Blue Cross
For large health insurance companies see Blue Cross/Blue Shield; NOTE: The below organization and the American/Canadian health insurance companies of the same name are completely separate entities and have no economic or organizational links. The same can be said regarding the animal welfare charity in the United Kingdom.
International Blue Cross or The International Federation of the Blue Cross (IFBC) is an independent, non-governmental health development and diaconal organization, caring for alcohol and drug dependent people and their families. It was founded in 1877 as an evangelical abstinence movement in Geneva, Switzerland by the priest L. Rochat.[1] Presently (2012) it is made up of more than a thousand health professionals around the world. The International Federation of the Blue Cross serves as umbrella for forty-two national Blue Cross organizations across the world that are independent, non-denominational Christian organizations.[2] The international headquarters is currently situated in Bern, Switzerland.[3]
In Norway, the national Blue Cross organization that is affiliated with IFBC was founded in 1906. In 1909 the Blue Cross established Norway's first sanatorium for alcoholics in Eina.[3] Nowadays, the Blue Cross has in Norway ca. 2500 members, about 1,000 employees and operates over 42 different addict treatment centers in 15 counties (2009). The activities include prevention, rehabilitation, follow-up measures, housing and care services, training and rehabilitation programs, detoxification measures, crisis centers and secondary schools. It performs an active preventive work with children and youth, including own youth organization Blue Cross Youth. The Blue Cross is providing also treatment programs for addicted gamblers. The national organization collaborates through IFBC with several Blue Cross organizations in Africa, Asia and South America.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Henriksen, Petter:Blå Kors (Norwegian). Kunnskapsforlaget (2007). Retrieved on 17 March 2012. “Blå Kors, felleskristen, diakonal organisasjon som arbeider for rusfrihet i samfunnet og for å hjelpe russkadde. Blå Kors i Norge, ble stiftet i 1906 og er tilknyttet Blå Kors Internasjonale Forbund (IFBC), som har sitt hovedkontor i Sveits. Det internasjonal Blå Kors er en evangelisk totalavholdsbevegelse som ble stiftet 1877 i Genève av presten L. Rochat. Organisasjonen har som merke et blått kors på hvit bunn. Blå Kors opprettet i 1909 Norges første kursted for alkoholikere, Blåkorshjemmet på Eina. Blå Kors i Norge har ca. 2500 medlemmer, om lag 1000 ansatte, og driver over 42 forskjellige virksomheter i rusomsorgen i 15 fylker (2009). Virksomhetene omfatter blant annet forebyggende arbeid, rehabiliteringstiltak, oppfølgingstiltak, bo- og omsorgstilbud, trenings- og attføringstiltak, avrusningstiltak, krisesentre og videregående skoler. Det drives et aktivt forebyggende arbeid mot barn og ungdom, blant annet gjennom ungdomsorganisasjonen Blå Kors Ungdom. Blå Kors driver et titalls behandlingssentre og tilsvarende bo- og rehabiliteringssentre. Blå Kors har også tilbud til spilleavhengige. Fra 1.1.2009 er Blå Kors blitt en paraplyorganisasjon for 25 landsomfattende kristne organisasjoner og trossamfunn. Organisasjonen samarbeider med en rekke Blå Kors-organisasjoner i Afrika, Asia og Sør-Amerika gjennom IFBC.”
- ↑ International Blue Cross (2012). About us. IFBC. “The International Federation of the Blue Cross - henceforth referred to as 'International Blue Cross' - is an independent, non-governmental health development organization, caring for alcohol and drug dependent people and their families. It was established in 1886 in Geneva, Switzerland, and is presently made up of more than a thousand health professionals around the world. ...Who we are: Forty-two national Blue Cross organizations across the world that are independent, non-denominational Christian organizations.”
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Steinar Glimsdal (04.07.2011). En historisk oversikt. Blå Kors Norge.