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(Feminism and choice: The Second Sex is 60 years old, and doesn't represent the views of 21st Century feminists.)
(Feminism and choice: reply)
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:::Simone de Beauvoir wrote her controversial book ''The Second Sex'' in 1949.  It is relevant to the history of feminism, but in no way should be used as a source to describe the views of mainstream twenty-first century feminists, as it was written almost 60 years ago.  We've come a long way since then - most of today's feminists weren't even born when the book came out.  I'm a woman, I have friends who are feminist and friends who definitely aren't, none of them have ever tried to encourage or discourage me from wearing dresses.  Some of my friends wear only dresses/skirts for religious reasons (Christian or Jewish), but I've never met a woman who would not wear dresses for political reasons.  The idea just doesn't ring true to me.  Certainly for some activities or professions pants are a more practical and/or more safe choice, and some women tend towards pants or tend towards dresses for themselves, but those are not political or ideological choices, they are a matter of personal style and/or practicality.  Feminists in the '70's fought for the right to wear pants in places and situations where it had not previously been allowed, mostly for practical and personal style reasons.  I'm not trying to be argumentative here - just to give a woman's perspective.  So far, the only sources in support of the idea that feminists encourage dressing like men have been offhand comments in blogs.  Can we find some more solid sources for this idea if it is to be included in the article?--[[User:Hsmom|Hsmom]] 14:18, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
:::Simone de Beauvoir wrote her controversial book ''The Second Sex'' in 1949.  It is relevant to the history of feminism, but in no way should be used as a source to describe the views of mainstream twenty-first century feminists, as it was written almost 60 years ago.  We've come a long way since then - most of today's feminists weren't even born when the book came out.  I'm a woman, I have friends who are feminist and friends who definitely aren't, none of them have ever tried to encourage or discourage me from wearing dresses.  Some of my friends wear only dresses/skirts for religious reasons (Christian or Jewish), but I've never met a woman who would not wear dresses for political reasons.  The idea just doesn't ring true to me.  Certainly for some activities or professions pants are a more practical and/or more safe choice, and some women tend towards pants or tend towards dresses for themselves, but those are not political or ideological choices, they are a matter of personal style and/or practicality.  Feminists in the '70's fought for the right to wear pants in places and situations where it had not previously been allowed, mostly for practical and personal style reasons.  I'm not trying to be argumentative here - just to give a woman's perspective.  So far, the only sources in support of the idea that feminists encourage dressing like men have been offhand comments in blogs.  Can we find some more solid sources for this idea if it is to be included in the article?--[[User:Hsmom|Hsmom]] 14:18, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
:::: I'm sure there are millionaire communists who say they have no desire to interfere with private property, and that they don't know any other communists who do either.  And they would be right about themselves and their friends, but wrong about the ideology of communism.
:::: Likewise here.  The ''[[sine qua non]]'' of modern feminism is for women to act like men.  Why would clothes be excluded from that?  They aren't.  I've already provided two references and there are probably more, but I'm getting the sense that no amount of citations will persuade you because you know what you and your friends think about clothes.  I suggest you spend some time researching this and ask women familiar with the feminist agenda.--[[User:Aschlafly|Aschlafly]] 15:26, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 19:26, March 30, 2008

article problems

Second Wave did not "resurge"-the feminism that emerged out of the later 80's/early 90's is Third Wave.

Also, feminism, contrary to what many people think, does not revolve around abortion. Feminist work also involves issues such as affordable access to childcare and prevention of domestic violence, just to name a couple. Couldn't this article reflect that rather than lumping all of feminism into one category of ideology?

Removed opinion.--Elamdri 03:10, 12 March 2007 (EDT)

This article contains a lot of irrelevant information. ColinR 04:18, 15 March 2007 (EDT)

A big problem with feminism is its desire to erase sex distinctions. Masculinity and femininity are no longer seen as God-given traits, or even ideals. Women in the military, the so-called equal pay for equal work law; the forced muzzling of that Harvard president who dared suggest that women and men might not be equally suited to academic careers in math and science.

