Chris Whitty

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Chris Whitty
Britain's Fauci.PNG
Chief Medical Officer of United Kingdom
From: 2 October 2019 - present
Predecessor Dame Sally Davies
Successor Incumbent (no successor)
Party None
Religion Unknown

Sir Christopher John MacRae Whitty (born 1966) is a British epidemiologist, originally from Gloucester. He has served as Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government since 2019. Nicknamed "Britain's Fauci",[1] Whitty supported a China-style policy of lockdown to deal with the China virus in the UK, a policy which Johns Hopkins University has proven to have been ineffective.[2] Prior to this, Whitty oversaw health organisations being funded by depopulationists such as Bill Gates, and forged ties with the Chinese Communist Party. Despite numerous degrees in medicine and even medical law, Whitty is known for making vastly off the mark predictions.


In 2008, Chris Whitty was 'Principal Investigator' for the ACT Consortium. In March 2008, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine received over $59 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an organisation headed by US-based liberal depopulation supporter Bill Gates, which is widely considered to be a front for the Gates's depopulationist aims. $39,795,736.00, by far the largest portion of that funding, went to Whitty's ACT Consortium with Whitty saying he was "delighted" to receive the money.[3]

In November 2013, Chris Whitty led a delegation of British academics in China with the aim of building new ties between China and the UK, and strengthening existing ones.[4] China is a one-party totalitarian socialist state run by the Chinese Communist Party, and it is currently committing genocide.

Whitty's support for a move to allow abortion pills to be taken in the home was reported by Angelus News on 12 December 2017.[5]

Following the emergence of the Omicron variant of the China virus in December 2021, Whitty pushed claims that the variant could cause over 75000 by April 2022. As reported by The Daily Mail in January 2022, Whitty was later forced to admit this was incorrect.[6]


Due to Chris Whitty's support for medical tyranny in the form of lockdowns, he has been described as "Britain's Fauci". Chris Whitty has been accused of provoking fear through his doomsday predictions regarding the CCP pandemic, which are now recognised to be false.

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