehumanizing clichés.[44]


…Western politicians who went online to express horror over the slaughter in [just outside] the synagogue found themselves bombarded by ‘pro-Palestine’ people asking: ‘And what about the killings in Jenin?’ Some media outlets hinted at a moral equivalence, or at least a moral link, between the Jenin clash and the synagogue killings. In its report on the synagogue slaughter, the BBC said ‘tensions have been high since nine Palestinians – both militants and civilians – were killed during an Israeli military raid in Jenin’. Have we really lost the ability to morally differentiate between an armed confrontation between soldiers and militants and the mass murder of unarmed civilians in their place of worship? These are not the same thing. In any way.

Listen: when people are targeted in [coming out of] a synagogue, they are targeted because they are Jews. The slaughter on Holocaust Memorial Day was an act of racist barbarism, akin to the grim assaults on Christian churches in Sri Lanka or mosques in New Zealand. ‘Explaining’ the synagogue massacre as if it were a normal or even understandable expression of the broader tensions gripping the Middle East shows just how unhinged anti-Israel sentiment has become. It is shocking that this needs to be said, but nothing – not the events in Jenin, not Israel’s recent incursions into the West Bank and Gaza, not the Israeli settlements – makes the mass murder of Jews for being Jews a comprehensible thing.

The past week suggests that the anti-Israel fury of influential Westerners is no longer just strange and prejudiced – it’s dangerous. It seems increasingly clear to me that the reimagining of Israel-Palestine as a war between dark and light, between the world’s most (defamed as supposed) "wicked" state and the world’s most (supposed) victimised people, is helping to nurture new and ever-more crazed forms of violence in the region. After all, if you are (supposedly) "evil," then anything done against you can be justified, right?

So committed are some in the West to the narrative of Israeli evil and Palestinian good that they hold up Palestinians as the pitiable victims of massacres in the very week when it was Israelis, Jews in fact, who were the victims of a massacre. Their devotion to the ideology of Israel-hate clearly takes precedence over everything, even truth. That there has not been more moral and historical angst in the West over the massacre of praying Jews on Holocaust Memorial Day is abominable. It is a blot on the Western moral conscience. It tells us more about us than we would care to know.

One of the worse in blaming-the-victim was infamous anti-Israel hack Patrick Kingsley in his NYT garbage piece.[46] Even implying as if racist-Arab Islamic-bigots care what government is current in Israel, conservative or not.

In white washing the horrific hatecrime Massacre: 'Insane,' 'Reprehensible,' ‘Complicit’: New York Times Excuse-Making for Jerusalem Terrorists was condemned. It typified what it means when it's being said that the media is complicit in the crimes.[47] Shame on the NYtimes for "trying to minimize and excuse a terrorist attack that left 8 Jewish civilians dead, at their synagogue, on Int’l Holocaust Remembrance Day." concealing “the terror affiliations of at least seven of the nine Palestinians, introducing the false impression that the Palestinian dead are, like the Israelis murdered in Jerusalem, innocent victims." By it Times had achieved a “reprehensible result: minimizing and obscuring Palestinian terrorism." Critic contrasted a Times of Israel headline, "Armed Palestinian shot dead by guard near West Bank settlement, IDF says," and a New York Times headline about the same event, which said, "Palestinian Man Fatally Shot as Violence Continues in Israel."

Raja Abdulrahim in printed New York Times takes pains to describe the terrorist attack outside a Jerusalem synagogue as “a synagogue in a Jewish settlement[sic] in East Jerusalem.” The Times article says, “The recent Palestinian attacks, including Friday night’s shooting outside a synagogue and Saturday’s shooting, have targeted Israeli settlements and settlers in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The settlements are considered illegal under international law and by much of the international community.”

That is cow manure, which is to say, both inaccurate and a morally loathsome effort to justify an attack on innocent civilian worshipers.

As HonestReporting noted, “On the contrary, Neve Yaakov is not a ‘settlement’ outside Jerusalem but is rather one of the neighborhoods that make up the Jerusalem municipality. While it is true that Israel gained control over that area following the Six-Day War, Neve Yaakov does not have the legal status of a ‘settlement’ and is a fully integrated municipal neighborhood. It should also be noted that Neve Yaakov sits on land that was purchased by the Jewish community in the early 20th century and served as a Jewish agricultural center until it was depopulated during the Israeli War of Independence.”

Husam Zomlot, head of the "Palestinian" mission to the UK, refused to condemn the massacre.[48]


Condemnations came including from Washington, UN, Abu Dhabi.[49]

Statements also poured in from across the diplomatic community, including from the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Italian foreign minister, Australian, Dutch, EU, German, Swedish and UK ambassadors to Israel, as well as Azerbaijan’s foreign affairs ministry.[18]

The US, Biden:[50]
Biden: 'This was an attack against the civilized world'
The White House:[51][18]

"The attack tragically occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when the memory of those lost in the Holocaust is commemorated around the world."

The United States offers the Israeli government and people its full support, and President Joe Biden directed the national security team to "engage immediately with Israeli counterparts to offer all appropriate support in assisting the wounded and bringing the perpetrators of this horrible crime to justice," the statement added.
US Ambassador to Israel:[49]
Thomas Nides also denounced the shooting, expressing shock and disgust at the “horrific act of violence, as did the EU’s envoy to the Jewish state and the French embassy, among others.
US Secretary of State:[50]
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement that the United States "condemns in the strongest terms the horrific terrorist attack that occurred today outside of a synagogue in Jerusalem." "We mourn those killed in the attack, and our thoughts are with the injured, including children," said Blinken. "The notion of people being targeted as they leave a house of worship is abhorrent. It is particularly tragic that this attack occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day."
The UK[49]:
UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said: "To attack worshippers at a synagogue on Holocaust Memorial Day, and during Shabbat, is horrific. We stand with our Israeli friends."
The UN:[24][52]
"The Secretary-General [Antonio Gutteres] strongly condemns today's terrorist attack by a Palestinian perpetrator outside a synagogue in Jerusalem, which claimed the lives of at least seven Israelis and injured several others," said his spokesperson in a statement.