The idea that there's nothing sacred about the male-female relationship obviously provides support for gay rights agitation and same-sex "marriage". If there's nothing special about a man, then what does a woman need one for? She can have a "wife" too (as Garry Trudeau once put it). --Ed Poor 20:20, 23 March 2007 (EDT)

I don't think the addition of the Rush Limbaugh "femi-nazi" comment is particularly relevant, largely because it's based on the wholly erroneous assumption that all feminists are pro-abortion. To include anything based on that assumption mischaracterizes the late 20th c/early 21st c "post feminist" era, where women who self-identify as feminists are far more likely to fall within a broad spectrum of ideals than one cookie cutter. Fsm1975 23:32, 27 March 2007 (EDT)

I just found this. This gives a leading source for a definition.

Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the National Organization for Women, a group of a half-million members who support feminist candidates for elective office. Asked whether she saw herself as a feminist, Clinton said by the standard definition, yes. "If you look in the dictionary, the word feminist means someone who believes in equal rights for women in society, in the economy, the political process -- generally believes in the equality of women," she said. "And I certainly believe in the equality of women." RSchlafly 14:35, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
I’m curious why a person who would not accept a philosopher of science as a credible source for an entry on science would accept the definition of a politician/lawyer as definitive in terms of a philosophical/social/academic movement. Let alone why you would think she would be a “leading source for a definition”. Not that I object to the content of her definition, but the strongest claim I think you can support with it is “some politicians endorsed by NOW believe feminism means…” An interesting, but not especaly useful or informative claim.--Reginod 15:48, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

Defining feminism

Cut from intro:

However there is no broad consensus among feminists (followers of feminism) about how gender equality ought to be understood. In recent years this has led many feminists to argue that, because there are so many different and mutually exclusive philosophies and philosophers that are called feminist, it is more appropriate to speak of feminisms (plural) than feminism (singular) [1]. For this reason it is difficult, if not impossible, to state any belief universally held by all feminists.

This sounds like a refusal to be categorized, defined or otherwise pinned down. But it's the job of an encyclopedia to define and categorize. How can we solve this problem? --Ed Poor 16:06, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

The way I would suggest handling it is to take seriously the distinctions feminists make among themselves. (For example there is a clear split between the pro- and anti- pornography feminists (I’m still working on a RD of the pornography article as per our previous discussion btw) ). If we are going to really flesh out this article we ought to have a number of feminisms represented here—just as we don’t lump all creationists together but observe the very real distinction between Young and Old Earth Creationists.--Reginod 16:44, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

Abortion poll

The page I linked to had a whole series of polls. The two most recent polls said that 16% of the American public favored retaining unlimited rights to abortion, and 39% favored abortion being 'legal in most cases'. Of the remainder, 31% favored it being illegal in 'most' cases and 12% illegal in all cases. In other words, 55% favor it being legal in all or most cases and 43% favor it being illegal in all or most cases, with 2% unsure either way. The other poll referred to the retention of the rights granted under Roe v Wade and 62% favored this. This should be reflected in the article because as it stands the article misrepresents the facts. Please tell me why you think we should misrepresent facts clearly laid out in a neutral opinion poll --Britinme 17:38, 15 April 2007 (EDT)

