Mystery: Was John the Apostle a child

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John, the favored Apostle of Jesus and the eventual author of the fourth Gospel, the three Johannine Epistles, and the Book of Revelation, is widely viewed as having been an adult like Peter and Jesus Himself.

However, was John actually a child during Jesus's ministry, and did Jesus homeschool John with his mother's permission? Subtle indications include:

  • John was not required to pay taxes, as a child would not be. Peter and Jesus, as adults, were required to pay taxes.[1]
  • John reacted, as a child might, to a town that refused to welcome Jesus, "Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?"[2]
  • Jesus then reacted as an adult would to children: he "turned and rebuked" John, as well as his brother James.[3]
  • John ran like a child to the empty tomb and took pride in arriving first,[4] but then waited before entering as a child would do in deference to adult supervision.
  • John was not identified and interrogated, as Peter was, during the Passion.
  • John, though obviously very bright, had no known commitments yet at the time he followed Jesus, just as a youngster would not.
  • John believed more quickly than Peter, as age and experience can be detriments to accepting new ideas.
  • Jesus "loved" John much as a teacher can have a platonic love for a special student.
  • John once rested his head on Jesus's breast, much as a boy would do with a guardian.
  • John lived a very long time after Jesus and much longer than the other Apostles.
  • John understood Jesus's teachings better than anyone else, perhaps again aided by his young age and lack of conflicting, incorrect views.
  • Jesus assigned John to take care of Jesus's mother, Mary, a duty more appropriately given to a boy than to a grown man.
  • John typically accompanied by his probably older brother James,[5] just as childhood brothers would be and not as adult brothers typically act.
  • John's mother accompanied him as though he were a child, and asked that he and her other son James be placed at Jesus's side in heaven, which is a request a mother would more likely make about children than adults.
  • John was the only Apostle to stay with Jesus during the Crucifixion, suggesting that John was too young to be at risk of being arrested.
  • John understood Jesus's teachings better than others, but was never given a position of leadership, most likely due to his youth.
  • John understood the Resurrection, yet did not think of securing a tomb for Jesus's body; an inexperienced youth is less likely to realize the need for burial.
  • John wrote the Book of Revelation while exiled to Patmos during A.D. 95, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domition. Yet the Jesus's Crucifixion was as early as A.D. 29. If John were older than 14 at the time of the Crucifixion, then John would have had an unlikely age of being older than 80 when he wrote the Book of Revelation.
  • The New Testament books written by John emphasize the concept of "children" with greater frequency than the other books. For example, in the First Epistle of John, he addresses his intended audience as "my little children."[6] If he himself was guided under biblical truth by Jesus at a young age, the choice of words in this verse may very well reflect his own experience in being trained while a youngster still naive and not yet developed in maturity.
  • Jesus responded to one request by John as an adult would respond to a child: "You don't know what you're asking. ..." (Mark 10:38 (CBP)).
  • In Mark 9:38–41, John inquires Jesus about others casting out demons in Christ's name, saying, "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us." The statement and general attitude is more sensible to attribute to that of a curious child, still in guidance about the world, would ask their teacher, as opposed to a more matured teenager or adult.

One commentator suggests an age of 12 or 13 for John, and further suggests that the remainder of the Apostles, other than the adult Peter, were teenagers.[7] It should be noted that Matthew, being a tax collector, was probably an adult like Peter. John and Mark were likely children or very young teenagers at the time of being trained by Jesus.
