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National Socialism

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[[ImageFile:WilleZelensky neo-Nazi award.jpgPNG|right|200px300px|thumb|Political poster from Germany during On the 1930s; translatedeve of war with Russia, it reads ''National Socialism -[[Volodoymr Zelensky]] presents neo- Nazi leader Dmytro Kotsyubaylo with the organized will Hero of Ukraine award.<ref></ref> Kotsyubaylo jokes that his fighters "feed the nation''bones of Russian-speaking children to my pet wolf."<ref></ref>]]'''National [[Socialism]]''' (a calque of German '''Nazism'Nationalsozialismus'') is a far-left Left [[totalitarian]] system ,<ref>[American Holocaust Memorial Museum]</ref> originally created in [[Germany]] immediately following [[World War I]], and characterized by a [[collectivist]] view toward [[race]]. [[Nazism was ]] is heavily influenced by the [[Democratic Party ]]'s [[Jim Crow]] laws (that existed between 1880s to 1964) and [[Indian Removal Act]] (1830), as well and [[Progressive ideology]] [[eugenics]] pseudoscience. <ref></ref> While National Socialist parties have been banned throughout [[Europe]], [[Russia]], and most all former [[Soviet]] Republics since 1945, they were "legalized" in [[Ukraine]] as the main opposition groups to Soviet communism after the dissolution of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991. One of the main Nazi parties in "democratic" [[Ukraine]] was founded under the name Social National Party, and later changed its name to "Freedom" ([[Svoboda]]). Several other Nazi parties and paramilitary groups have existed in "free and democratic" Ukraine since 1991 without government sanctions. National socialist ideology does not seek to abolish [[capitalism]]; rather it seeks to use capitalism and racial or ethnic identity, as in Nazi Germany and contemporary [[China]] and [[Ukraine]], to gather more strength and power to itself.
Ironically, given the false equivalence by various leftists post-World War II between Nationalism nationalism and National Socialismnational socialism, Joseph Goebbels indicated that Nazism hated the concept of [[nationalism]] due to it being a [[bourgeois]] concept when explaining the NSDAP's political position. Nazism used dictatorial or draconian [[police state]] rule, mass appeal, brutal use of violence, disregard for the law, and a racial policy emphasizing the subjugation or extermination of people considered inferior, based heavily on a belief in social [[Darwinism]], as advocated by people such as Heinrich von Treitschke and the Englishman [[Houston Stewart Chamberlain]].<ref>[ What is National Socialism? (]*<small>Houston Stewart Chamberlain was born at Southsea in 1855, the son of Admiral William Charles Chamberlain. Two of his uncles were generals in the English army, a third was the well-known Field-Marshal Sir Neville Chamberlain. His mother was a daughter of Captain Basil Hall, R.N., whose travels were the joy of the boyhood of my generation, while his scientific observations won for him the honour of Fellowship of the Royal Society. Captain Basil Hall's father, Sir James Hall, was himself eminent in [[science]], being the founder of experimental geology. As a man of science therefore (and [[natural science]] was his first love), Houston Chamberlain may be regarded as an instance of atavism, or, to use the hideous word coined by [[Francis Galton|Galton]], “[[eugenics]]."</small> From the Introduction of ''[ Foundations of the Nineteenth Century]'', by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, English translation, John Lane Company, London & New York, 1912.</ref> This philosophy extrapolated Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory and said , claiming that persons, groups, and races are subject to the same laws of [[natural selection]] that Darwin proposed for animals, and that the state needed to speed-up the natural biological process for the good of the nation.<ref>[ Britannica's entry on social Darwinism]</ref>  The name Nazi is a contraction of the full party name, [[Nazi Party|National Socialist German Workers' Party]] (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). Nazism, in short, is simply one of several varieties of [[socialism]]. As a political party it controlled Germany from 1933-1945 under [[Adolf Hitler]], resulting in [[World War II]] and a campaign of mostly anti-[[Jewish]] and [[racist]] [[politics]], resulting in [[genocide]] (see the [[Holocaust]]). Supporters of [[Communism]], or of [[socialism]] in general, like to pretend that Nazism was not socialist but "[[right wing]]", for similar reasons to why [[fascism]] is often associated with the right wing despite being left wing. Despite this, however, it featured enough similarities with Communism that they were in fact closer to the [[far left]], even including anti-Semitism, which Karl Marx had advocated.