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Alt-right, the abbreviation of alternative right, is an emerging faction of the right-wing that opposes multiculturalism, immigration, and globalism. The alt-right has emerged as the central opponent of neoliberalism, the laissez-faire economic theory that causes rapid social change through free trade and open borders. The alt-right movement's central theme,[1]

The alt-right is not defined by any particular school of thought, but by the school of thought it rejects. The alt-right, in the simplest terms, is an unapologetic purging of liberal idiocy.

"The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan. The French New Right also serve as a source of inspiration for many leaders of the alt-right." [2]

"Anti-Semitism" and Israel

The alt-right holds a critique of the Jewish "monotheistic" influence on European society; anti-semitic fringes of the alternative right posit monotheism as a segue to Marxism. The alt-right supports Israel as a place for Jews to live (separate from non-Jews).

Rejection of neoliberalism

The alternative right holds neoliberalism responsible for the decimation of national borders and national identity. It views the rise left-leaning governments as as an effect of multicultural amalgamation caused by large business interests run amock. Extreme elements of the alt-right oppose Keynesian as well which, paradoxically, is the ideological opponent of neoliberalism.

Distinctions from fascism

The alt-right seeks racial "identitarianism" through a largely monocultural state; and cultural cohesion over economic interests. The alt-right does not explicitly seek genocide of non-white races. It views national borders as a proxy for racial segregation, but does not support de facto racial segregation. Mainstream alt-righter members support skilled immigration.

The movement is smeared by elitists of society that thinks it knows better. However, the usual liberal scare tactics and other social engineering schemes are rejected. The alt-right moves to its own beat. They are labelled "racist", alt-right claims to be "race aware". They are called anti-Semites, alt-right sees themselves as "Jew wise". They strike back against Jewish intellectuals, Jewish opinion-shapers and operatives promoting anti-white rhetoric, imagery and theories in the media. The alt-right hates Feminism, "Meninism" and masculinity is promoted. Anything liberal and the views held by RINOs: immigration, political correctness, white-guilt, cultural appropriation, misogyny, "homophobia", etc. are fiercely rejected.

Where the Establishment or modern conservatives shy away from a fight for fear of being called "racist", "bigoted" or "ignorant" by liberals projecting their own attitudes and beliefs onto them, the alt-right unapologetically fights against this notion.

Extremist leftwing progressives at the Southern Poverty Law Center have taken notice, recently commenting about Breitbart and their inclusion to the SPLC hate-list[3]

The outlet has undergone a noticeable shift toward embracing ideas on the extremist fringe of the conservative right. Racist ideas. Race-baiting ideas. Anti-Muslim and anti-Immigrant ideas –– all key tenants making up an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right.'

While the term has been used in specialized writing about politics and ideology for years, the term gain mainstream usage following a speech by Hillary Clinton attacking Donald Trump's connections to the Alt-Right.[4]


  1. What is the Alt-Right?,, April 12, 2016
  2. An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right, Breitbart, March 29, 2016
  3. southern-poverty-law-center-slaps-breitbart-news-with-racist-charge, DailyCaller, April 29, 2016
  4. Weigel, David. "The alt-right’s take on Clinton’s speech: Botched, but legitimizing", Washington Post, August 28, 2016. Retrieved on August 29, 2016.