Jonathan Sarfati

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Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D. is a creation scientist, author, and master chess player from New Zealand and Australia. He is affiliated with Creation Ministries International (formerly Answers in Genesis) in Brisbane, Australia. He has authored a paper in the top-of-the-line journal Nature[1] and drew a chess game against world champion Boris Spassky and was for a time the chess champion of New Zealand.[2][3] Sarfati has used his intelligence and extensive knowledge of science to demonstrate the many holes in the theory of evolution such as the impossibility of life arising from non-life.

Sarfati is a Hebrew Christian, that is, a Jew who accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He has repeatedly and powerfully attacked liberalism and liberal activist judges, as well as defended Biblical morality against liberal causes like abortion and homosexual "marriage".[4][5][6]

Public science

Sarfati is a prolific popularizer of creation science, having written numerous books and articles which explain complex scientific concepts to lay audiences. A select bibliography includes:

Sarfati and Chess

Sarfati's current FIDE rating is a 2244. His highest achieved rating is 2305,[7] 500 points less than Veselin Topalov.

Sarfati on Wikipedia


In 2006, evolutionist administrators at Wikipedia® attempted to turn the Wikipedia page about Sarfati into an attack piece. This went so far as to go to Wikipedia's Arbitration Committee.[8] After the evolutionists were not allowed to have their way, they twice tried to get the article deleted.[9][10]


External links