"The Secretary-General extends his heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a prompt recovery to those injured."

"It is particularly abhorrent that the attack occurred at a place of worship, and on the very day we commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day. There is never any excuse for acts of terrorism. They must be clearly condemned and rejected by all.."
"France condemns in the strongest terms the appalling terrorist attack that targeted a synagogue in Jerusalem, killing at least seven people and wounding many more. This attack against civilians, at the time of prayer, and on the day of the international commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust is particularly despicable. France stands alongside the victims of this attack, as well as their families..."
Various, such as the UAE:[53]
Condemnation all over the world for the massacre of the synagogue in Jerusalem. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates strongly condemned the terrorist attack that took place near a synagogue in Jerusalem and defined it as a "heinous crime" that goes against human values. The Emiratis expressed their condolences to the government of Israel and the Israeli people and expressed sympathy to the families of the victims.
Druse leader:[54]

The reaction of the head of the Druze community, Sheikh Mofek Tarif, to the serious attack in Jerusalem: "Strongly condemns and denounces the criminal and despicable act of terrorism that happened on Shabbat evening in the Neve Yaakov Synagogue in Jerusalem. The mind cannot tolerate murderous terror against people during their prayer. My condolences to the families of the murdered and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

Trusts the security forces and strengthens their hands in their activity against the perpetrators of terrorism of all kinds."


Overnight, the Israel Police and Border Police officers arrested 42 Palestinians as part of immediate investigations into the east Jerusalem shooting attack. Members of the attacker's family and residents from the Abu Tor neighborhood - where the terrorist Alqam Kheiri lived - were among those detained.[24][55]


  • At the cabinet meeting that took place on Sunday, a precedent-setting decision was made according to which the home of the 13-year-old terrorist who carried out an attack near the City of David on Saturday morning and injured two people, one of them seriously, will be sealed off, even though he did not succeed in murdering. However, this is a reversible decision, as it has not yet been decided to demolish the house.[56]

  • The next day, the Knesset approved in first reading the bill according to which the "Minister of the Interior can ask the court to revoke the Israeli citizenship of a terrorist operative who receives compensation for his actions from the Palestinian Authority."[57]

  • "Following incitement to murder Jews: government ministers demand the arrest of the Palestinian Minister of Religion." As he directs every thursday material for Mosque sermons insinuating incitement to murder Jews.[58]

  • Demolition of illegal houses in East Jerusalem has begun.[59]

  • Another step: a limited forum, will discuss steps to strengthen the settlement.[60]

Hadassah: commemorative corner in memory of hospital worker Natalie Mizrahi and her late husband Eli who rushed to help victims upon hearing the shots and the Arab-Islamist terrorist murdered them too. 27.01.23
  • At Hadassah: a commemorative corner in memory of hospital worker Natalie Mizrahi and her late husband Eli who rushed to help victims upon hearing the shots and the Arab-Islamist terrorist murdered them too.[61]

  • The planned village resolution in Negev, 'Hanun', was affirmed.[62]

  • On Tu Bishvat, Netanyahu planted a olive tree in Neve Ya'akov, near the site of the attack.[63]

Rising threats preceding the massacre

  • Jan 17, 2023.

PIJ praises Iranian bosses.[64]

  • Jan 26, 2023.

Jenin terrorists plan a huge massacre on innocent Israelis intended to be carried out in the center of Israel. Israel carries out a preventive measure operation[65][66][67] (part of Wave breaker operation that began in March 2022 after a slew of Arab terror attacks[68][15]), some terrorists, attackers, are eliminated die.[69][70] The dead: PIJ operatives who planned significant attacks.[71]

In addition, Ezz-edin Salahat,[72] an operative of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Battalions and an officer in the "Palestinian" Police. He attacked the guys, who eliminated him on the spot.[71][73] In all, 10 terrorists were eliminated.[74] Yet, CNN,[75] for instance simply recycled Pallywoody "Palestinian" propaganda on 'number' of dead. Not a word about the terror plot and the 10 terrorists violence. As if these were some "unarmed."

(On the radical left Forward, a "Palestinian" propagated, lyingly, called the life-saving operation to eliminate a ticking time-bomb,[76] as an "assault" [sic][77]).

  • Jan 26-7, 2023.

Enraged by the Israeli anti-terror raid, foiled attack, PIJ announced it will launch missiles. After 2 rockets[78] fired by Gaza terrorists on Israeli civilians, intercepted by Iron Dome,[79] the IDF hit Hamas-terror targets in Gaza.[80][81]

The US condemned the terrorists.[82]

The "Palestinian" terrorists fired then hours later three more rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities overnight.[83] Leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad stated that the missiles were sent from the common room led by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.[84]

The Jenin violence, for months, also brought spotlight on "Illegal weapons trading," which "is fueling crime and terrorism in the West Bank."[85]

  • Jan 27, 2023.

Friday Sermon aired On Palestinian Authority TV hours before Jerusalem synagogue massacre, preached Jihad to kill and be killed.[86]

Jenin: Islamic Republic of Iran tool Per Military expert: 'Iran using Jenin to wage war against Israel.' That "Hamas looking to recruit potential terrorists from Judea and Samaria as Iran using Jenin as a launching pad for attacks against Israel."[87]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sapir Lipkin, The terrorist's father: "This is my joy, like his wedding", Mako N12, 28.01.23.
    21-year-old Alkam Khairi from the A-Tor neighborhood is the terrorist who carried out the attack in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood - His father commented on the incident his son committed and said that he was happy and that "our .. has decreed his fate to be a martyr."
  2. Hamal, Jan 28, 2023.
    Minister Nir Barkat:

    "My heart goes out to the families of those murdered in the murderous and shocking attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem. A brutal massacre in a holy place that teaches that our enemies have no limit to their cruelty and deep hatred against us. These days, I call on every freed fighter or civilian who owns a weapon, to carry the weapon on him, as I myself do, and in case of need to row into contact and eliminate the terrorists.