<ref></ref> * It was common in those days, as it is in ours, to identify the [[Communist]]s as [[leftist]] and the Nazis as [[rightist]]s, as if they stood on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. But [[Ludwig von Mises]] knew differently. They both sported the same ideological pedigree of socialism. "The German and [[Russian]] systems of socialism have in common the fact that the [[big government]] has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer's goods for his consumption." * The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern "maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets." But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs [[entrepreneurship]] and the labor market, and determines wages and [[interest rates]] by central authority. "Market exchange," says Mises, "is only a sham." [] In addition, the Nazis never made an attempt at restoring the monarchy of Germany upon gaining national power. Further, during the late stages of World War II they had backed anti-monarchist forces in Hungary, one of their Axis allies, which acted as additional proof that they were not a right-wing ideology under the European definition (the origins of the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" came from the French Revolution regarding the National Assembly, with monarchists sitting on the right side seating).<ref name="The Lies of Socialism"></ref> On a similar note, thanks largely to the [[Frankfurt School]] (in particular [[Theodor Adorno]] and [[Herbert Marcuse]]) redefining fascism and Nazism as being right wing and manipulating the American Jewish Committee into assuming that the Nazis were such, the Nazis were also falsely assumed to be sexually rigid and puritanical relating to sexual relationships, when in reality, they were bohemians and sexual deviants/perverts (see [[Nazi Germany and homosexuality]]).<ref name=""></ref><ref></ref>
With [[Ukraine aid]] and [[CIA]] support, Nazism has seen a resurgence in [[Western civilization]] in the 21st century. Under the [[neoliberal]] [[Obama]] and [[Biden]] administrations, the perception of Nazism changed from its historical reference point as the embodiment of social, political, and government evil to being freedom fighters and advocates of Western-style [[democracy]].
[[File:Volodymyr Zelensky, Justin Trudeau, and Chrystia Freeland applaud Yaroslav Hunka of the Waffen SS Galicia Division during a session of the Canadian Parliament September 24 2023.PNG|right|300|thumb|Volodymyr Zelensky, [[Justin Trudeau]], and [[Chrystia Freeland]] applaud Yaroslav Hunka of the [[Waffen SS Galicia Division]] during a session of the Canadian Parliament, September 24, 2023.<ref>[ Jews, Poles, & Russians Have United To Condemn Canada For Glorifying A Literal Nazi], ANDREW KORYBKO, SEP 25, 2023.</ref>]]
===German Nazism===
{{main|Nazi platform of 1925}}
National Socialism socialism is related to [[socialism ]] in which the basic core is a control of people, property, and income by a centralized government. The core concepts of socialism were kept, transferred, and implemented in the 25 points of the Nazi Party Platform of 1925, <ref>[ 25 points of the Nazi Party Platform of 1925]</ref> which included: 
*The abolition of unearned income;
*Nationalization of trusts;
*State control of education;
*Creation of a "folk" army to supplant or replace the regular army;
*State control of the press [] 
Several concepts, however, make National Socialism unique as a political philosophy:
*A regimented, militaristic style of governance which had its origins in the Prussian traditions exemplified by Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98); *A belief of the Nordic “Aryan” man as superior in blood, intellect, and culture over all other races of man, given emphasis by the works of Frederich Nietzsche (''Mensch und Übermensch'') and other 19th century intellectuals.
Added to these beliefs was the science of the time, specifically the theories related to “survival of the fittest” and “natural selection” as postulated by British naturalist Charles Darwin; these theories would be used later as justification for Nazi removal and extermination of non-German people throughout much of Europe prior to and during World War II.
