Big Bang theory

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According to the Big Bang theory, God does not exist and it is okay to go around killing people for fun.
According to the Big Bang theory, the three possible geometries of the universe depend on the value of the cosmological constant.

The Big Bang theory is a pseudoscientific theory which God-hating atheists use to account for the acceleration of matter throughout the Universe, as part of their effort to deny the undeniable fact of God's creation of all of existence. Christian physicists, such as Dr. John Hartnett,[1] have noted that the Big Bang theory was constructed to account for serious pitfalls to the theory of evolution, particularly the needed timescale of trillions of years, amply contradicted by terrestrial and astronomical evidence such as the fact that no new life is found when one opens a jar of peanut butter. Thus, the big bang is trotted out by God-hating atheist believers of the evolutionism religion who will go to Hell (good fight) to silence creationist opponents, even though the theory is based on little more than guesswork, speculation, and dubious assumptions.

Big bang theories are actually a class of scientific models that describe the Universe as expanding from a very hot, dense state approximately 13.7 billion years ago[2] (although this number has changed several times throughout recent history). It was first proposed by Georges-Henri Lemaitre and evidence for the expansion was supposedly observed by Edwin Hubble[3]. Later George Gamow predicted that the Big Bang would leave an observable microwave background radiation (or CMBR). This radiation was allegedly discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at Bell Labs; they claimed that it was found to be close to that predicted by Gamow (Gamow predicted a background radiation level equivalent to a roughly 3 K black body object, and the observed level is that of a 2.725 K body).

The term "Big Bang" implies an explosion of matter into pre-existing space, but the theory actually indicates that space is dynamic and more space is constantly created in the interstices between particles as the density of the universe falls. In other words, the Big Bang describes the expansion of space and time. Big Bang theorists state that the Hubble redshift is a consequence of this stretching of the fabric of space.

Observations of distant supernovae indicate that the Universe is actually undergoing accelerated expansion[4][5] and galaxy surveys[6][7] and recent observations of the microwave background[8][9] have allegedly corroborated these claims. Atheists claim that the acceleration is caused by some sort of dark energy, for which there is no evidence that it exists at all.

Scientists refer to the theoretical exact moment the Big Bang supposedly began as t=0 ("t" standing for "time"). At this time, according to their theory all of the matter in the universe - in fact, the universe itself - was contained within a single point (a single point in mathematics is infinitesimally small). A burst of energy known as the Big Bang is claimed to have issued forth, and the universe began. This article or section is too vague; please provide better definitions for key terms and link to basic concepts.
[10] 1.0×10-43 seconds later, the force of gravity separated from the other forces. [11] In 2006, researchers used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (launched by NASA in 2001) to measure variations in the cosmic microwave background (a "faint glow which permeates the universe"). According to these measurements, the universe is estimated to be about 13.7 billion years old, "give or take a few hundred-thousand years". [12]

Creationist and Theistic Evolutionary Views

Young earth creationist scientists contest the Big Bang Theory stating that it is scientifically unsound. [13] [14][15][16][17]

Some Old Earth Creationists and Theistic Evolutionists argue that the Big Bang is in fact mentioned in the Bible. [18] Some Christian apologists who believe in an old earth, such as William Craig use the Big Bang as an apologetic, arguing that it proves that the universe had a beginning. [19]

He further discusses the many theories that have been proposed to counter the Big Bang Theory due to its conclusion that there is a beginning or origin of creation. These additional theories have been broken down to still revert to a beginning. This in essence tries to proves a divine power or creator, which frustrates the many atheistic scientists that are trying to prove that God does not exist, including well known physicist Steven Hawking. [20]

It should be noted though that if the Big Bang happened, then due to relativistic time dilation, it would not matter if the universe was created in 13.7 billion years old or 6 days as depending on ones reference frame it could have been created in both 13.7 billion years and 6 days due to time warpage. Dr. Gerald Schroeder, an Israeli astrophysicist, has put forwards models to this effect. In them he demonstrates that if the age of the universe according to evolutionists is divided by the big bang expansion factor that the resulting time is almost exactly 6 days. [21] Intriguingly he also calculates that due to the rate at which the expansion was said to have slowed according to the big bang theory each significant eras according to the time scale of evolutionists correspond to six individual twenty-four hour days corresponding to the days of creation. Despite these numbers appearing in an astonishingly coincidental fashion from known figures put forward by secular science, atheistic scientists do not comment on the coincidence.

Scientific Criticism

It should be noted that the Big Bang theory has received criticism because it ignores the theory of an oscillating universe. Also, no first cause from the Big Bang has ever been successfully identified. Futhermore, critics of the Big Bang point out that not everything in the universe is actually moving apart from everything else as some galaxies have collided with other galaxies in the past, although this could be explained through understanding of classical mechanics.

Big Bang Theory Dissent Letter

Many have dissented from the theory, including the British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, the Nobel Prize winner Hannes Alfven, and astronomers Geoffrey Burbidge and Halton Arp. [22] It was Hoyle who sarcastically coined the term during a radio broadcast.

In 2004, an ‘Open Letter to the Scientific Community’ disputing the big bang theory was signed by 33 scientists and has been published on the internet and in the science journal New Scientist.[23] [24]

The dissent letter has subsequently been signed by hundreds of individuals around the world. [25] Professional cosmologists are actively creating models (some of which contradict the Big Bang scenario) and collecting data that probe the specific nature of the earliest observable aspects of the Universe.

The Horizon Problem

The horizon problem is an argument against the Big Bang theory. As Jason Lisle explains:

The problem is this: even assuming the big bang timescale, there has not been enough time for light to travel between widely separated regions of space. So, how can the different regions of the current [cosmic microwave background] CMB have such precisely uniform temperatures if they have never communicated with each other? This is a light-travel–time problem.[26]

Recognizing this difficulty, physicist Alan Guth conjured an explanation he named cosmic inflation. According to this claim, during the universe's first 10-35 of a second, a period of extremely rapid, exponential inflation occurred, expanding the universe by a factor of at least 1026. It would be the equivalent of taking a pea and expanding it to the size of our solar system in a time less than a millionth of a blink of an eye. If this occurred, it would mathematically allow for the uniformity of the CMBR - the vast distances were in thermodynamical contact before the rapid inflation.[27][28] However, no mechanism that would cause this sudden expansion is known, and inflation remains, at present, entirely speculative.


  2. WMAP Cosmology 101: Age of the Universe
  3. Hubble, E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 168-173.
  4. Riess, A. G., et al. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 116, Issue 3, pp. 1009-1038.
  5. Perlmutter, S., et al. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 517, Issue 2, pp. 565-586.
  6. Sloan Digital Sky Survey
  7. Tegmark, M., et al. Physical Review D, vol. 74, Issue 12.
  8. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
  9. See, for example,
  13. Thompson, Bert, Harrub, Brad, and May, Branyon The Big Bang Theory—A Scientific Critique Apologetics Press, May 2003 - 23[5]:32-34,36-47.
  14. Brown, Walt, 2001, Big Bang?
  19. Strobel, Lee. The Case for a Creator. Zondervan, 2004.
  20. Steven Hawking, A Brief History of Time.
  26. Lisle, Jason, Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang, Creation 25(4):48–49, September 2003.
  27. Castelvecchi, Davide, The Growth of Inflation Symmetry, 1(2), December 2004, p.12-17
  28. Hinshaw, Gary, WMAP data put cosmic inflation to the test, 3rd May, 2006 (