
/* Atheism, disbelief and "sub-disbeliefs" */
Although there is good evidence suggesting atheists do not truly exists and they actively suppress their belief and knowledge of God and enigmatically engage in self-deception (see: [[Denials that atheists exist]]), hypothetically atheism is a "mega-disbelief" that is made up and held together by various "sub-disbeliefs" and/or "sub-beliefs" such as a belief in philosophical [[Naturalism (philosophy)|naturalism]] (see also: [[Atheist worldview]] and [[Atheism and beliefs]]).<ref>The notion that Western atheism is a "mega-disbelief" is taken from [[Christian apologetics|Christian apologists]] who argue that atheism is a worldview (see: [[Atheist worldview]]). In addition, I have borrowed the notion that atheism is a mega-disbelief from the YouTube atheist Evid3nc3 who argues that [[theism]] is a mega-belief made up of smaller sub-beliefs.[]</ref>
If at any one time one of these sub-disbeliefs and/or sub-beliefs is effectively challenged, an atheist could hypothetically remain in his disbelief (Although in a weaker form of disbelief). However, when a sufficient number of these sub-disbeliefs and/or sub-beliefs are countered, an atheists will really start to question their disbelief. This concept conceptual framework is referred similar to as the concept of [[Graceful degradation|graceful degradation]] and it is used in network theory where several nodes in a network are destroyed, but the network as a whole continues to function albeit in a more limited fashion (until enough nodes are no longer functioning and the system experiences a total loss of function).<ref>I have borrowed the notion that atheism is a mega-disbelief from the YouTube atheist Evid3nc3 who argues that [[theism]] is a mega-belief made up of smaller sub-beliefs.[]</ref>
Given the [[Christian apologetics websites|myriad of strong evidences for the existence of God]] and the [[Atheist apologetics|lack of evidence and sound reasoning]] for atheism/agnosticism, it is not unusual for atheists/agnostics to report that they waver in their purported disbelief/unbelief (see: [[Atheists doubting the validity of atheism]]).