Revolutionary Capitalism

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Capitalismo Revolucionario logo (2016-2022)

Revolutionary Capitalism (Capitalismo Revolucionario in Spanish) is an ideology, and a movement, originated in Chile, founded by Sebastián Izquierdo.


This ideology is a unique one, takes ideas from feudalism, patriotism, traditionalism, rejects Enlightenment (therefore he reject socialism, nationalism and liberalism and the notion as men and reason as the center of everything) and has a praxis and political strategies that use violence and fear against the opponents.

The base of the Revolutionary Capitalism ideology is the respect of the private property and to invert the relation between the State and it by putting the private property as the base of the society.

Revolutionary Capitalism rejects the concept of "individuals" and calls the people "ligatum".

Izquierdo, the ideology creator, is an hispanist and says all the hispanic countries are in fact, just one nation (Spain) with many fatherlands (Chile, Argentina, Venezuela).

The main points of Revolutionary Capitalism are: metaphysical relationism, property ontology, social relations theory, fundamentals of private property, public and private ontology, subordination theory and revolution theory.

Revolutionary Capitalism started as a libertarian movement[1][2] and evolved into a traditionalist Catholic one, specially since 2020.


The movement organized and participated in several manifestations against globalism, abortion, the Gender Ideology and mass immigration.

In the YouTube Channel they have made reports about current political topics, in which members of the movements ask random people in the street about these topics. Some important figures have been interviewed like Agustín Laje, Hermógenes Pérez de Arce, Javier Milei (when the movement was libertarian) and many right-wing activist from all Hispanic America.

The movement made a journalistic coverage of a feminist protest in favor of abortion which was criticized by feminists,[3] carried out a "cancelation" to the Unitary Workers Central (Central Única de Trabajadores) in its homage to Fidel Castro[4] and later to the progressist political party Evópoli outside its headquarters for supporting gender ideology (called center-right by many).[5]

The idea of self-defense arises after the attack suffered on the "March For Jesus" (pro-life and anti-"gender ideology") on October 27, 2018 by Antifascist groups and the attack on an anti-immigration demonstration in March of the same year, among others. After this, Izquierdo said that Chile was in fact in a civil war.[6]

In August 2019, Izquierdo called to go with shields and sticks to the march against the new immigration law of the Government of Sebastián Piñera, for self-defense, in the face of threats of attack by Antifa groups, which caused Leftist Senator Alejandro Navarro, along with the Chilean Lawyer Association and the National Institute of Human Rights to denounce the situation and demand that the Metropolitan Intendancy deny permission to the realization of the march.

During the 2019 October Marxist insurrection, Izquierdo was a clear opponent of the whole process from before the climax of it.

In February 15th, 2020, during a patriotic march against the New Constitution, Antifa appeared to attack elder people, in response Revolutionary Capitalism and the movement We still have homeland (Aún Tenemos Patria) formed the Vanguard (Vanguardia) and defended the march by attacking Antifa back causing injuries in them.[7]

'Vanguardia', after several marches, fragmented in several movements. The judicial system determined that Izquierdo cannot attend political marches until there is a sentence about his role in the self-defense group, which has been delayed many times. Since 2021, Izquierdo dictates online classes on his ideology and other topics.[8] The movement only reactivated itself in 2022 with a new logo and a clear Traditionalist direction.

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