Collective West

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"The world", "international community" or "civilized nations" as seen through the eyes of Western political leadership.

The Collective West, sometimes referred to as the Western alliance, refers to the NATO treaty alliance association, the European Union, and the efforts to expand NATO through the AUKUS alliance to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea.

The collective West, and the United States in particular, are in the forefront of bringing the homosexual agenda and so-called "gay rights" to a planet where much of homosexual activity is, and has been regarded as criminal conduct, or at the very least outside of societal norms for several millennia. 21st century American foreign policy regards so-called "gay rights" as a form or expression of "democracy" and "freedom".

Another frequently used term to refer to the collective West and its "society of privilege" is the "Golden billion".

2018 map of the collective West and "LGBT acceptance".

Resistance to the American Empire

Resistance to the growth and spread of the American Empire and its social, political, military and cultural hegemony in the 21st century has been led by the BRICS nations.

See also