Essay: Putin's Nazi supporters

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This essay is an original work by LT. Please comment only on the talk page.

We hear plenty from the antiwar coalition of "right-wing" populists, libertarians, socialists, Communists, and various fringe internet activists about the collaboration between the globalist left and Ukrainian Nazis conspiring in a genocide against ethnic Russians. Vladimir Putin, a Communist former member of the KGB, is resurrected from his infamous association with murderous, statist repressions into a hero of conservative Christian civilization fighting the Nazis of our generation.

Perhaps it's true and verifiable that there's a significant swath of Nazi support for contemporary Ukrainian nationalist causes. What should not be neglected, however, are the Nazis supporting Putin, undermining the assertion popular among the contemporary anti-establishment, antiwar syncretic coalition that Nazism is a problem exclusive to the Ukrainian side in the unfolding bloodshed and propaganda wars.

Kremlin outlet SouthFront and anti-Jewish fake news website "Veterans Today"

According to a report on junk news:

...three junk news websites specializing in content on military affairs and national security issues for US military personnel and veterans were used;,, and All three of these websites are reported to show links with Russian-origin content. In late 2013 Veterans Today began publishing content from the government-charted Russian Academy of Sciences geopolitical journal New Eastern Outlook. At a similar time, its sister site, Veterans News Now, began publishing content from the Moscow think tank Strategic Culture Foundation. Similarly, the website South Front, was registered in Moscow in early 2015 and partnered with Veterans Today later that year.

Politico reported:

In October 2015, Veterans Today also partnered with a slickly designed, anonymously authored military affairs website called South Front that had been registered in Moscow that April just as Russia was ramping up its influence operations in response to Western sanctions.

Since then, the site has consistently published articles that push the Kremlin party line, both from its Russian partner and its own contributors. Now, in addition to learning about “The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism,” readers who cruise to Veterans Today — which has 45,000 Facebook followers and claims more than 900,000 unique visitors per month — to catch up on the news or to check out the free services offered to veterans can read headlines like “Pravda: Ukraine indignant at 80% of Jews in power” and “Trump Humiliated: Syria Shoots Down 34 of 59 Cruise Missiles, Russia to Upgrade System Soon.” Recent contributions from South Front include “U.S. Suffers Reverses as Trump’s Plan to Aid Terrorists is Realized by Russia” and “The Political Uses Of Russophobia.” And recent contributions from New Eastern Outlook include, “If NATO wants peace and stability it should stay home” and “Brussels, NATO and the Globalists in Total Disarray.”

Nick Fuentes and the Communist-sympathizing AFPAC glowingly worship Putin

Forbes reported in late November 2022:

Speaking at a far-right rally in February, Fuentes got a crowd to cheer for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, starting a “Putin” chant, and stating, “they say [Russian president] Vladimir Putin is Hitler.”

—Brian Bushard, Nov. 26, 2022

Earlier in the year, The Guardian noted:

“Can we get a round of applause for Russia?” asked Nick Fuentes, on stage last week at a white nationalist event. Amid a roar of applause for the Russian president, just days after he invaded Ukraine, many attendees responded by shouting: “Putin! Putin!”

—Sergio Olmos, Mar. 3, 2022

The "America First Political Action Conference" (AFPAC), led by Fuentes, has openly aligned with the Chinese Communist Party: "Tonight, we are celebrating China’s test of a hypersonic missile that may one day end the reign of the Great Satan." It also supported the destruction of Taiwan by Communist China: "First Ukraine, then Taiwan!" In a published video, Fuentes juxtaposed Putin with far-left Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin, regarding both as "heroes":

And I talk a lot on my show, I've always, just like, just worshiped heroes, like Trump, or like Kanye, or Elon Musk, or like Stalin, or Putin, or whoever.

Assortments of neo-Nazis glorify Putin

David Duke, a neo-Nazi and member of the Ku Klux Klan, in July 2018 praised Trump for aligning with Putin, crowing: "Bravo Trump! Bravo Russia!"

According to The Atlantic in 2017 regarding neo-Nazi internet activist Andrew Anglin:

He developed an almost religious infatuation with Vladimir Putin, or “Czar Putin I, defender of human civilization,” as Anglin called him. For Anglin, Putin was a great white savior, a “being of immense power.”

—Luke O'Brein, Dec. 2017

The Wagner Group and Nazism

According to The Guardian in October 2022:

A neo-Nazi pro-Kremlin group active in Ukraine is inciting atrocities against prisoners of war and explicitly advocates the torture of captives including “removing body parts”. The self-styled “Task Force Rusich” is fighting in Ukraine on behalf of the Kremlin and is linked to the notorious Wagner Group mercenaries.

A message on Rusich’s Telegram channel sent on 22 September advocates the “destruction of prisoners on the spot”.

—Mark Townsend, Oct. 2, 2022

Concluding thoughts

It is foolish to assume that the antiwar movement against the NATO/Zelensky globalists are free of Nazism themselves even as they launch all the tirades they will to associate neo-Nazis exclusively with the Ukrainian nationalist forces. Rather, Nazi infestation is a reality for both sides of the conflict.

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