Can you explain why abortion polling data is so relevant to this article? What is the point? It is an article about Feminism, not abortion politics.
You put in a statement that the majority of Americans the current law on abortion rights, but in fact the most recent poll at the cited source says that only 16% support that right. So I corrected that. Now you want various other poll results. What is the point? People can follow the link to the polls if they wish. RSchlafly 18:05, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
The statement about feminist support for abortion rights was in the original version of the article I saw. I linked to the poll to provide a citation on an issue that the original article said was of great importance to many feminists, and made it clear that these rights were opposed by many conservatives and some feminists. My original simple statement about 'majority' support for the right to a legal abortion in all or some cases was made convoluted by another editor and I attempted to clarify it. It has now been totally distorted by you. In addition to the 16% support you keep citing, you omit to say that an additional 39% support abortion rights 'in most cases'. Shall we say that only 12% of people - presumably conservatives - oppose abortion? This would be equally valid by your measure of validity. People can certainly follow the link, but it is dishonest to misrepresent its content in the way you are doing.--Britinme 18:16, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
What is dishonest? It is an article about feminism, not about conservative abortion views. Maybe an article about abortion can explain the polls in detail, I don't know. The feminist organizations that support abortion rights want abortion to be legal in all cases. The 16% figure is the most relevant one. RSchlafly 18:29, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
In that case, since there is no evidence that only feminists support abortion in all cases (we know that some are opposed) the relevant figure is the 62% who support the retention of rights under Roe v Wade, which I think we can agree was agreed by most feminists to be a landmark case on this issue. I suggest we cite that instead, which gives a clearer figure both of general feminist support for abortion rights and the degree to which that issue is supported by the population as a whole. The figure was quite unequivocal on the poll, and is probably less confusing than the other poll. I propose substituting that one. --Britinme 19:15, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Could you give me an example of a feminist organization that opposes abortion rights in some cases? I think that the Roe v Wade poll is more confusing because it reflect not just opinions on abortion, but also opinions about legal theories. I wonder how many people even know what the legal consequence of overturning Roe v Wade would be. RSchlafly 19:32, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Sure - [ http://www.feministsforlife.org/] are probably the best-known group, but you can find other organisations listed on [3] and quotes from a variety of other sources on [4]. Personally, I don't think the Roe v Wade poll is confusing, because most people associate that case with abortion rights and would be unlikely to consider abstract legal theories in that context. Roe v Wade is cited as an event of significance in a timeline of women's rights on [5] and certainly supported by the majority of feminists - see [6] and [7]. I feel that it is important to demonstrate the extent to which majority feminist thinking is supported by opinion among the country as a whole over this issue, hence my wish to cite either the full figures of the first poll or the limited figures over Roe v Wade of the second. The second set are probably clearer and easier.--Britinme 20:08, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
There are certainly lots of feminists who are very happy with abortion law. But if you want to argue that a majority of the people agree with a majority of the feminists, then the Roe v Wade poll doesn't do it. A lot of people are for or against Roe v Wade for a lot of reasons. If you want opinions on abortion, the best polls are the ones that ask abortion questions. RSchlafly 20:37, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
The language on the poll numbers, as it stands, is misleading. Currently the language is “As of April 2007, women in the US have the right to abortion in all cases, and according to a recent poll, 16% of the American public favor the retention of this right.” This is simply not the case, women have a right to abortions in most cases, but it is not unlimited. Parental notification laws, parental consent laws, laws banning third trimester abortions except when necessary to protect the health or life of the mother – all of these laws are (currently) constitutional (laws banning second trimester abortions except when necessary for the life or safety of the mother are also probably, but less clearly, allowable). That means that 16% of people favor an expansion of the right to an abortion, not keeping it the same. 39% seem to favor “keeping it the same” as there is currently a right to abortion in most, but not all cases.--Reginod 20:42, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
I agree that the numbers as currently stated are misleading. In that case, given that RSchlafly opposes using the Roe v Wade poll I think the fairest and most representative thing to do is to cite the full figures of the first poll, which is the most recent one in any case, and let people make their own minds up about the extent to which majority feminist thinking on this issue has influenced thinking in the population in general. I will edit accordingly.--Britinme 21:00, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Interestingly enough, even Roe v. Wade didn’t go as far as to say that a woman had a right to an abortion in all cases. It said that a woman had a right to an abortion in the first trimester, in the second trimester a woman has a right to an abortion unless the state can show a really good reason why she should be allowed to have one, and a state could outlaw almost all third trimester abortions. (The Casey decision which is the leading case at the moment, relaxed constraints on what the state could ban). So under current law more abortions can be outlawed than could be under Roe v. Wade and even under Roe it was not the case that “women in the US have the right to abortion in all cases”.--Reginod 21:08, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Thank you, that's very helpful and I hope my editing of the paragraph has reflected that. Please clarify if it seems inaccurate. It sounds as if law in the US is, in practice, quite similar to law in the UK, where abortions are illegal after 24 weeks unless there are life-threatening reasons, although in practice only a minute percentage of abortions are performed after 20 weeks.--Britinme 21:13, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
Your restatement in the article looks right to me. Just to be clear though, I am only talking about what women have a constitutionally protected right to (at the moment, I suspect that this will change in the near future). I’m not sure what the law is in any given state—the Supreme Court simply says “this is the most you can outlaw” in many states more abortions are allowed than the bare minimum. And I have no idea what the actual numbers look like here (actually I suspect that those numbers are not attainable here, given how tightly guarded medical records are).--Reginod 21:25, 15 April 2007 (EDT)
No, it is just not the case that abortion is limited by trimesters under USA law. Not under Roe, and not under Casey. USA law is not like UK law. RSchlafly 22:03, 15 April 2007 (EDT)

Why the deleted quotations?

