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'''National [[Socialism]]''' is a far-left [[totalitarian]] system originally created in [[Germany]] immediately following [[World War I]], and characterized by a [[collectivist]] view toward [[race]]. Nazism was heavily influenced by Democratic Party and Progressive ideology. <ref>https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/31/dinesh-dsouza-hitler-learned-democrats/</ref>  National socialism does not seek to abolish [[capitalism]], rather it seeks to use capitalism to gather more strength and power to itself.
'''National [[Socialism]]''' is a far-left [[totalitarian]] system originally created in [[Germany]] immediately following [[World War I]], and characterized by a [[collectivist]] view toward [[race]]. Nazism was heavily influenced by Democratic Party and Progressive ideology. <ref>https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/31/dinesh-dsouza-hitler-learned-democrats/</ref>  National socialism does not seek to abolish [[capitalism]], rather it seeks to use capitalism and national pride to gather more strength and power to itself.
Ironically, given the false equivalence by various leftists post-World War II between Nationalism and National Socialism, Joseph Goebbels indicated that Nazism hated the concept of [[nationalism]] due to it being a [[bourgeois]] concept when explaining the NSDAP's political position. Nazism used dictatorial or draconian [[police state]] rule, mass appeal, brutal use of violence, disregard for the law, and a racial policy emphasizing the subjugation or extermination of people considered inferior, based heavily on a belief in social [[Darwinism]], as advocated by people such as Heinrich von Treitschke and the Englishman [[Houston Stewart Chamberlain]].<ref>[http://yesterday.uktv.co.uk/warzone/world-war-two/nazi-germany/article/what-national-socialism/ What is National Socialism? (yesterday.uktv.co.uk/warzone/world-war-two/nazi-germany/article/what-national-socialism)]
Ironically, given the false equivalence by various leftists post-World War II between Nationalism and National Socialism, Joseph Goebbels indicated that Nazism hated the concept of [[nationalism]] due to it being a [[bourgeois]] concept when explaining the NSDAP's political position. Nazism used dictatorial or draconian [[police state]] rule, mass appeal, brutal use of violence, disregard for the law, and a racial policy emphasizing the subjugation or extermination of people considered inferior, based heavily on a belief in social [[Darwinism]], as advocated by people such as Heinrich von Treitschke and the Englishman [[Houston Stewart Chamberlain]].<ref>[http://yesterday.uktv.co.uk/warzone/world-war-two/nazi-germany/article/what-national-socialism/ What is National Socialism? (yesterday.uktv.co.uk/warzone/world-war-two/nazi-germany/article/what-national-socialism)]

Revision as of 03:54, August 1, 2021

National Socialism is a far-left totalitarian system originally created in Germany immediately following World War I, and characterized by a collectivist view toward race. Nazism was heavily influenced by Democratic Party and Progressive ideology. [1] National socialism does not seek to abolish capitalism, rather it seeks to use capitalism and national pride to gather more strength and power to itself.

Ironically, given the false equivalence by various leftists post-World War II between Nationalism and National Socialism, Joseph Goebbels indicated that Nazism hated the concept of nationalism due to it being a bourgeois concept when explaining the NSDAP's political position. Nazism used dictatorial or draconian police state rule, mass appeal, brutal use of violence, disregard for the law, and a racial policy emphasizing the subjugation or extermination of people considered inferior, based heavily on a belief in social Darwinism, as advocated by people such as Heinrich von Treitschke and the Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain.[2] This philosophy extrapolated Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory and said that persons, groups, and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection that Darwin proposed for animals.[3]


For a more detailed treatment, see Nazi platform of 1925.

Political poster from Germany during the 1930s; translated, it reads National Socialism -- the organized will of the nation

National Socialism is related to socialism in which the basic core is a control of people, property, and income by a centralized government. The core concepts of socialism were kept, transferred, and implemented in the 25 points of the Nazi Party Platform of 1925, which included:

  • The abolition of unearned income;
  • Nationalization of trusts;
  • Inclusion into profit-sharing;
  • Increase in old-age pensions;
  • Creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class;
  • Agrarian reform, which included the seizing of land without compensation;
  • State control of education;
  • Creation of a "folk" army to supplant or replace the regular army;
  • State control of the press [1]

Several concepts, however, make National Socialism unique as a political philosophy:

  • A regimented, militaristic style of governance which had its origins in the Prussian traditions exemplified by Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98);
  • A belief of the Nordic “Aryan” man as superior in blood, intellect, and culture over all other races of man, given emphasis by the works of Frederich Nietzsche (Mensch und Übermensch) and other 19th century intellectuals.