    The massacre in the synagogue in Jerusalem obliges us to allow every freed fighter to get a gun license and thus save lives in the next attack. It is improbable that fighters we trust to fight in Lebanon or Gaza - will be refused and will not receive a weapon license. I promoted the issue in the previous Knesset and I intend to continue promoting it from the government. We must allow the liberated fighters to protect their family and their environment in the next attack.'
  3. Police: Jerusalem terrorist is Alkam Khairi, 21, INN, Jan 27, 2023.
    The Israel Police has updated that the terrorist who carried out the attack in Jerusalem is Alkam Khairi, a 21-year-old resident of eastern Jerusalem.
  4. Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    Face of pure evil! This is Alqam Khairy, the Palestinian terrorist who carried out tonight’s massacre in #Jerusalem, in which at least 7 Israeli worshippers were slaughtered at a Synagogue on Shabbat. Khairy’s family will now receive a pension for life from the Palestinian Auth.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Hamal, Jan 28, 2022.

    The shooting attacks, which took place yesterday in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood and this morning in the city of David, marked a step up after the rocket barrages from Gaza on Thursday evening. 42 relatives of the terrorist from Neve Ya'akov were arrested; The terrorist in the city of David - 13 years old. The police raised alertness to the highest level; Netanyahu: "Don't take the law into your own hands" Two shooting attacks happened in Jerusalem in the last day, in which seven people were killed and five were injured in total. These attacks, which took place yesterday in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood and this morning in the city of David, marked a step up after the rocket barrages from the Gaza Strip on Thursday evening. In last night's attack, seven people were murdered and three others were injured - a man in his 20s, a boy about 15 years old and a woman about 60 years old. The terrorist arrived in the neighborhood in a car shortly after 8:00 PM. He opened fire with a gun at passers-by on the street near the Ataret Avraham Synagogue in the neighborhood, then fled, and policemen who started chasing him shot him dead. This is the attack with the highest number of fatalities carried out in Israel since the combined attack on Route 12 in 2011. The terrorist is Kheiry Alkam, a 21-year-old Palestinian resident of the A-Tor neighborhood in East Jerusalem.. After the attack, the police arrested during the night 42 suspects, the terrorist's relatives, his entourage and his family - and most of them were arrested at his home in Tor. In the hours after the attack, in Jenin, the Gaza Strip and other places in the West Bank they celebrated the massacre of Jewish civilians. Videos shared from the cities on social media showed fireworks, gatherings, songs of praise and shouts of joy. The other attack took place around 11:00 am on Ma'alot Street in the City of David in the Silwan neighborhood in the east of the city, in which two people were seriously injured. According to MDA, the two - the officer's father and son, 47 and 22 years old - were seriously and moderately wounded by gunshots to their upper bodies. In the footage from the attack, the suspect, 13-year-old Mahmoud Aliyat and a resident of the neighborhood, is seen lying in wait for a group of Jews behind a car, drawing his weapon - and then opening fire on them. The son, an officer in the paratrooper brigade who was armed on the Sabbath holiday - was wounded but returned fire and neutralized the terrorist. Following the two attacks, it was decided in the security system to increase the forces in Judea-Samaria and in Jerusalem, and Commissioner Kobi Shabtai also announced that he would place a permanent security team in the capital. Tonight, a meeting of the political and security cabinet is expected to discuss the response to the events, and among other things, the promotion of a law to deport families of terrorist operatives. Immediate sealing of terrorists' homes and expediting the granting of weapons licenses to Israeli citizens. Arab countries condemned, Abu Mazen blames: "Israel is responsible" The West has condemned the recent attacks in Jerusalem, and leaders in the United States, Great Britain and the European Union have issued statements of condemnation. Along with these, Arab countries including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt condemned the attacks. On the other hand, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen did not condemn the attacks, and stated that Israel is responsible..." In addition, the Chairman of the Authority announced that he is continuing the suspension of security coordination with Israel, which began on Thursday.

    Credit: Yanon Shalom Yathach, Karin Sagi, Yanir Yagna and Guy Elster.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Gadi Zaig, Jerusalem synagogue killing spree leaves seven dead, three injured, JPost, Jan 27, 2023.
    After entering and attacking the people in the synagogue, the shooter reportedly started chasing after people who were trying to escape.

    He then attempted to flee the scene by car and fired in the direction of Israel Police officers. The officers fired back and killed him. One of the attendants of the synagogue who witnessed the attack said that the police didn't arrive at the scene for 20 minutes after the initial shots were fired, as they didn't believe the callers and thought the noise came from shots being fired in the air in nearby east Jerusalem neighborhoods...

    Celebrations, including fireworks and guns being shot in the air, were witnessed in Jenin and other Arab towns throughout Israel in reaction to the incident. Police are searching the area for additional terrorists.
  7. Couple trying to help wounded among killed in Jerusalem attack, YNet, Jan 28, 2023.
    Eli and Natali Mizrachi are two of at least seven people who lost their lives in the Jerusalem synagogue massacre; meanwhile, the IDF orders reinforcement after it neutralized the terrorist and arrested his family; world leaders continue condemn 'heinous' attack.
  8. Noa Magid, They heard the shots, ran to help and were murdered Natalie and Eliyahu hy"d, 0404 News, 01/28/2023.

    Natalie and Eliyahu Ziskin were murdered together last night in an attack in Neve Yaakov in Jerusalem. 46-year-old Natalie Ziskin worked until Friday, for 20 years, as a food department at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital. Every day she came to work where she met many patients, provided them with hot food and enjoyed listening to their stories and asking how they were doing... When her father, who is my brother, died a decade ago, she continued to take care of mother devotedly, all the time for her. Doctors, transportation, medicines and treatments - all for mom. Two years ago she married Eliyahu after a few years of friendship. On Friday, as always, she finished her shift at Hadassah Mount Scopus and after distributing dinner to the patients, she went to Hama's house, Eli's father. From there, like every Friday, she was supposed to drive back to Beit Shemesh so as not to leave her mother alone. When they were in the middle of the Shabbat meal, they heard the shots - in the middle of the meal, she and her husband wanted to offer help and came down from the house to take care of the wounded, then they were both shot. That's how a whole life ended. We are broken, we can't believe this happened to us."