After Hitler joined and later took control of the German Workers' Party in 1921, he added what could be the most damaging elements:
*A rabid hatred for anything and anyone not GermanAryan;
*and a passionate German nationalism which demanded an expansion of German territory by force or other means.
[[Image:Wille.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Political poster from Germany during the 1930s; translated, it reads ''National Socialism -- the organized will of the nation'']]
Prior to World War I, Hitler had been a homeless tramp eking out a meager living as an artist in Vienna, Austria, a multi-ethnic city which included Slavs and Jews among its population; his experience there, as well as the racial propaganda Hitler read voraciously - among them the classic forgery ''Protocols of the Elders of Zion'' - fed into his pro-Germanic racist beliefs.
<blockquote>'Socialist' I define from the word 'social; meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual '''must be in consonance with those of the community'''.<ref>[ Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party]</ref></blockquote>
===Leftist influence===
[[File:Nazi Communist picket 1932.jpg|thumb|right|370px|Nazis (left) and Communists (right) jointly picketing in Germany in November 1932.]]
Supporters of [[Communism]], or of [[socialism]] in general, like to pretend that Nazism was not socialist but "[[right wing]]", for similar reasons to why [[fascism]] is often associated with the right wing despite being left wing. Despite this, however, it featured enough similarities with Communism that they were in fact closer to the [[far left]], even including anti-Semitism, which Karl Marx had advocated.<ref></ref>
* It was common in those days, as it is in ours, to identify the [[Communist]]s as [[leftist]] and the Nazis as [[rightist]]s, as if they stood on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. But [[Ludwig von Mises]] knew differently. They both sported the same ideological pedigree of socialism. "The German and [[Russian]] systems of socialism have in common the fact that the [[big government]] has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer's goods for his consumption."
* The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern "maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets." But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs [[entrepreneurship]] and the labor market, and determines wages and [[interest rates]] by central authority. "Market exchange," says Mises, "is only a sham." []
In addition, the Nazis never made an attempt at restoring the monarchy of Germany upon gaining national power. Further, during the late stages of World War II they had backed anti-monarchist forces in Hungary, one of their Axis allies, which acted as additional proof that they were not a right-wing ideology under the European definition (the origins of the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" came from the French Revolution regarding the National Assembly, with monarchists sitting on the right side seating).<ref name="The Lies of Socialism"></ref>
On a similar note, thanks largely to the [[Frankfurt School]] (in particular [[Theodor Adorno]] and [[Herbert Marcuse]]) redefining fascism and Nazism as being right wing and manipulating the American Jewish Committee into assuming that the Nazis were such, the Nazis were also falsely assumed to be sexually rigid and puritanical relating to sexual relationships, when in reality, they were bohemians and sexual deviants/perverts (see [[Nazi Germany and homosexuality]]).<ref name=""></ref><ref></ref>
==Post-World War II national socialism in the West==
[[File:Azov Battalion.jpg|right|300px|thumb|[[Russophobic|Anti-Russian]] [[neo-Nazi]] group supported by [[Joe Biden]] and [[NATO]] in Ukraine.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>]]
National Socialism as a political force in Germany ended with that country's defeat in 1945. Despite a “de-nazification” program by the victorious Allies, adherents to Nazism attempted to create new political groups as early as 1948 in West Germany, but were ineffective at reviving the movement; many were later banned, as with the symbolism that was part of it, such as the swastika. Many adherents later fled Germany using escape routes known as the "Ratlines", which had routes through Spain to Argentina, and Rome to other destinations in South America.
Some adherents fled to the Middle East and even assumed Islamic names after converting.<ref>[ Journey Into Europe]</ref> The most well known of these was Johann von Leers, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin after fleeing to Egypt. Alois Brunner fled to Syria and changed his name to Ali Mohammed. After a sentence in jail in France, Wilhelm Fahrmbacher went to Egypt and became a military advisor. Hans Eisele also moved to Egypt, as did Aribert Heim, who took the name Tarek Farid Hussein after his conversion. Johann Appler took the name Salah Chaffar after his arrival in Egypt and conversion to Islam.