RobS - it is not very polite to delete another editor's work that is relevant to the article without discussing it first. I reverted your original edit so that it could be discussed. I should be grateful if you would be kind enough to do that here.--Britinme 17:36, 20 May 2007 (EDT)

answers.com is a wikimirror site. It is an invalid citition. RobS 18:06, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
Well that's no problem. It's an extremely famous quotation and I have plenty of other sources for it. The other quotation from Pat Robertson is not from answers.com so I presume that is OK. If that's your only problem with it, I will restore it with a different source. It would have been mannerly of you to have asked me if I had another source for it rather than just deleting it though. --Britinme 18:10, 20 May 2007 (EDT)

South End Press

My apologies, but we can't use bigotted and hate filled extremist publishers for references. A blockquote from the mainspace cites a book published by South End Press, which also published this proven and debunked piece of trash. [8] The reference will be removed, and the editor is hereby warned to refrain from making further insertions from such hatefilled extremist sources. RobS 16:07, 10 July 2007 (EDT)

To much emphasis on abortion

I think that this artical is focused mainly on abortion which is not it is for.


This article has clearly mistaken the definition of femanism for misandry. There are more even-minded, considerate, and heterosexual feminists that can be counted, where as this article only lists those who qualify as man-haters. Honestly I think this kind of blatent bias is what's ruined Conservapedia, and really the entire country, but there's no reason to suggest that feminism goes against any of the values that we all share, and I suggest we completely overhall this entire article and include a section regarding feminist inspired misandry and the differences between the two practices. I also don't think there is any reason to suggest that feminism is a sin and in any way connected to homosexual behavior, which seems to be what this article implys. I'm not so quick to put females who wish to be heard in the same boat as abominations, and I wish I could say the same for all of the Conservapidia editors. --YoungConservative 15:43, 2 February 2008 (EST)YoungConservative

"boys being cheerleaders for it"

Is it not the case that George W. Bush was a cheerleader at Yale back in the day? AliceBG 13:24, 2 March 2008 (EST)

Could be. Many prominent men were once cheerleaders ... for boys playing football, not girls.--Aschlafly 13:27, 2 March 2008 (EST)

Excessive quotes?

I'm not sure if I'm alone here in thinking that there are far too many quotes in this article? They make the layout rather bloated and do not seem to provide much in the way of information. Might I go ahead and perhaps remove some of the less relevant quotes? Thanks. --Crookles 15:32, 3 March 2008 (EST)

No, please don't delete factual information, unless you see a clear rule violation.--Aschlafly 18:27, 3 March 2008 (EST)
There are no rule violations, but the quotations are not explained, not formatted, and are longer than the rest of the sections of the article put together. HelpJazz 20:14, 3 March 2008 (EST)
The quotations illustrate what feminists really think, and that is informative.--Aschlafly 20:34, 3 March 2008 (EST)
Have you looked at them though? Some of them don't make sense, some are (supposedly) by feminists and others are about feminists (with no clear distinction), a lot of them are redundant, there is no formatting, and some of them contain poorly-censored swear words. It might be informative, but it does not look good in an encyclopedia for 75% or so of the article to be made up of unclear, unreferenced quotations. HelpJazz 20:54, 3 March 2008 (EST)

I just put bullet points on those quotes, and it really seems like a terribly excessive list. Does anyone else think that some editing could be done to this to make it seem a little less over-the-top? Reaganite 18:05, 9 March 2008 (EDT)

The list of feminist views

Is it just me or goes the top list of feminist views come accross as humourous rather than factual , i laughed when i read it because it sounds funny and witty rather than serious and factual. I think the tone needs altering, i can imagine liberals having a field day over it. --Realist2 18:58, 3 March 2008 (EST)

It really smacks of parody, and of course, there were no references. Maestro 19:57, 3 March 2008 (EST)

Both you are clueless if you don't realize what modern feminists think. By the way, "Realist2", "across" has only on "c" and we spell "humorous" without the "our" in America. Maybe you don't have many feminists in your country. America does.--Aschlafly 20:35, 3 March 2008 (EST)
Why did you remove my reference to feminists wanting tougher penalties for rapists? Surely they do (it was the only referenced point on the list). Maestro 00:06, 4 March 2008 (EST)