    The CEO of the Hadassah Medical Center, Prof. Yoram Weiss: "The Hadassah employees all bow their heads at this difficult time, mourning the loss of dear Nathalie and her husband Eliyahu. Nathalie was part of a large family, the Hadassah family, a long-time worker and seller at the hospital. Everyone who worked alongside her tells of a warm, caring woman who wanted to do good to the patients she met every day, so her co-workers were not surprised when they heard that she rushed to help the injured last night. The staff of the Hadassah Medical Center wishes to console the family for their difficult loss and embraces them in their difficult hours. Natalie and Elijah her husband, may their memory be blessed.'
  9. Newlyweds, a 14-year-old boy and father of three: the names of those killed in the attack in Jerusalem were allowed to be published, Now14, 6 Shvat 5783. Jan 28, 2023.
    The Mizrahi couple wanted to help the victims of the attack, Raphael Ben Eliyahu was murdered and his son was seriously injured - The funerals of three of the murdered will take place tonight - A citizen of Ukraine was also murdered, Zelensky sent condolences.

    The serious attack in Neve Ya'akov: The names of four of those murdered in the shooting attack that took place last night were allowed to be published. Eli and Nathalie Mizrahi, in their 40s, rabbi of the 'Z’chor L'Avraham' synagogue, Rabbi Shaul Hai, the boy Asher Natan, only 14 years old, and Raphael ben Eliyahu, 56 years old. The Mizrahi couple got married about two years ago and last night, during the Shabbat meal, they heard the shooting and went down to the street to help the victims. The terrorist who ambushed them shot Eli first, and Natalie who performed CPR on her husband was also shot at short range...

    Another murdered in the brutal attack is a boy of only 14 who was on the street at the time of the attack. The boy's name was Asher Natan, a resident of the city of Jerusalem. This evening the residents of the neighborhood told about the boy: "A cute boy, a good boy. He used to go to Torah lessons and was murdered for sanctifying Hashem."..
  10. Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    Absolute carnage, massacre. Bodies of Israelis lying on the ground, murdered by Palestinian terrorist tonight, as they were attending Shabbat prayers in #Jerusalem.
  11. The President of the State: The heart is broken, INN, Jan 28, 2023.
    This morning in the synagogue, when the cantor recited the prayer 'G-d full of mercy', for the elevation of the souls of those murdered in the attack, there was not a single dry eye left among the worshipers, the president wrote.

    The President of the State Yitzhak Herzog addressed the severe terrorist attacks that took place in Jerusalem at the end of Shabbat. "The heart is broken in the face of the terrible attacks that took place during Shabbat in Jerusalem. We lost seven innocent civilians in a murderous terrorist attack, those who just received/welcomed 'The Shabbat [HaMalka]' in the bosom of family and community. May their memory be blessed. This morning in the synagogue, when the cantor recited the prayer 'G-d is full of mercy', for the uplifting of the souls of those murdered in the attack, there was not a single dry eye left among the worshippers, and I was among them. Everyone's hearts were moved together," the president wrote. "The terrible attacks remind us once again of a simple and painful truth: whatever the differences between us, in the face of our enemies, who seek our harm and rise to kill us - we must maintain our unity. We strengthen and trust the security forces that work day and night in the face of terrorism.

    I call on everyone to be vigilant and responsible these days. I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded and mourn with the families of the murdered."
  12. Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    This was not just a terror attack tonight. It was a MASSACRE in #Jerusalem. At least 8 people confirmed murdered, as they were attending Shabbat prayer services.
  13. Moran T 𓂆 موران ت @MoranT555 Tweeted (Jan 28, 2023):

    ضحايا عملية إطلاق النار الإرهابية الذين قتلوا بدم بارد في الكنيس والتي نفذها الإرهابي الحقير #خيري_علقم هم. إيلي مزراحي ونتالي مزراحي وريفائيل بن إيلياهو وآشر ناتان وشاؤول حاي وإيليا سوسانسكي وإيرينا كورولوفا. رحمهم الله جميعا وأسكنهم فسيح جناته The victims of the terrorist shooting who were killed in cold blood in the synagogue, which was carried out by the terrorist al-Khair #خيري_علقم هم Eli Mizrahi and Nathalie Mizrahi and Raphael Ben Eliyahu and Asher Natan and Shaul Hai and Ilya Susansky and Irina Korolova.

    May God have mercy on them all and dwell them in the spaciousness of his gardens. [1]
  14. Haim Golditch, At least 7 were murdered in an attack, the terrorist who ambushed praying Jews was eliminated by a policeman and volunteer, YNet, Jan 27, 2023.
    A murderous attack on Shabbat evening, in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood: around 8:00 p.m., a terrorist got out of a vehicle and opened fire on worshipers in a synagogue and passers-by. At least 7 were murdered and others were seriously injured, including a boy and a woman about 70 years old. Searches in Neve Ya'akov for helpers. The murderous attack: a day after the IDF operation in Jenin, and the rocket fire.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Seven killed in terrorist attack at Jerusalem synagogue, JNS, Jan 27, 2023.
    Israeli forces remain engaged in a counter-terrorism offensive, primarily in Judea and Samaria, in response to a series of Palestinian attacks that killed 31 people in 2022.
  16. The Palestinian terrorist behind tonight's shooting attack is Khairi Alkam, from East Jerusalem. - Abu Ali Express, Jan 28, 2023.
  17. Hamas spokesman: "The attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem is a response to the operation in Jenin"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 House, State Department condemn ‘heinous terrorist attack’, JNS, Jan 28, 2023.
  19. Noa Magid, Terrorists opened fire at a restaurant at Almog intersection View the documentation, New 0404, 01/28/2023.
    A shooting attack took place near a restaurant at the Almog intersection in the area of the Bekaa and Emekim division. A terrorist arrived at the restaurant, fired one shot and ran away.
  20. 'Miraculous:' Arab starts to shoot in restaurant, but gun jams at last moment, INN, Jan 28, 2023.
  21. At least 5 gunmen killed as IDF targets West Bank terror attack cell, officials say, TOI, Feb 6, 2023.
  22. Israel captures terror cell behind attempted mass shooting near Jericho, JNS, Feb 6, 2023.
  23. Attempted intrusion into an ancient settlement; The terrorist was shot dead, Srugim news, 29.01.23.

