
/* Sixteen */
:*[ '''Does Sin Cause Sickness?''', Sam Allberry - TGC TheGospelCoalition (]
:The Jews were aware of a third possibility, presented in the Book of '''[[Job|Book of Job]]''', in which a righteous Job, innocent of any sin he is aware of that could merit such devastating ruin as had fallen upon him, has been afflicted by Satan, who is eager to incite him to curse God. (Job 1–2).
:Jesus tells them the man born blind was not guilty of sin but instead was entrusted and tasked with fulfilling a particular mission to glorify God, and that is the reason he was born blind.<br>See [ ''multiple commentaries on ''John 9:2], [ Hebrews 9:27], [ ''multiple commentaries on ''2 Samuel 12:14]. <br>See [[Kabbalah]] and [[Reincarnation]].
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