If your can only edit by insulting others spelling or the spelling for the country they come from it shows a distinct lack of tolerance. I am here to be constructive so please dont put others down its not very christain at all. Also how would i know what feminists think ... funny enough im not even a woman so it would be very hard to put myself in that thought of mind. However writing with sarcasm or does not improve the article. I never said whats written is incorrect , i said the tone needs changing, didnt you read or inderstand that Aschlafly? I can say it in spanish if it helps lol. :-)--Realist2 13:38, 4 March 2008 (EST)

Where in her book did Hillary Clinton say that children should be raised by a "village" RATHER THAN their parents? Dadsnagem2 15:05, 5 March 2008 (EST)

Difficulty of defining feminism

It's not easy to define feminism. Is it "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests"? Must one support equal rights to be a feminist?

Are there feminists who want women to "get more" than men, just as their are minority advocates who are want their group to "get more" than people in other groups? (Is feminism thus a kind of "group selfishness"?)

Is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" consistent with the Bible?

Is it possible to believe that men and women are "equally valuable" but made (in the image of God) to be inherently different? That is, are masculinity and femininity equally valuable qualities? Or what?

Are there currents in feminism which seek to advance women's interests but which do not assert that men and women are (or should be) "equal" in all respects?

What, then, is the proper relationship between men and women? Specifically, in the family, what are the proper roles? (How much leeway is there?)

Do all feminists oppose the "stay at home mom" phenomenon? (Or is that only Simone de Beauvoir?) --Ed Poor Talk 13:55, 4 March 2008 (EST)

Ridiculous Number of Quotes

About three quarters of this article is made up of selected quotes from selected feminists, often those who do not represent mainstream feminism and are radicalised in their views. There are also a couple of unsubstantiated quotes from anti-feminists which appear to be used to represent fact rather than a person's opinion. Perhaps we could cut down on these or move them to another article (Quotes by Radical Feminists and Quotes by Anti-Feminists) in order to make this one a bit more encyclopedic. TheGySom 22:50, 28 March 2008 (EDT)

"Ideological Edits"

believe that a "village" (i.e., others) should raise children rather than the child's father and mother[5]

The supporting reference for this is the title of a book, however the book itself states that it states a village (ie a large number of people - teachers, doctors etc) in addition to parents to successfully raise a child. Not once does the book say that parents are to be denied the main role in raising their children.

prefer for role-reversal, like girls playing football and boys being cheerleaders for it, or men baking cookies for women

Unsupported, mainstream feminism believes in equal roles, that is women can play football and boys can be cheerleaders, they do not believe in role reversal (ie boys cannot play football and women cannot be cheerleaders).

prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do

Unsupported, this is a radical view at best.

Quotes from fictional characters

The quotes from a character within a fiction book do not provide any valid insight into the mindset of a feminist, even if that book was written by a feminist.

Hope this clears it up, ready for reversion of reversion. TheGySom 22:59, 28 March 2008 (EDT)

Sorry, but conservatives believe that no one other than the parents should have the primary role in establishment of values, etc. Perhaps instead of pushing your liberal POV in editing a conservative encyclopedia, you could work as hard finding additional citations that you will approve of, illustrating the point. You cannot deny what is factual, that Feminism is a vehicle for liberal change of the social order, and the destruction of the traditional family. --₮K/Talk 23:12, 28 March 2008 (EDT)
This article is not about conservative beliefs, it is about the beliefs of feminists, and it appears that they are currently being misrepresented (the present revision states that feminists believe a village should raise children instead of parents, whereas the truth is that feminists believe a village should support parents in raising children). Could you please point out which of my points you believe to not be factually correct? TheGySom 23:15, 28 March 2008 (EDT)
"Liberal POV" or not, I don't think fictional characters make very reliable as references. HelpJazz 00:04, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
I await a response. TheGySom 18:07, 29 March 2008 (EDT)

GySom, the changes you made, apparently to make the article more ideologically neutral, would be a fine thing on Wikipedia, where they like to keep the public sheltered from facts, but not on CP, where we actually offer a choice, not an echo to the so-called "wisdom" of the crowd. From my experience here, I would suggest you concern yourself less with seeking out articles to make neutral, and spend your time creating new articles, helpful content that is both Christian and conservative friendly, because that is the stated goals and perspective of this encyclopedia and its Founders. Leave it to Wikipedia, and the dishonest presentations there, to "cleanse" topics near and dear to the liberals hearts. If you wish to make the changes you have, please provide proof that Feminists don't think that way. Responsive enough? --₮K/Talk 18:34, 29 March 2008 (EDT)

