World History Homework Five Answers - Student Eleven

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1. List the "Five Pillars of Islam.": The Five Pillars of Islam are:

Submission is to one God, Allah.

Prayer is to Allah five times a day while facing Mecca.

Fasting for the entire month of Ramadan, where no food is allowed to be eaten during daylight hours.

Almsgiving: Muslims must donate to the poor.

The Hajj or pilgrimage is made at least once during a Muslims lifetime to Mecca.

Superb, will use as a model!

2. How is Islam different from Christianity?: Islam and Christianity have extremely different viewpoints in addition to religious beliefs. Islam follows a set of commands known as the “Five Pillars of Islam” which are set forth in the Koran. Christianity follows the Bible, and bases life upon the Ten Commandments just as God has instructed for us to do.


3. Charles the Hammer, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne: which one is your favorite, and why?: Charlemagne is definitely my favorite out of the three. He was such a great leader and did many good things, such as educating children in palace schools. He also conquered Italy and was crowned "Holy Roman Emperor" by Pope Leo III. The reason I like Charlemagne was because he was a dedicated and well-educated Christian, and was one of the greatest leaders out of all.


H3. What is your view of "chivalry"?: I think chivalry is a very good thing but can often times be misused. When someone is being chivalrous, the other person needs to respect that and be the same way back. For instance if a boy opens the door for a girl but the girl just walks right in without saying anything she is not being chivalrous back and is abusing the fact that the boy was trying to be polite.

Very well put. May use as a model!

5. Explain the difference between the Sunnis and the Shiites, and give examples of one country controlled by each: The Sunnis and the Shiites are the two major branches of religion in Islam. Around A.D. 660 a schism occurred between the two groups on who should be the successor to Muhammad, and the Shiites chose Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law. The Sunnis and Shiites clash with each other in many ways, even to this day. The Sunnis are viewed to be more moderate and friendlier to western countries like the United States whereas the Shiites are more hostile towards the western countries. The Sunnis are Arab and have ruled countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq, while the Shiites have majorities in Iraq and Iran.

Excellent, note that both groups are Arab.

6. Current events: Comment on the table of Islamic populations by country. Do you notice anything interesting about it?: In Saudi Arabia the Muslim Population is 100% where as the United States has about 1.4%. It’s interesting how much the population can change in different areas. The Muslim population is much stronger in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq then it is in the Western countries such as the US whose main branch of religion is Christianity.


7. Briefly describe four major civilizations or tribes in South America, as discussed in the lecture:

-The Teotihuacan (A.D. 100-900): The Teotihuacan civilization followed the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica. It became a large city with a total of 200,000 people. They worshipped gods and goddesses, and most people lived in barrios around the city.

-The Maya (A.D. 300-900): The civilization of the Maya in Central America was located on the Yucatan peninsula, which population was about 5-16 million people. The tribe had much knowledge on things such as, mathematics, astronomy, entertainment, and the use of their own pictographic language. No one knows why the Maya civilization came to an end. In the 800s Maya civilizations were abandoned and by the mid 900s the civilization had disintegrated and was nothing but a shadow of what it used to be.

-The Aztecs (A.D. 1200-1521): The Aztecs are known for adopting many of the legends, ballgames, calendar, and customs of their ancestors. The Aztecs were not as advance in knowledge and civilization, and were also more warlike then others.

-The Toltecs (A.D. 900-1200): The Toltecs were a northern Mexican nomadic tribe that ruled about 50 miles north of present-day Mexico City, in a city called Tula. The Toltecs were a tribe who helped fight and conquer the city of Teotihuacan in the 8th century. It is said that the Toltecs were “living by the sword” which put them at risk to also be conquered by that sword.

Excellent answers! 70/70. Perfect!