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Smoking is harmful.

A cigarette is a product typically comprised of cured tobacco leaves rolled in paper into a cylinder shape.

Despite the fact that smoking is an enjoyable and relaxing pastime, cigarettes are extremely addictive, comparable to heroin though without the pronounced physical withdrawal symptoms of opiate withdrawal, due to the presence of the toxic chemical nicotine, and even occasional use carries a high risk of causing asthma, emphysema, heart attack, cancer of the lung and mouth, and severe damage to the fetus of a pregnant woman. The presence of these chemicals further exacerbates health problems. Numerous studies have shown that on average, nonsmokers live 10 years longer than smokers.

A cigarette works as follows: The tobacco is lit and the resulting smoke is inhaled by sucking it through the cigarette. This encourages the rest of the tobacco to burn. Cigarettes often have a filter on the mouth end, to provide a smoother and cleaner smoke, for increased ease of inhaling and also for improved taste.

Smoking has become one of the most derided lifestyle choices in modern times. Though it has been glamorized,[1] particularly during the Industrial Revolution and up to the 20th Century, increasing awareness against the dangers of smoking have resulted in strict regulations against marketing of cigarettes. These include, but are not limited to, bans on television advertisements, and warnings printed on cigarette packages.