Added to these beliefs was the science of the time, specifically the theories related to “survival of the fittest” and “natural selection” as postulated by British naturalist Charles Darwin; these theories would be used later as justification for Nazi removal and extermination of non-German people throughout much of Europe prior to and during World War II.

Through the writings of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Nazi theorists were influenced by the ideas of the French Count Arthur de Gobineau, sometimes referred to as Gobinism, who was the first to formulate the idea of an Aryan master race. Hitler met Chamberlain in the 1920s.[4]

After Hitler joined and later took control of the German Workers' Party in 1921, he added what could be the most damaging elements:

  • A rabid hatred for anything and anyone not German;
  • and a passionate German nationalism which demanded an expansion of German territory by force or other means.

Prior to World War I, Hitler had been a homeless tramp eking out a meager living as an artist in Vienna, Austria, a multi-ethnic city which included Slavs and Jews among its population; his experience there, as well as the racial propaganda Hitler read voraciously - among them the classic forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion - fed into his pro-Germanic racist beliefs.

National Socialism did not come into its own until after Germany's defeat in World War I. What gave it impetus was the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, in which Germany was forced to assume guilt and responsibility for causing the war and the death and destruction which resulted. The Allies’ insistence on the drafting of the Treaty without German participation, the heavy reparations, the despair and disillusionment felt by many Germans after the war, and those diplomats Hitler felt had agreed to cease the war (the “November criminals”) were all used in Hitler's propaganda to persuade as many Germans as possible to support the Nazi cause. The hyper-inflation of 1923 which wiped out middle-class savings and made the German mark worthless added to the National Socialist cause.

Hitler went into detail as to what National Socialism would be when he wrote his political testament while in prison in 1924. In Mein Kampf he outlined his racial policies and theories, his theories regarding German expansion, and his understandings of mass psychology and propaganda; in the latter he understood that a weak-minded people would be led by someone who can speak at their level, regarding "truth" less important than "success":

"It is part of a great leader's genius to make even widely separated adversaries appear as if they belonged to but one category, because among weakly and undecided characters the recognition of various enemies all too easily marks the beginning of doubt of one's own rightness."

Before he was ousted from the Party, Hermann Rauschning, National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate in 1933-1934, recalled being told by Hitler that:

"Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism—not such trifles as the private possession of the means of production. Of what importance is that if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers. All that, you see, is unessential. Our Socialism goes far deeper . . . ."
"[T]he people about us are unaware of what is really happening to them. They gaze fascinated at one or two familiar superficialities, such as possessions and income and rank and other outworn conceptions. As long as these are kept intact, they are quite satisfied. But in the meantime they have entered a new relation; a powerful social force has caught them up. They themselves are changed. What are ownership and income to that? Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings." (Peikoff, p. 231)

“To be a socialist,” said Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels, “is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.” (Peikoff, p. 19).

Furthermore, when asked about the position of National Socialism, Goebbels responded, "the NSDAP is the German Left. We despise bourgeois nationalism." (Der Angriff, Dec 6th, 1931).

Hitler himself echoed basically the same theme. In an article published in 1930 for the UK Daily Express, Hitler stated:

'Socialist' I define from the word 'social; meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community.[5]

Leftist influence

Supporters of Communism, or of socialism in general, like to pretend that Nazism was not socialist but "right wing", for similar reasons to why fascism is often associated with the right wing despite being left wing. Despite this, however, it featured enough similarities with Communism that they were in fact closer to the far left, even including anti-Semitism, which Karl Marx had advocated.[6]

  • It was common in those days, as it is in ours, to identify the Communists as leftist and the Nazis as rightists, as if they stood on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. But Ludwig von Mises knew differently. They both sported the same ideological pedigree of socialism. "The German and Russian systems of socialism have in common the fact that the big government has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer's goods for his consumption."
  • The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern "maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets." But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs entrepreneurship and the labor market, and determines wages and interest rates by central authority. "Market exchange," says Mises, "is only a sham." [2]

In addition, the Nazis never made an attempt at restoring the monarchy of Germany upon gaining national power. Further, during the late stages of World War II they had backed anti-monarchist forces in Hungary, one of their Axis allies, which acted as additional proof that they were not a right-wing ideology under the European definition (the origins of the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" came from the French Revolution regarding the National Assembly, with monarchists sitting on the right side seating).[7]