Today, the only political party considered to have many elements of Nazism is the Baath Party of Syria and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) has also many times been accused of neo-Nazism and has survived repeated attempts at banning; party president Udo Voigt has made repeated anti-semitic/anti-immigrant statements, including attacks against America. Small neo-Nazi hate groups operate in several European countries and the United States.
In the media, including the Internet, neo-Nazism has also appeared. Radio programs hosted by such as David Duke and repeated appearances of noted Holocaust deniers such as David Irving are examples. Major hate sites like Stormfront and Metapedia contribute for Nazi/White Supremacist views.
===Ukrainian Nazism===
{{See also|Maidan regime}}
While many have referred to [[Ukrainian]] Nazis as "neo-Nazi", other analysts and experts consider them "old school" Nazis.<ref></ref> Ukrainian Nazis were responsible for the murder of the "[[Heavenly Hundred]]" and other atrocious crimes during the anti-democratic [[Maidan coup]]; one of its leaders publicly expressed on Ukrainian television, "We have fun killing."<ref></ref>
===Palestinian Nazism===
{{See also|Nazism at Arab Palestinians}}
In addition to the influence of Theosophy, National Socialist ideology was also influenced by Anthroposophy and Ariosophy.<ref>[ Hitler’s Monsters: The Occult Roots of Nazism and the Emergence of the Nazi ‘Supernatural Imaginary’]</ref> This led some intellectuals to have an inclination to study and appreciate Eastern beliefs. Notably, Sigrid Hunke, who was the protege of Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss, wrote the work ''Allahs Sonne über dem Abendland'' which promoted Islam as superior to Christianity.
Some modern historians attempt to link Nazism to Christianity. This however, is lacking any true historical basis. In ''The Occult Causes of the Present War'', historian Lewis Spence notes the overbearing pagan and satanic ideological that drove the Nazi Party. Nazis frequently engaged in the "replacement of the cross by the Swastika" in churches and that their party leaders had resurrected the worship of the fertility goddess Holle.<ref>[ Hitler’s Monsters]</ref> Another tenet of occultist activity was the belief in Irminism, which is was a current within Ariosophy<ref>[ The Return of Odin, The Modern Renaissance of Pagan Imagination]</ref> that held that the Bible was written in Germany and the Germanic God of 'Krist' was co-opted by Christians.<ref>[ Forgotten Worlds]</ref> Other mystical and pagan beliefs that dominated their ideology included a focus on the lost city of Atlantis and Welteislehre, or World Ice Theory.<ref>[ Nazis and the dark arts]</ref> [[Kaiser Wilhelm II]] notably said the following about Hitler, Nazism, and its relationship with Christianity,
{{Cquote|“There is a man alone, without family, without children, without God… He builds legions but he doesn’t build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, tradition: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children. [Hitler’s Germany would be]… an all-swallowing State, disdainful of human dignities and the ancient structure of our race, setting itself up in place of everything else. And the man who, alone, incorporates in himself this whole State, has neither a God to honour nor a dynasty to conserve, nor a past to consult.<ref></ref>}}
===Hitlerian socialism===
On The name Nazi is a contraction of the full party name, [[Nazi Party|National Socialist German Workers' Party]] (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). Nazism, in short, is simply one of several varieties of [[socialism]]. As a political party it controlled Germany from 1933-1945 under [[Adolf Hitler]], resulting in [[World War II]] and a campaign of mostly anti-[[Jewish]] and [[racist]] [[politics]], resulting in [[genocide]] (see the [[Holocaust]]). In a 1923 interview with George Sylvester Viereck, Hitler said, "Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning....Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic....Our socialism is national....We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one."<ref></ref>
===Socialism with Chinese characteristics===
{{See also|Chinese Communist Party#Document 9}}
[[File:Xi in Maoist outfit.PNG|thumbnail|right|390px|General Secretary Xi Jinping, the inspiration of ''Xi Jinping Thought'' and proponent of ''Socialism with Chinese Characteristics''.]]