    A terrorist tried to penetrate the settlement of Kdumim in Samaria, where the Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotritz lives. The terrorist was shot and neutralized. The expectation in the security establishment is that inspired attacks will take place following the massacre in Neve Ya'akov

    A terrorist tried to enter the settlement of Kdumim in Samaria tonight (Saturday) armed with a gun.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 LIVEBLOG: Grief, shock as Jerusalem rocked by two terrorist attacks in 24 hours, i24NEWS, January 27, 2023.
  25. Joe Truzman @JoeTruzman Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    Sweets handed out after tonight's "al-Quds operation" by some Palestinians celebrating the terror attack in Jerusalem.
  26. Ofir Gendelman @ofirgendelman Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    Palestinians are now celebrating the horrific massacre that was perpetrated by a Palestinian terrorist in a synagogue in Jerusalem a short while ago. He shot the worshippers indiscriminantly....
  27. Ofir Gendelman @ofirgendelman Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    See how Palestinians are celebrating the #massacre that was perpetrated in a synagogue in #Jerusalem, where a Palestinian terrorist murdered 8 Israelis, 2 were a father and his 15 year old son. Now watch this Palestinian teen celebrating their murder, holding an axe. Sickening. [2].
  28. Josef Federman and Isabel Debre, Palestinian gunman kills 7 near Jerusalem synagogue, Associated Press, January 28, 2023.
    At several locations across the Gaza Strip, dozens of Palestinians gathered in spontaneous demonstrations to celebrate the Jerusalem attack, with some coming out of dessert shops with large trays of sweets to distribute. In downtown Gaza City, celebratory gunfire could be heard, as cars honked and calls of "[Allah] is great!" wafted from mosque loudspeakers. In various West Bank towns, Palestinians launched fireworks...
  29. MEMRI @MEMRIReports Tweeted (Jan 29, 2023):
    In Celebration of Jerusalem Synagogue Massacre, Large Crowds of Palestinians Dance, Sing, Distribute Sweets, Set Off Fireworks, and Chant: Allah Akbar! Millions of Martyrs Are Marching to Jerusalem! Death to Ben-Gvir! #jerusalemterrorattack #JerusalemSynagogueMassacre.
  30. GND @GND_arabic Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    The Israeli citizen Abdelrahem Haj Yahya shares a story with a bemused smile and an impression (due to the attack): "This is what every Palestinian living in Israel looks like right now." This is a supporter of Ayman Odeh and active in his party. [3].
  31. Will they continue to study? Arab students at Hadassah College praised the terrorist who carried out the murderous attack in Jerusalem, News 0404, 28/01/2023.

    This evening, the Arabic research department of the ImTitzu [If You Will] movement reveals serious incitement by students at Hadassah College. A student.. studying social work, posted a status on WhatsApp in which she wrote: "The 21-year-old heroic Shahid from East Jerusalem, he brought our revenge." A student named Ahmed Kalouti, studying biotechnology, uploaded a WhatsApp status in which he quoted a verse from the Koran: "Allah will abuse them and defeat them."..

    In response to the words, Shai Rosengarten, head of the education department of the ImTitzu [If You Will] movement, calls for the Israel Police to immediately arrest the supporters of the terrorists and for the college management to keep them away: "The entire Israeli people are shocked and pained by the murder of 7 innocent civilians and the wounding of 5 more Israelis. It turns out that at the same time there are Israeli students who see the need Congratulate on these attacks. We call on the management of Hadassah College to immediately expel the students who published the eulogy of the murderers - there is no place in the academy for supporters of terrorism. In addition, the Israel Police must act immediately to arrest the supporters of terrorism before they carry out an attack on their classmates!"
  32. Yehonatan Gottlieb, Neve Yaakov attack: Arab student in Israeli college glorifies attack in social media, INN, Jan 28, 2023.

    "What's going on in Jerusalem? Someone's dispatching .. to meet their[sic] G-d." Following the deadly terrorist attack in Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem, on Shabbat evening, an Arab student studying law at Kiryat Ono Academic College uploaded a mocking post to his social media accounts, highlighting his glee at the loss of Jewish life. On his "status" page on WhatsApp, the student posted a screenshot from Facebook in Arabic where someone asked, "What's going on in Jerusalem?" and another person replied, "Someone's working on dispatching .. off to their[sic] G-d." Students in the Arab's second-year class were furious to realize that their classmate thought that the slaughter of Jews was something to mock. Several contacted Israel National News to express their anger. "This also happened right after another incident on the campus, when a student picked up an object and pretended to stab another student," they related. "We're just in shock that a student could post a status glorifying terrorism and supporting this awful attack." They added that, "We expect the administration of the College to expel him and strip him of all his rights as a student. We should never condone such things happening on campus. We pay good money to learn here, in security, without concerns for our safety, and we're counting on the academic staff dealing with this incident at the earliest possible opportunity. We're not going to let this pass in silence. If they don't do anything about it, we're going to involve the police and submit a complaint accusing the student of incitement."

    In response to the allegations, the administration of Kiryat Ono College issued a statement saying: "We view incitement or support for terrorism with the greatest severity, as we do any calls for violence or mockery of its victims. The post will be investigated and if it is found necessary, the student will be expelled."
  33. Asher Etedgi, Outrageous: 2 assistants at a kindergarten in Herzliya expressed support for the terrorist who carried out the attack, Herzliya.mynet, Jan 29, 2023.

    Assistants at the Kochav Yam municipal residence in Herzliya published words of praise on social media for the terrorist who carried out the attack in Jerusalem. The municipality announced the cessation of their work. Chairman of the parents' leadership Ziv Omer: "Statements praising the murder of a Jew for being Jewish have no place in Israeli society, and certainly not in the education system."