Hang on, are you asking me to prove a negative? Asking someone to prove that mainstream feminism does not accept something is akin to proving that there are no invisible unicorns on Mars. It is up to the person making the claim to support it, not my job to weed through every single quote that a feminist has made and then provide an analysis to show that mainstream feminism does not support a claim that is made, it is the job of the person making the claim to support it. Let me lay out the changes I think should be made:
  • Mainstream feminists do not believe a village should raise a child instead of his or her parents, they believe that parents should be supported in their role by others (this I can actually support, by my recollection the book in the reference specifically states that parents should play the main role in raising their children).
  • Mainstream feminists do not believe in role reversal, they believe in the destruction of roles (that is, instead of believing that boys should not be allowed to play football and girls should not believe in cheer leading, they believe that boys and girls should both be able to play football or cheer lead should they desire)
  • Mainstream feminists do not believe that women should not wear dresses and should wear pants
  • A series of quotes from a fictional character in a book does not provide any insight into modern feminism
If you have an argument about one of those points please make it, I don't need to hear about how I'm an evil liberal who should run away to Wikipedia as this gets us nowhere. It is conservative ideology to tell the truth no matter what it is, therefore it is imperative to truthfully represent the views of mainstream feminism on this encyclopedia. I guess my edits were ideological after all, just not in the way you think. TheGySom 19:48, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
Indeed, I am asking you to prove your assertion, GySom. You made the changes, now back them with proof. What Feminists believe is well known. Do you demand proof of God? That there is air? The Feminist agenda is the complete re-ordering of the nuclear family, its denigration. That has been proved countless times. Your own points above show that Feminists reject completely God's own creation, the differences between men and women. Please stop with these silly distracting arguments promoting liberal ideals! --₮K/Talk 19:59, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
If it has been proven countless times then there should be no problems with finding supporting evidence for it. I am not asking for proof of God or proof of air because the existence of these two is not being debated, rather we are discussing whether or not mainstream feminism believes in the three points I removed, and whether the forth should be included. I notice that you have only taken objection to the first point (regarding families), it is therefore acceptable to alter the information relating to the last three? TheGySom 20:05, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
Well, I am not a sysop here, so I certainly cannot stop you from doing so. If you change it back, and the Administrators and/or Andy are fine with it, so be it. I am not going to engage you in some endless discussion about the falsities and naivety of your assumptions, GySom! --₮K/Talk 20:17, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
I am very open to hearing about the "falsities and naivety of my assumptions" and changing my mind if sources are produced, however at the moment it appears that there are no sources supporting the claim that feminists believe parents should not raise their children (the current cite says the opposite) and it appears that nobody has taken objection to the rewording of the claim that feminists favour role reversal or the removal of the claim that feminists shun dresses or the quotes from the fictional character. I will change the last three points, and leave the first open for now for continued discussion with yourself or others.
Please, I am not trying to invite conflict, I just feel that this claim is not supported and therefore needs to be changed. TheGySom 20:24, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
  • Yes, to be sure, I am certain those are your intentions! I stand by what I said above, but I have taken the liberty of asking Andy, Conservative and some others to review this. I hope that helps you out. Godspeed to you! --₮K/Talk 20:26, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
I look forward to it, I was hoping that two users could have a civil discussion without going and calling in the big guns, but sadly this could not be the case. For those reviewing it here are my arguments:
  1. The claim that feminists believe a village should raise a child instead of his/her parents is unsupported by the reference, those who read the book will find that it suggests that a village should support parents in raising their child, but that parents should play the main role
  2. The claim that feminists believe in role reversal is wrong, feminists believe in the destruction of roles altogether
  3. The claim that feminists believe that dresses should not be worn is a radical belief at best, and there are no cites supporting it
  4. Quotes from a fictional character should never be used to make a point for or against feminism.
Of these only number 1 was argued, and during this discussion there was no mention of why the source was correct, nor were any other sources raised. Numbers 2 and 3 were not argued, and number 4 was supported by HelpJazz. TheGySom 21:56, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
In response to your four points above:
  1. The thesis of the book is clear: "it takes a village to raise a child," and by its very terms that denies the exclusive role played by parents in raising children. The point in this entry is correct and you have not proposed alternative language that would be more accurate.
  2. No, feminists do crave role reversal, as in men baking cookies and women assuming traditionally male jobs. I'll add an example.
  3. I've added an example in response to your point about dresses.
  4. Your point here is not clear, and I'll look again at the entry.
Godspeed.--Aschlafly 23:10, 29 March 2008 (EDT)

Actually Andy, could we use your wording just there to clarify it?

