Essay: Trump increased the National Debt by 8 TN, De Santis ran record Budget Surpluses in Florida.

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This article is to demonstrate why even economic conservatives (to say nothing of religious and social conservatives) should consider De Santis over former President Trump. In 2016, no one knew how Trump would govern an economy. It should be noted that economic performance is one of the most important Parameters on which to judge a President, or Governor, or any leader; it is his "Report Card", so to speak, his annual (or four yearly) evaluation, just like we have one at our own jobs. So too, the people, must evaluate the record and economic performance of the President who serves them, when he is out campaigning. This is an objective and rational way to arrive at a decision rather than just relying on personality, which is emotional and subjective.

President Trump increased US National Debt by 7.8 Trillion Dollars

This fact can be researched easily, by anyone with an Internet Connection, yet it is incredible how many 10s of Millions are unaware about it. The purpose of this article is education and widespread awareness of this fact so the reader can arrive at an informed decision for himself or herself. The stats: "Republican candidate Donald Trump promised during the 2016 presidential campaign that he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years.

Instead, his budget estimates showed that he would actually add at least $8.3 trillion, increasing the U.S. debt to $28.5 trillion by 2025.1 But the national debt reached that figure much sooner. The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020.

The national debt reached another high of $28 trillion less than two months after President Trump left office.2 In December 2021, Congress then increased the debt limit by $2.5 trillion, to almost $31.4 trillion, as debt rose again under President Joe Biden.3"[1]

The fact is absolutely clear: American cannot afford another term of President Trump, now nearly 80 years old, for if the debt increases by 8 Trillion Dollars again, it will cross 40 Trillion in all, and America may never recover from that. America's economic future is on the line.

Governor De Santis shocks with a stunning performance of running record Budget Surpluses in Florida

This shows, as a brute and inescapable statistical fact, that Gov. De Santis is simply a better Governor/Leader than former President Trump, and future President De Santis would thus be a more logical choice than Trump. Let's look at the stats and then draw the conclusion.

"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the surplus for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is $21.8 billion – the highest in state history and more than 21 percent above the state budget for the fiscal year. Collections in May were $742 million above estimates, and preliminary data for June collections are approximately $950 million above estimates.

“Despite the headwinds created by the Biden administration’s policies, Florida is in a strong fiscal position because we preserved freedom and kept our economy open,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Our responsible policies have allowed us to make record investments to support our communities, promote education, protect the environment, and provide record tax relief for Floridians, all while building record reserves to protect the state against the reckless fiscal policies from Washington.”[2]

Beside strongly criticizing the Biden Administration, De Santis continues to deliver strong surpluses even under clueless/feckless Biden.

De Santis is clearly the ONLY Top-Tier Candidate in the race who has the governing credibility to bring US National Debt under 30 Trillion and still lower. So the choice is clear, either Trump is selected, and debt will most likely increase beyond 40 TN by 2028, or De Santis is selected, and based on his governing record in Florida, where he ran record budget surpluses, America will enjoy 4 years of budget surpluses that will greatly diminish the debt, quite possibly under 30 Trillion by a simple decrease of 1 Trillion every year for 4 years.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and the US National Debt problem cannot be resolved in a day. But the foregoing economical and statistical evidence presented in this essay demonstrates clearly enough, that emotion apart, the logical and rational choice is Governor De Santis.

Addendum: Florida has the best Economy in the US. Even the Liberal Anti-De Santis media is constrained by facts to admit this

The economic, mathematical and statistical evidence keeps piling up day by day. Gov De Santis's economy is ranked the best economy in America. Draw the conclusion: President De Santis will solve America's economic problems too, not just moral problems, and help reduce America's burgeoning debt, and bring economic prosperity, as well help return America back to God Almighty, to Jesus Christ Our King.

"CNBC: Florida has the best economy in the U.S. Up from No. 4 last year, CNBC ranked Florida as having the best economy in all 50 states, something Gov. Ron DeSantis is happy to point out."[3]