    In the posts that appeared in the story of their WhatsApp account, it was written in Arabic, among other things, "Paradise[sic]" with a green heart on the background of a photo of celebrations that took place after the serious attack. In another photo that was uploaded to the story on the WhatsApp account of one of the assistants, it is written in Arabic "Good evening to all people, Allah Akbar", against a background of a photo of a police car from the scene of the attack. In another story, the caption "Our homeland" appeared with a Palestinian flag and an emoji of hearts.

    The chairman of the Herzliya municipal parents' leadership, Ziv Omer: "We are all pained by the heinous murder of innocent worshippers. Statements praising the murder of a Jew for being Jewish have no place in Israeli society, and certainly not in the education system. The municipality did well to take decisive and immediate action. In Herzliya there are quite a few education workers from the Arab sector, the vast majority of them come to teach tolerance and love for others. We all hope that the rotten apples will not hurt at all. Our condolences to the families of the murdered, and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured."
  34. Parents in fear as daycare workers praise Jerusalem terror attack, INN, 29/1/23.
  35. Al-Jazeera Presenters, Journalists In Qatari Press, Qatar-Backed Muslim Clerics: Terrorist Attack Near Jerusalem Synagogue Was 'Brave Act' Of 'Legitimate Resistance,' Its Perpetrator Is A 'Hero' Memri, February 1, 2023.
  36. International Union Of Muslim Clerics (IUMS) Member: The Jerusalem Terrorist Who Killed Seven Civilians Is A 'Hero' And A 'Role Model'; The Quran Explicitly Calls To Wage Jihad For The Sake Of Allah, Memri, February 6, 2023.
  37. CAMERA, Nov 15, 2017:
    Mariam Barghouti is a Palestinian activist with the ISM (International Solidarity movement), an extremist, anti‑Israel organization that condones Palestinian violence against Jews. She too is an active proponent of the BDS campaign; and a contributor to the anti‑Israel propaganda site, Mondoweiss. She has justified violence against Israelis, labelling stone‑throwers – “unarmed;” terrorists – “martyrs;” and terrorist attacks – “armed struggle” or “operations.”
  38. “Mondoweiss” is a hate site (UPDATED), Washington Post, May 4, 2015.
  39. Yair Rosenberg, Mondoweiss Launches Anti-Semitic Attack on New Editor-in-Chief of 'The Atlantic', Tablet Magazine, Oct 20, 2016.
  40. [https://www.hamal.co.il/post/-NMsdLPk9cyQCTQa8Gfl Hamal, Jan 27, 2023.

    The world condemns the two attacks in Jerusalem, but Abu Mazen avoids condemnation: "Israel is responsible for the escalation." The European Union said today that it was "horrified by the horrific terrorist attack yesterday at the synagogue in Jerusalem, in which at least seven people were killed and many injured, when they arrived for the Shabbat service". The Union also added that it is also shocked by the attack that took place today in the city of David in which a father and son were injured. "The European Union strongly condemns these insane acts of violence and hatred," an official statement said, "These terrible events demonstrate once again how urgent it is to reverse this spiral of violence and engage in significant efforts to restart peace negotiations. We call on all parties not to respond to provocations." Many Arab countries have also condemned the recent attacks in Jerusalem, including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia stated that "the country is concerned about the deterioration of the situation between Israel and the Palestinians to a dangerous escalation. We condemn any harm to civilians and call for a halt to the escalation and a resumption of the peace process." Egypt's foreign minister also warned against escalation and "slipping into a cruel cycle of violence", and called on the parties to exercise maximum restraint. Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also added in addition to the condemnation that it calls for immediate steps to stop the escalation between Israel and the Palestinians and warns against the "explosion of the circles of violence". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Emirates expressed its condolences to the families of the victims and stated that the country "opposes all types of violence and terrorism that aim to undermine security and stability in the region and are contrary to all humanitarian principles." In contrast, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen did not condemn the attacks, and stated that Israel is responsible...

    Credit: Yanon Shalom Yathach, Guy Elster and Barak Ravid.
  41. Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Abbas’ Fatah praises murder of 7: "The war has begun in Palestine… we greet and bless these heroic (sic) operations", Palwatch, Jan 29, 2023.
  42. Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Fatah: Murderer of 7 is "hero" who "took revenge" for dead terrorists, Palwatch, Feb 15, 2023.
  43. Zak @itzhakbendavid Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    The desperation is just oozing here in a shameless attempt to draw a moral equivalency between Jews killed while worshiping and targeted killings of Hamas/Islamic Jihad. Killing civilians in a synagogue, on Shabbat, on Holocaust Memorial Day, will not in fact "free Palestine."
  44. Seth J Frantzman, The 'cycle of violence' dehumanizing cliches after Jerusalem massacre - analysis, JPost, Jan 28, 2023.
  45. Brendan O’Neill,A tale of two... , Spiked, January 31, 2023.
  46. NYT Describes Deadly Palestinian Terror Attacks as 'Spasms of Violence' Israel Had Coming, Breitbart, Jan 29, 2023.
  47. Ira Stoll, 'Insane,' 'Reprehensible,' ‘Complicit’: New York Times Excuse-Making for Jerusalem Terrorists Is Condemned, by Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, January 31, 2023.
  48. Why won’t the Palestinian ambassador condemn the Jerusalem massacre? The Spectator, 3 February 2023.
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Alexander Fulbright and Jacob Magid, Washington, UN, Abu Dhabi and others condemn ‘horrific’ Jerusalem shooting, TOI, Jan 27, 2023.
  50. 50.0 50.1 Omri Nahmias, Biden: 'This was an attack against the civilized world', JPost, Jan 28, 2023.
    US officials responded to the Friday evening terror attacks by further committing to Israeli security needs.
  51. Hamal, Jan 27, 2023.
  52. Hamal, Jan 27, 2023.
  53. Hamal, Jan 27, 2023.
  54. Hamal, Jan 27, 2023.
  55. Haim Golditch, Einav Halabi, Daniel Salama, After the attack: 42 suspects from the terrorist's surroundings were arrested Documenting the moments of neutralization in Jerusalem, YNet, Jan 28, 2023.