National socialist images of a sacred bloodline have become a feature of [[CCP]] ideology. Su Jingzhuang, from the Central Party School, wrote an article on Xi Jinping Thought in the ''Study Times'', arguing: "Red genes are a genetic factor that has taken root in the body of our party and flows through the blood vessels of CCP cadres; they [form] the spiritual lineage of the Chinese races’ coexistence and co-prosperity, and [they are] a core political advantage in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."<ref></ref>
==After World War II==National Socialism as a political force in Germany ended with that country's defeat in 1945. Despite a “de-nazification” program by the victorious AlliesThe national socialist mission of unifying race, adherents to Nazism attempted to create new political groups as early as 1948 in West Germanyparty, but were ineffective at reviving nation and state have taken on singular import for the movement; many were later bannedCCP, as with the symbolism that was part while its [[Marxism-Leninism|Leninist]] role of it, such as the swastikasecuring a path to communism has been subordinated. Many adherents later fled Germany using escape routes known as [[Nationalism]] is no longer a necessary step on the "Ratlines", which had routes through Spain road to Argentinacommunism, and Rome to other destinations in South Americabut the driving force behind Chinese socialism.
Some adherents fled Under [[Xi Jinping]], the CCP has proven all too willing to incorporate aspects of Hitlerian national socialism into its mode of governance. Carl Schmitt, known as the Middle East and even assumed Islamic names after converting‘crown jurist of national socialism’, was cited by legal advisers to China’s leadership to rationalize the CCP’s imposition of a new national security law on [[Hong Kong]] in 2020.<ref>[ Journey Into Europe]</ref> The most well known of these Schmitt’s central argument was Johann von Leersthat the sovereign, as someone who converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin after fleeing to Egypt. Alois Brunner fled to Syria and changed his name decides on exceptions to Ali Mohammed. After a sentence in jail in Francerules, Wilhelm Fahrmbacher went to Egypt and became has a military advisor. Hans Eisele also moved necessary power to Egypt, as did Aribert Heim, who took the name Tarek Farid Hussein after his conversionsuspend civil liberties. Johann Appler took That the name Salah Chaffar after his arrival in Egypt and conversion to IslamCCP is now incorporating Schmitt’s fascist jurisprudence into its legal regime indicates that China’s ruling elite has been influenced not only by the ideological elements of national socialism but also by Nazism’s governmental aspects.<ref></ref>
Today, the only political party considered According to have many elements the official state-run media organ Xinhua, "The essence of Nazism patriotism is having unified love for the country, the Baath Party and socialism, Xi added, urging young Chinese to follow the instructions and guidance of Syria the Party, and Iraq under Saddam Husseinremain dedicated to the country and the people. The "<ref></ref> John Xenakis writing in ''[[National Democratic Party of GermanyBreitbart]] '' observed:{{quotebox-float|"I was in school in the 1950s-60s, I was repeatedly told that the difference between Communism and Nazism was that in Communism the government owned all the businesses (NPDwhich was "good") has also many times been accused of neo-, while in Nazism and has survived repeated attempts at banning; party president Udo Voigt has made repeated anti-semitic/anti-immigrant statementsit was still a capitalist system (which was "bad"), including attacks against Americabut the government still controlled everything. Small neo-Nazi hate groups operate in several European countries and That's exactly the United Stateseconomic system that China has today. It's pure National Socialism (Nazism).
In the media, including the Internet, neo-Xi's Thoughts are actually about Nazism has also appeared. Radio programs hosted by such as David Duke with Chinese Characteristics, and repeated appearances of noted Holocaust deniers such as David Irving are examplesit's a very scary development because they provide an ideological framework to justify any military action at any time. Major hate sites like Stormfront and Metapedia contribute for Nazi"<ref>https:/White Supremacist views/</ref>}}
==See also==
* Tooze, Adam. ''The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy'' (2007), highly influential new study
* Welch, David. ''Hitler'' (1998.) 123pp [ online edition]
== External links ==
*[ Nazi Party],
*[ Nazi Germany and conformity and consent in the national community]
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