Bilingual education

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The term bilingual education ought to mean teaching people to become bilingual, but like many other liberal terms, it means the opposite of what it seems to say. Actually "bilingual education", as practiced in California and other states, prolongs the time needed for the children of immigrants to learn English. Instead of providing a crash course in English, so the children can catch up with their English-speaking peers, the state gave them classes in their own (foreign) language. This also had the effect of delaying cultural assimilation, which was probably the main point of the program anyway. When parents discovered that "bilingual education" programs were not helping their children, they voted to eliminate them.[1]

  • In California, Superintendent of Schools Ken Noonan, former head of the California Association for Bilingual Education, changed his position completely after seeing the results of the first year of English Immersion teaching and has become a vocal supporter of English Immersion programs. What is bilingual education?
  • The accumulated research of the past thirty years reveals almost no justification for teaching children in their native languages to help them learn either English or other subjects—and these are the chief objectives of all legislation and judicial decisions in this field. Self-esteem is not higher among limited-English students who are taught in their native languages, and stress is not higher among children who are introduced to English from the first day of school—though self-esteem and stress are the factors most often cited by advocates of bilingual teaching.

Bilingual Education in Canada

Canada is has two official languages, En Francaise, and English. Bilingual Education in Canada, literally means Bilingual education, as French education is mandatory by Grade 4 in the English speaking provinces, and English by grade 3 in Quebec.

Liberal lies

  • Teachers and principals tell parents that their children will fail in English-language classrooms. They play on ethnic pride, asserting that children of a Latino background need to be taught in Spanish to improve their self-esteem. The Case Against Bilingual Education


  1. Since Californians first voted for the “English for the Children” initiative that ended that state’s bilingual education programs in 1998, bilingual education programs increasingly are being replaced by English Immersion teaching. Arizona voted to eliminate bilingual education by an even higher margin in 2000, and Massachusetts did the same in 2002.