    'Sabbath Night Massacre'

    In the A-Tor neighborhood, where the terrorist Kheyri Alkam lived who killed 7 in the attack in Jerusalem, family members and relatives were arrested. To disturb the forces: fireworks were set off in the neighborhood. The terrorist was recorded fleeing on foot after leaving his vehicle - and neutralized. A police officer who participated in the assassination repeated: "I shot while running." By order of the commissioner: police alertness in Israel - at the highest level.
  56. Itamar Eichner, Moran Azoulai, The government has decided: the house of the 13-year-old terrorist who wounded two in Jerusalem will be sealed, YNet, 29/01/2023.
    Unusually, the house of a terrorist who did not "succeed" in murder will be sealed, but this is a reversible decision - as it has not yet been decided to demolish the house. At the same time: the government will establish criteria regarding terrorists who have not murdered.
  57. Bentzi Rubin, By a large majority: denial of citizenship to terrorists was approved in the first reading, Srugim news, 30.01.23.
    The Knesset approved in first reading the bill according to which the Minister of the Interior can ask the court to revoke the Israeli citizenship of a terrorist operative who receives compensation for his actions from the Palestinian Authority | The proposal was approved by a majority of 89 Knesset members.
  58. Zeev Kam, Following incitement to murder Jews: government ministers demand the arrest of the Palestinian Minister of Religion, Kan Reshet Bet | Live Broadcast, January 30, 2023.

    The minister instructs the preachers every week on what to say in their sermons, and in the last document he sent he spread readings that support the murder of Jews. Prime Minister Netanyahu is examining the issue.

    At the cabinet meeting that took place yesterday (Sunday), a number of ministers in the coalition made an unusual demand to arrest the Palestinian Minister of Religion, Hatem al-Bakhri (حاتم البكري), on the grounds of inciting the murder of Jews. This was announced this morning (Monday) on the program "This Morning" Kan on Reshet Bet. The Palestinian minister, who every Thursday distributes an instructional document for preachers which directs what to say in their sermons, distributed in the latest document readings that imply support for the murder of Jews.
  59. Orly Harari, Demolition of illegal houses in East Jerusalem has begun. Minister Ben Gvir: "We will fight terrorism with all means", INN, Jan 29, 2023.
  60. Another step: a limited forum, will discuss steps to strengthen the settlement, Makor Rishon, 29/01/2023.
  61. This morning in Hadassah: a commemorative corner in memory of hospital worker Natalie Mizrahi and her late husband Eli, Kol Ha'ir, 29.1.23.

    In Hadassah, Mount Scopus, a commemorative stand was set up this morning in memory of two of the victims of the severe attack in Neve Ya’akov on Saturday night – hospital employee Natalie Mizrahi and her husband Eli. “”The Hadassah employees all bow their heads at this difficult time, mourning the loss of dear Nathalie and her husband Eli”

    The deadly attack on Friday night continues to reverberate in Jerusalem (and in general), as last night – Motzaei-Shabbat- was saturated with grief and bereavement with the existence of funerals for almost all of the murdered.

    This morning, Sunday, a commemorative stand was placed in the entrance plaza of Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in memory of hospital employee Natalie Mizrahi and her husband Eli OBM, who went down to help the victims after hearing the sounds of gunfire, met a terrorist and were shot and killed.

    The late Natalie, 46 years old at the time of her death, worked in the food department at Hadassah Mount Scopus for about 20 years. She also worked on Friday morning, a few hours before she was murdered.

    As mentioned, at Hadassah Mount Scopus, a commemorative stand was placed with the photos of the late Nathalie and Eli Mizrahi, and soul candles next to them. Hospital employees and patients bowed their heads and lit soul candles. Ella Sakovich, Natalie’s aunt, a long-time employee in the housekeeping operations department at Hadassah Mount Scopus, says goodbye with great pain: “Natalie immigrated to Israel with her parents and her sister in the 90s, and from then until today she lovingly took care of both parents, around the clock. She worked at Hadassah Mount Scopus In a job that she loved so much, always with a smile, always with a desire to give and give to those hospitalized in the wards. We met a lot on shifts and I always saw her satisfied and happy. She felt good here, that she could give of herself. When her father, who is my brother, died a decade ago, she continued to care for her mother with devotion, all the time for her. Doctors, transportation, medicines and treatments – all for mom.

    “Two years ago, she married Eliyahu .. On Friday, as always, she finished her shift at Hadassah Mount Scopus, and after distributing dinner to the patients, she went to the home of her father-in-law, Eli’s father, in Neve Yaakov. From there she was supposed to go, like every Friday, Back to Beit Shemesh so as not to leave her mother alone. When they were in the middle of the Shabbat meal, they heard the shots – in the middle of the meal she and her husband wanted to offer help and came down from the house to treat the wounded, then they were both shot. This is how a whole life ended. We are broken, we can’t believe this happened to us”.
  62. Itai Gadasi, The new settlement in the Negev was approved at the government meeting, Radio Kol Chai, Feb 5, 2023.
  63. Yerucham Shmuelevich, Netanyahu planted a tree in memory of those murdered in Neve Yaakov, Lada'at, 15 Shvat 5783 (Feb.6.23).
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planting an olive tree in Neve Ya'akov, near the site of the attack, in Jerusalem: "The appropriate answer to terrorism is to strike at terrorism and plant roots deep in our country."
  64. Palestinian Islamic Jihad Representative In Iran: 'Ayatollah Khamenei Is The Leader Of Us All'; Saudi Intellectuals In Response: Palestinian Leaders Are Hostile To The Arabs, Memri, Jan 18, 2023.
  65. Yaakov Lappin, Daylight Jenin raid thwarted a major, imminent PIJ terror plot, JNS, Jan 26, 2022.
  66. We dismantled a ticking timebomb says IDF of Jenin raid, i24news, Jan 26, 2023.
  67. Haim Goldberg, The information about the squad was received shortly before entering Jenin; The thwarted attack was planned for the heart of Israel, Kikar HaShabat, 26.01.23.
  68. Aryeh Yoeli, Wave breaker: The IDF gave a name to the current wave of terrorism, Srugim news, 31.03.22.
    The.. IDF's response to the wave of terrorism that has hit Israel in the last two weeks is called a "wave breaker"
  69. Einav Halavi, Yoav Zeyton, Elisha Ben Kimon, At least eight terrorists were killed in an exchange of fire in Jenin. The IDF: "A major terrorist attack was foiled", YNet, Jan 26, 2022.
    Undercover guys entered .. in a milk truck, after which an activity of arresting wanted persons began in broad daylight and an exchange of fire developed. At least eight Palestinian militants were killed, and another 20 were wounded. The Palestinians reported "shooting everywhere"... In Gaza: an "emergency meeting" of Hamas and Jihad.
  70. Uri Marom, A major attack was thwarted: the security forces in unusual activity in Jenin, a large number of terrorists were killed, Mivzaklive, January 26, 2023.
  71. 71.0 71.1 Aryeh Yoeli, Documentation: The terrorist charges with a weapon at the forces and is eliminated on the spot, Srugim News, 26.01.23.

