
/* Non-Western? */
*(A) [ Military and Foreign Affairs Network]: La Heina Hawaii burnt down, not one building reconstructed but $60 billion goes to Ukraine;
*(B) I never said the fire was caused by Chinese space lasers; I gave you 3 links before you swallowed the [[MSM]] bs wholesale once again;
*(C) the first two links from creativedestructionmedia is the same group that publishes Armed Forces Press, published by veterans for veterans and members of the armedservicesarmed services, you know, the guys who will be called upon to fight a war with China;
*(D) the third link, written by Caitlan Johnstone describes you to a tee, and can even be interpreted as refuting the first two links.
*(E) And finally, such weapons as described by the experts at Creative Destruction Media do indeed exist.
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