  • believe that "it takes a village to raise a child" and deny the exclusive role played by parents in raising children.

Feebasfactor 23:16, 29 March 2008 (EDT)

Thankyou for your reply.
  1. The thesis of the book is that it takes a village as well as the parents to raise a child, at the moment the entry reads that it takes a village rather than the parents, so yes the exclusivity of the role is denied, but not the role itself (by memory the book states that parents have a significant and unique role to play). I did have alternate language in my original edit: believe that a "village" (i.e., others) should assist parents in raising children or something along those lines that clarifies that the position taken by the book is not to replace the parents - edit conflict, not adjusted for Feebasfactor's comment
  2. There may be some confusion between role reversal and the destruction of roles. Role reversal in your example would be men baking cookies and women being expected not to bake cookies, and women taking traditionally male jobs with men being expected not to take those jobs. By the destruction of roles it is expected that both men and women have an equal right to bake cookies, and that both men and women have an equal right to take whatever job they want to, I believe the latter is closer to the desire of mainstream feminists to have equal roles and to breakdown the concept of gender, rather than pushing for a matriarchal society.
  3. I'm not entirely happy that a one line quote from a blog in response to another article can be used to represent mainstream feminism, but it's your encyclopedia
  4. There are quotes from a fictional character, I don't see why these should be in the article (using the same logic someone could use quotes from a fictional American president in a book to criticise America).
Hope this clears it up. TheGySom 23:19, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
Aren't the fictional quotes a tiny percentage of the quotes, and aren't they by a feminist author?--Aschlafly 23:51, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
Feminists "prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do"? Though I have met many feminists, I have never met a woman, ever, who felt that women should only wear pants. I know women who do not wear pants, because they feel the Bible calls them to wear only skirts, though this is not true for all of the Christian women I know, or even a majority of them. Most women, feminist or not, dress according to what they will be doing. If they will be hiking in the woods giving a lesson on the forest habitat, they will probably wear jeans. If they are going to a wedding or a funeral, they will almost certainly wear a dress. Some women personally prefer to wear dresses more than pants, or vice versa, but most women, feminist or not, don't feel that everyone should dress as they do. If the article is going to state that feminists "prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do", then there should be a really good citation to show this. Certainly you can find many articles where women discuss the pros and cons of pants and/or dresses, but I've never seen anything that supported the claim made here. An example to the contrary would be the A Dress A Day blog[2], whose author writes regularly about the joys of wearing dresses; I'm quite certain she would consider herself a feminist.--Hsmom 23:22, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
I've added another cite, and frankly am surprised that anyone would dispute this feminist preference to dress like men in order to make an ideological statement.--Aschlafly 23:51, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
The whole pants thing was a big deal at the time because there were people & institutions who felt that women should *never* wear pants - restaurants that wouldn't serve women wearing pants, schools that wouldn't allow girls to wear pants (even in freezing cold weather - and skirts in those days were *short*!), and so on. Feminists of the time believed that women should be allowed to wear pants if they wished. (Not that they *should* wear pants.) Nowadays, most American women, feminist or not, wear both pants and skirts, just because we like to, or for practical reasons, not for political reasons. --Hsmom 00:17, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Cites about baking cookies and wearing pants are from 1970's, not modern feminism? TheGySom 23:55, 29 March 2008 (EDT)
The 1970s is "modern". Perhaps a time period should be added to the entry? By the 1960s "modern" feminism was in full bloom.--Aschlafly 00:01, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Is the goal of the entry to describe feminism as it is understood today by the majority of women who consider themselves feminists? (I'm assuming this would be the best approach, though of course the history is of interest as well.) The radical femimism of the '60's and '70's was, well, radical, but I think that the kind of extreme views described in this article would be foreign to most women today who consider themselves feminist.--Hsmom 00:08, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