    During the battle in Jenin, a successful operation by the IDF killed Ezz-edin Salahat, an operative of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Battalions and an officer in the Palestinian Police. He attacked the Yamam who killed him on the spot... A preliminary summary of the forces' activity this morning in Jenin was presented, to thwart a terrorist cell that engaged in the immediate promotion of attacks against civilians and the security forces. The Chief of Staff directed the increase of preparedness and the continuation of countermeasures as needed. The dead: PIJ operatives who planned significant attacks. In an activity that lasted for about 3 hours... According to IDF sources, the forces had to deal with shooting from the wanted and massive disturbances from the residents. An IDF source said: "The activity was in the heart of the refugee[sic] camp and the activity was a military activity against the warning squad of the Islamic Jihad."

  72. HonestReporting @HonestReporting Tweeted (Jan 26, 2023).
    Images of #Palestinian terrorist Izz Edin Salahat who died during an Israeli counterterrorism operation when the IDF apprehended an #IslamicJihad squad. The terror operatives were planning multiple major terror attacks. Will the media include these details? [4].
  73. Documenting the assassination of the terrorist Az-a-Din Salahat al-Maqbar in Jenin.

    HotNews1, Jan 26. 2023.

  74. Ido Ben Porat, Fire from all sides: special documentation of the UDF fighters in the shootout with the terrorists in Jenin, INN, Jan 26, 2023.
  75. Richard Greene, Hadas Gold, Amir Tal and Tara John, "At least seven dead in Jerusalem synagogue attack, Israeli police say." CNN, Jan 27, 2023, updated Jan 28, 2023.
  76. Jenin operation: 'We eliminated a ticking time-bomb' says senior IDF officer, INN, Jan 26, 2023.
    Islamic Jihad erected 30 barricades to prevent IDF from entering Jenin, to no avail.
  77. Muhammad Shehada, The Forward, Jan 26, 2023.
  78. @LocalFocus1 Tweeted (Jan 27, 2023):
    Update: At least two rocket fired at southern Israel; Iron Dome System activated.
  79. IDF: Two rockets fired from Gaza were intercepted by Iron Dome | Documentation, News 0404, 26/01/2023.

    The terrorists from the Gaza Strip fired at least two rockets tonight (Thursday) towards the Ashkelon area and the surrounding area in the south of our country.

    The Iron Dome system intercepted both rockets, no casualties were reported.
  80. Elad Benari, Rocket barrage fired at southern Israel, IDF attacks in Gaza, INN, Jan 27, 2023.
    Two rockets fired by Gaza terrorists intercepted by Iron Dome. IDF retaliates by striking targets in Gaza.
  81. IDF targets Hamas sites in Gaza in response to rocket fire, JPost, Jan 27, 2023.

    The IAF targeted an underground rocket production facility and a “significant” military camp belonging to Hamas in the central and northern Gaza Strip early Friday morning after rockets were fired from Gaza towards southern Israel. The rocket fire came hours after an IDF raid in Jenin which resulted in nine Palestinian deaths. The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets fired from Gaza toward Ashkelon and communities near the Gaza border on Thursday evening. During the IAF strikes overnight, additional rockets were fired towards southern Israel. In total, seven rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel overnight. "A short time ago an alarm was sounded in the city of Ashkelon. These two launches towards the city were intercepted by the Iron Dome system," said the Ashkelon Municipality spokesperson. "We would like to add that following the security tensions, the public shelters and shelters throughout the city are open for the welfare of residents… the municipal teams are fully alert and prepared for any scenario." Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated on Friday morning that he had instructed the defense establishment to "prepare for action with a variety of offensive measures and high-quality targets, in case it is necessary to continue to act – until peace is restored to the citizens of Israel."

    A senior IDF officer said in a press briefing earlier on Thursday that they were prepared for an escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip in response to Thursday’s raid.
  82. Elad Benari, State Department on Jenin: 'We condemn terrorist groups, all parties need to de-escalate', INN, Jan 27, 2023.
  83. Gaza terrorists fire rockets into Israel, prompting IDF retaliatory strikes against Hamas, JNS, Jan 27, 2023.
  84. The leader of the Islamic Jihad: the missiles that went out yesterday came from the common room led by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.
    Rotter, 01.27.23.
  85. Seth J Frantzman, Jenin clashes bring spotlight back on illegal weapons in West Bank, JPost, Jan 26, 2023.
  86. Friday Sermon Aired On Palestinian Authority TV Hours Before Jerusalem Synagogue Massacre: Allah Gave You Permission To Wage Jihad; Live Free Or Die As Martyrs(Shahids); Kill And Be Killed For The Sake Of Allah, Memri, Jan 27, 2023.
  87. Military expert: Iran using Jenin to wage war against Israel, ILTV Israel News, Jan 27, 2023.
"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map

W. Ormsby-Gore as he was preparing the royal commission report, "Though I knew there was ill-feeling between Jews and Arabs, I had not realized the depth and intensity of the hatred with which the Jews are held by the Arabs..."
"It is not Israel's settlement blocks but rather the Palestinian ideological blockade that constitutes the biggest barrier to peaceful arrangements . The Jew-hatred in this region must no longer be played down as a kind of local custom ..."
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."