Todd Gitlin

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Todd Gitlin was a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organizer during the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Committee Convention in 1968 and a founder of Progressives for Obama. As such, Gitlin was a member of JournoList, a group of leftist journalists and other liberals involved in a scandal of collusion to slander conservatives by labelling them racist.[1]

Todd Gitlin pictured here [1] on the Students for a Democratic Society organizational chart, mentioned in the SDS, Carl Davidson, and Progressives for Obama article. Gitlin, Davidson, Tom Hayden, Mark Rudd and Bernardine Dohrn traveled to Cuba where the DGI trained the Weather Underground in guerilla warfare prior to the 1968 DNC Convention.

Gitlin, according to the SDS organizational chart, also served with Jeff Jones, sitting director of NY State Apollo Alliance, an organization founded by Obama appointee and self-proclaimed communist Van Jones.

Of all the SDS/Progressive for Obama veterans, Gitlin dissented with the more violent radicals like Bill Ayers and did not join the WUO although his extreme leftist and communist affiliations have persisted to this day.

Gitlin authored, The Whole World is Watching,[2] in 2003 about his experiences.

Further reading