<- The section of the article in dispute is written in the present tense ("Specifically, modern feminists tend to" as opposed to "Specifically, modern feminist tended to") after having described the era of the 1970's in the past tense, therefore the points should describe those beliefs held by mainstream feminists today. I'm not too sure many modern mainstream feminists favour wearing pants or role reversal, just as we don't see burning bras or (too many) claims that all sexual relationships in marriage are rape. In short, what was mainstream in the 1970's appears to now be classified as radical compared to the views of modern feminists, which appear to be more about breaking down gender inequality and the like. TheGySom 00:14, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

I agree - though I would add that many of the ideas discussed in the 70's were radical feminism (not mainstream feminism) even then.--Hsmom 00:20, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

Aschlafly, Thank you for your grammar edit! It really helps! While we're cleaning up this article, here's another item that might need to be changed. I don't think the statement that feminists "oppose single-sex schooling" is accurate. There are rather a lot of feminists at all-girl colleges like Smith and Bryn Mawr and Mount Holyoke. Also, I can't see your recent changes on the main article page, only the history page - I don't know if it's me or Conservapedia. --Hsmom 00:27, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

It's stupid to argue about this sort of thing on an article discussion page. Just add a quote from a feminist who supports it. This goes for girls' schools, dresses, stay-at-home moms and all the other stuff above. --Ed Poor Talk 06:18, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Can't. Article's locked, at least it is for me.--Hsmom 14:00, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Are we trying to use the view of one feminist to represent the views of all, or are we accurately trying to report on the collective views of mainstream feminism? If it's the latter then a single quote from one feminist won't do the job. TheGySom 06:21, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

Feminism and choice

Feminists say they only want choice while actually asserting various "shoulds" and "oughts".

Wearing dresses is strongly discouraged by feminists; dressing like men is strongly encouraged. Indeed, all sorts of feminine behavior in the workplace is discouraged, and we all know that Simone de Beauvoir condemned the choice of woman staying home to raise her and her husband's children.

What we object to here is the pretense that feminism supports women choosing either traditional female roles or modern "liberated" ones. They use coercion quite openly. Pretending that they do not is something you can do on your own blog, using your freedom of press to tell lies. You can't do it here. --Ed Poor Talk 06:16, 30 March 2008 (EDT)

According to her article she made those views in 1949, we are trying to discuss the views of modern feminists, or more specifically those around in 2008. As has been stated above, these are different to the views held in the past. TheGySom 06:24, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Ed Poor explains this extremely well. I don't know what TheGySom is referencing about 1949, but that is surely "modern" also. Feminism plainly represents views about how women should act, and women who disagree with that ideology are ostracized and ridiculed by the more militant feminists.--Aschlafly 08:39, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
Simone de Beauvoir wrote her controversial book The Second Sex in 1949. It is relevant to the history of feminism, but in no way should be used as a source to describe the views of mainstream twenty-first century feminists, as it was written almost 60 years ago. We've come a long way since then - most of today's feminists weren't even born when the book came out. I'm a woman, I have friends who are feminist and friends who definitely aren't, none of them have ever tried to encourage or discourage me from wearing dresses. Some of my friends wear only dresses/skirts for religious reasons (Christian or Jewish), but I've never met a woman who would not wear dresses for political reasons. The idea just doesn't ring true to me. Certainly for some activities or professions pants are a more practical and/or more safe choice, and some women tend towards pants or tend towards dresses for themselves, but those are not political or ideological choices, they are a matter of personal style and/or practicality. Feminists in the '70's fought for the right to wear pants in places and situations where it had not previously been allowed, mostly for practical and personal style reasons. I'm not trying to be argumentative here - just to give a woman's perspective. So far, the only sources in support of the idea that feminists encourage dressing like men have been offhand comments in blogs. Can we find some more solid sources for this idea if it is to be included in the article?--Hsmom 14:18, 30 March 2008 (EDT)
I'm sure there are millionaire communists who say they have no desire to interfere with private property, and that they don't know any other communists who do either. And they would be right about themselves and their friends, but wrong about the ideology of communism.
Likewise here. The sine qua non of modern feminism is for women to act like men. Why would clothes be excluded from that? They aren't. I've already provided two references and there are probably more, but I'm getting the sense that no amount of citations will persuade you because you know what you and your friends think about clothes. I suggest you spend some time researching this and ask women familiar with the feminist agenda.--Aschlafly 15:26, 30 March 2008 (EDT)


  1. Feminisms [1]
  2. A Dress A Day[2]