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An unborn child in the womb

Pro-life is the name given to people or organizations who defend the human rights of the unborn child, and who oppose fetal homicide.

 Supporters of abortion rights identify with the similar term "pro-choice"; they choose to defend the personal rights to privacy and disprove of anyone other than a professional doctor interfering in the issue of whether or not to abort a pregnancy.

Due to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court (e.g. Roe v. Wade), the United States allows abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy. Many state governments pay for abortions using taxpayer dollars, usually due to a court order.

In American politics, the Republican and Constitution Parties are strongly opposed to abortion on a moral basis and believe it should be illegal. The Democrat Party supports the right to privacy and opposes some legal restrictions while the unborn child is still in the first trimester. Leaders in the Democrat Party, such as its presidential candidates, also support taxpayer-funded abortion. Vanishingly few Democrat politicians, such as the Blue Dog Democrats, hold pro-life views, while a few Republicans such as Rudy Giuliani hold pro-choice views.

The phrase "pro-life," especially in the Catholic Church, may include other positions in defense of human life, such as opposing attempts by hospitals or hospices to deny care to premature infants or elderly patients, or to engage in euthanasia.

See Also

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