On a similar note, thanks largely to the Frankfurt School (in particular Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse) redefining fascism and Nazism as being right wing and manipulating the American Jewish Committee into assuming that the Nazis were such, the Nazis were also falsely assumed to be sexually rigid and puritanical relating to sexual relationships, when in reality, they were bohemians and sexual deviants/perverts (see Nazi Germany and homosexuality).[8][9]


National Socialism is revolutionary in nature and without end. National identity and nationalist ideology have been blended with a social radicalism in which liberalism, democracy, human rights, rationalism, and the rule of law were subordinated to the will of the state, the "state" being autocratic and concentrated in the person of the Fuhrer, i.e. Hitler. Loyalty to Germany, to the German State, and to Hitler in particular, was equated with the worship of God (meaning the Nordic god Woden/Votan/Oden). National Socialism in Germany 1925-1945 combined Norse mythology, Darwinism and the mystical, occultic New Age doctrines of Theosophy in a racist, militant extremist opposition to Judaism and to Christianity "with its defeatist, effeminate Christ-figure".[10] Once in power, the Nazis held on to it by threat, intimidation, violence, and the manipulation of the masses. It assumed that the strong had the right to rule the weak and the so-called "Master Race" had to expand its territory through the policy of Lebensraum (living space) and prepared Germans to accept an ethic of "ferocity" and "hardness".

I want to see once more in [our youth's] eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey."
--Adolph Hitler, 1934 [10]

In addition to the influence of Theosophy, National Socialist ideology was also influenced by Anthroposophy and Ariosophy.[11] This led some intellectuals to have an inclination to study and appreciate Eastern beliefs. Notably, Sigrid Hunke, who was the protege of Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss, wrote the work Allahs Sonne über dem Abendland which promoted Islam as superior to Christianity.

Hitlerian socialism

The name Nazi is a contraction of the full party name, National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). Nazism, in short, is simply one of several varieties of socialism. As a political party it controlled Germany from 1933-1945 under Adolf Hitler, resulting in World War II and a campaign of mostly anti-Jewish and racist politics, resulting in genocide (see the Holocaust).

In a 1923 interview with George Sylvester Viereck, Hitler said, "Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning....Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic....Our socialism is national....We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one."[12]

Socialism with Chinese characteristics

National socialist images of a sacred bloodline have become a feature of CCP ideology. Su Jingzhuang, from the Central Party School, wrote an article on Xi Jinping thought in the Study Times, arguing: ‘Red genes are a genetic factor that has taken root in the body of our party and flows through the blood vessels of CCP cadres; they [form] the spiritual lineage of the Chinese races’ coexistence and co-prosperity, and [they are] a core political advantage in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.’[13]

The national socialist mission of unifying race, party, nation and state have taken on singular import for the CCP, while its Leninist role of securing a path to communism has been subordinated. Nationalism is no longer a necessary step on the road to communism, but the driving force behind Chinese socialism.

Under Xi Jinping, the CCP has proven all too willing to incorporate aspects of Hitlerian national socialism into its mode of governance. Carl Schmitt, known as the ‘crown jurist of national socialism’, was cited by legal advisers to China’s leadership to rationalize the CCP’s imposition of a new national security law on Hong Kong in 2020.[14] Schmitt’s central argument was that the sovereign, as someone who decides on exceptions to rules, has a necessary power to suspend civil liberties. That the CCP is now incorporating Schmitt’s fascist jurisprudence into its legal regime indicates that China’s ruling elite has been influenced not only by the ideological elements of national socialism but also by Nazism’s governmental aspects.[15]

Post-World War II national socialism in the West

National Socialism as a political force in Germany ended with that country's defeat in 1945. Despite a “de-nazification” program by the victorious Allies, adherents to Nazism attempted to create new political groups as early as 1948 in West Germany, but were ineffective at reviving the movement; many were later banned, as with the symbolism that was part of it, such as the swastika. Many adherents later fled Germany using escape routes known as the "Ratlines", which had routes through Spain to Argentina, and Rome to other destinations in South America.

Some adherents fled to the Middle East and even assumed Islamic names after converting.[16] The most well known of these was Johann von Leers, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin after fleeing to Egypt. Alois Brunner fled to Syria and changed his name to Ali Mohammed. After a sentence in jail in France, Wilhelm Fahrmbacher went to Egypt and became a military advisor. Hans Eisele also moved to Egypt, as did Aribert Heim, who took the name Tarek Farid Hussein after his conversion. Johann Appler took the name Salah Chaffar after his arrival in Egypt and conversion to Islam.

