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Cosmopolitan, from Greek cosmos, "universe" and polis, "city", usually denotes people, places or societies that are inclusive of and at ease with the diversity of influences, nationalities, cultures, even religions, of the world.

Cosmopolitanism is an attitude or policy that is common to or representative of all or many parts of the world; not national or local, that is, not bound by local or national habits or prejudices. See Catholic Church (from Greek katholikos, "universal").

Cosmopolitan persons are at home in all countries or places. Most successful international business corporations are cosmopolitan in their markets and activities. Whatever is deemed to be genuinely cosmopolitan in culture and social atmosphere is said to be characterized by worldly sophistication; to be fashionable, urbane, etc..

In general, apart from human society, those things otherwise simply ubiquitous (everywhere), and are thus in that sense said to be truly cosmopolitan in nature, are found all over the earth, in almost every country and continent, or sea or ocean, having a worldwide distribution, as some plants or animals.

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