
/* Twenty */ corr potentially misleading sentence for clarity of actual meaning
:Compare what Paul said in [ 2 Corinthians 8:12–15]; [ 9:6-15]; ''especially'' [ 1&nbsp;Timothy 5:8] and commentaries on [ 1&nbsp;Timothy 5:8]. The context of giving to the poor includes the duty of giving to one's own destitute relatives and needy parents and supporting them. The rich who have more than enough for themselves and their own family's needs have been entrusted by God with wealth to be used to benefit the whole well-being of their communities and to aid the poor and destitute and helpless, and they will be called to account for how they use it (Matthew 25:34-46). A certain prudent proportion in giving is commanded of all, including the poor. "''Your generosity should not impoverish you''" 2&nbsp;Corinthians 8:12-13. The head of an impoverished family who really has nothing to give, but who thinks to honor God by donating to the Church and to charities most of what little income he or she has earned, income which is already barely enough to provide minimally adequate food, clothing, shelter and health care for their own spouse and children and destitute elderly parents and should be spent on them instead, has [[Ignorance|ignorantly]] and heartlessly rejected the very heart of the faith and committed a grievous evil, depriving their own of the bare necessities of life, solely for the sake of appearing in their own eyes to be righteous and devout in "giving to God" by basically robbing their own dependents of what they owe them. Preachers who do not restrain this appalling behavior—''when they become aware of it''—but willingly encourage it with [[specious reasoning]] by twisting the scriptures (2 Peter 3:15-17), are opportunistic predators and culpable sinners without mercy, "blood-sucking" thieves and extortioners who take advantage of the poor for their own personal gain. <br>See [ Romans 13:8-10]; [ Galatians 6:10]; [ 1&nbsp;Timothy 3:2-3]; [ 1&nbsp;Timothy 5:8]; [ 1&nbsp;Timothy 6:6-8]; [ Titus 1:7]; [ James 1:27]; [ 1&nbsp;Peter 5:2-7]; [ 1&nbsp;John 3:17-24]; <br> [ Mark 7:10-13]; [ Mark 12:40]; [ Luke 20:47]; [ 2&nbsp;Corinthians 11:12-20]; [ 2&nbsp;Peter 2:1-3]; [ Psalm 14:4]; [ Ezekiel 34:2]; [ Zechariah 11:5] "''those who say, 'Blessed be the L<small>ORD</small>, I have become rich!' Their own shepherds have no pity on them.''"
:"''You know the commandments:...''" Nowhere in the Gospels does Jesus directly emphasize the keeping of the Saturday Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) as a requirement of salvation ([[Sabbatarianism]]). Neither does he explicitly foretell or directly command the keeping of Sunday as the [[Lord's Day]]. In Matthew 16:18-19 and 18:15-20 he tells his apostles that whatever ''they'' bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever they loose on earth is loosed in heaven, and that those who refuse to listen to the church are to be regarded as [unclean pagan] Gentiles and tax collectors. This includes the principal day of worship they designate to be kept holy by Christian believers. The Letter to the Hebrews (13:17) commands obedience to Christian leaders [shepherds of the church, Acts 20:28], and Paul's Letter to the Romans (13:1-2) commands obedience to established [Christian] authority. So does 1&nbsp;Peter 5:5. Jesus Himself here in Mark 10:17-19 and in Matthew 19:16-19 and in Luke 18:18-20 says '''''to inherit and have eternal life keep the commandments''''' of '''Exodus 20:12-16 and Deuteronomy 5:16-20:''' Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother. In Matthew and Mark Jesus says the whole law of Moses depends on the two commandments of '''Deuteronomy 6:4-5''' and '''Leviticus 19:17-18''' to love God with all one's whole heart and soul and mind and strength and to love one's neighbor as oneself. This is every day. He says nothing about the Sabbath Day as a requirement to inherit and have eternal life. The scribes and the Pharisees kept the Saturday Sabbath. Jesus explicitly commands his disciples to '''''not''''' do as the [Jewish] scribes and Pharisees do (Matthew 23:2). They The Jews kept the Saturday Sabbath. The [[Ebionites|Ebionite heretics]] and the Judaizers (Acts 15:1-15) kept the Saturday Sabbath. The student of the Bible and the biblical scholar will not find any statement of Jesus explicitly commanding his followers and disciples who truly believe in him to keep the Saturday Sabbath Day as the principle day to gather together to worship God. Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law and the prophets but to ''fulfill'' them (Matthew 5:17-18). '''He did fulfill them!''' And He said on the cross, [ '''It is finished!'''] <br>In Romans 10:4, Paul says, [ "'''Christ is the <big>end</big> of the law, that every one who has faith may be justified.'''"]<br>The law of Moses that commands the seventh day of the week as the sabbath of the Lord to be kept holy also commands the offering of animal blood sacrifices at the gate of the [[tabernacle]] to be burned on an altar of uncut stones. Sabbatarians do not obey those commands, but they do condemn the practice of weekly first day Sunday worship because God commanded Moses and Israel to sanctify the seventh day of the week, not the first. And the law of Moses states clearly that those who do not keep '''''all''''' the words of the law by doing them are '''''cursed:'' Deuteronomy 27:26.''' [ James 2:10 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one ''point'', he is guilty of all."]
:[ "'''You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace!'''" Galatians 5:4] [ "'''If you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law.'''" Galatians 5:18] This includes the law of the Saturday Sabbath. On the Reformation principle of ''sola scriptura'' whoever says the true Christian believer is bound to keep the Old Testament law of the seventh day Sabbath is ''[[ipso facto]]'' under the curse of God and is not teaching the Gospel of Christ, and cannot be trusted. (2&nbsp;Peter 3:15-18; Jeremiah 8:8-9)
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