Today, the only political party considered to have many elements of Nazism is the Baath Party of Syria and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) has also many times been accused of neo-Nazism and has survived repeated attempts at banning; party president Udo Voigt has made repeated anti-semitic/anti-immigrant statements, including attacks against America. Small neo-Nazi hate groups operate in several European countries and the United States.

In the media, including the Internet, neo-Nazism has also appeared. Radio programs hosted by such as David Duke and repeated appearances of noted Holocaust deniers such as David Irving are examples. Major hate sites like Stormfront and Metapedia contribute for Nazi/White Supremacist views.

See also

Further reading

  • Abel, Theodore. Why Hitler Came into Power. Harvard U. Press, 1986. 315 pp.
  • Bracher, Karl D. The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Consequences of National Socialism (1973). Influential analysis by political scientist
  • Burleigh, Michael. The Third Reich: A New History. (2000). 864 pp. Stress on antisemitism; excerpt and text search
  • Bullock, Alan. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, (1962) online edition
  • Evans, Richard J. The Coming of the Third Reich: A History. 2004. 622 pp., a major scholarly survey excerpt and text search
  • Evans, Richard J. The Third Reich in Power: 1933-1939. (2005). 800 pp. The major scholarly study excerpt and text search
  • Friedlander, Saul. Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933-1939 (1998); vol. 2: The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (2007), the standard history excerpt and text search
  • Geary, Dick. Hitler and Nazism, (2000) 97 pages
  • Kershaw, Ian. Hitler, 1889-1936: Hubris. vol. 1. 1999. 700 pp. excerpt and text search vol 1; vol 2: Hitler, 1936-1945: Nemesis. 2000. 832 pp.; the leading scholarly biography, excerpt and text search vol 2
  • Koonz, Claudia. Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, Family Life, and Nazi Ideology, 1919-1945. (1986). 640 pp. The major study
  • Overy, Richard. The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia (2004) excerpt and text search
  • Owings, Alison. Frauen: German Women Recall the Third Reich. Rutgers U. Press, 1993. 484 pp. oral histories
  • Peikoff, Leonard. The Omninous Parallels: A Brilliant Study of America Today - and the 'ominous parallels' with the chaos of pre-Hitler Germany; Plume, New York City (1983)
  • Rempel, Gerhard. Hitler's Children: The Hitler Youth and the SS, (1989) online edition
  • Stibbe, Matthew. Women in the Third Reich, 2003, 208 pp.
  • Tooze, Adam. The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy (2007), highly influential new study
  • Welch, David. Hitler (1998.) 123pp online edition


  1. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/31/dinesh-dsouza-hitler-learned-democrats/
  2. What is National Socialism? (yesterday.uktv.co.uk/warzone/world-war-two/nazi-germany/article/what-national-socialism)
    • Houston Stewart Chamberlain was born at Southsea in 1855, the son of Admiral William Charles Chamberlain. Two of his uncles were generals in the English army, a third was the well-known Field-Marshal Sir Neville Chamberlain. His mother was a daughter of Captain Basil Hall, R.N., whose travels were the joy of the boyhood of my generation, while his scientific observations won for him the honour of Fellowship of the Royal Society. Captain Basil Hall's father, Sir James Hall, was himself eminent in science, being the founder of experimental geology. As a man of science therefore (and natural science was his first love), Houston Chamberlain may be regarded as an instance of atavism, or, to use the hideous word coined by Galton, “eugenics." From the Introduction of Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, English translation, John Lane Company, London & New York, 1912.
  3. Britannica's entry on social Darwinism
  4. Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion
  5. Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20020116231910/http://russp.org/nazis.html
  7. http://www.truthbasedlogic.com/lies.htm
  8. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/267543/big-liar-dinesh-dsouza
  9. https://www.wnd.com/2017/08/the-sex-pervert-as-anti-fascist/
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Occult History of the Third Reich 4 program DVD documentary from Eagle Media, copyright 1987/2004 Eagle Rock Entertainment. Disc 1: 100 minutes Disc 2: 109 minutes Total running time 209 minutes approx. Plus additional interactive content. Executive Producers for Eagle Rock Entertainment - Terry Shand & Geoff Kempin. An Eagle Media Release - Eagle Media is a division of Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd. ISBN 0-9743194-6-5
  11. Hitler’s Monsters: The Occult Roots of Nazism and the Emergence of the Nazi ‘Supernatural Imaginary’
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2007/sep/17/greatinterviews1
  13. https://archive.ph/PsH7T
  14. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/12/nazi-china-communists-carl-schmitt/617237/
  15. https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/xi-jinpings-conception-of-socialism/
  16. Journey Into Europe