Essay:gay marriage

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This essay is an original work by Ed Poor. Please comment only on the talk page.

"Gay marriage" is just a tactic to legitimize fornication. It's just as false and evil as passing a law that would permit a man to adopt a boy and molest him. Calling evil good doesn't make it good. Calling a fornication relationship "marriage" doesn't make it valid.

No society can manage without the family. Exalting individual rights and bypassing the family demeans the family's central role in society. The family is the place where the relationship of husband of wife is established. There is something about that relationship which stabilizes society.

Let some other country experiment with the legitimation of homosexual fornication. Let them discover, over a course of decades, whether society is improved or weakened by permitting it, by calling it the same as marriage. But if it doesn't work there, do not repeat the experiment here.

How many of the homosexuals who advocate "gay marriage" actually intend to be "faithful" to their "marriage partner"? Do they want the law to enforce this fidelity? Do they want "gay adultery" to be grounds for divorce? I haven't heard anyone talk about that. It's so superficial. All they talk about is how unfair it is not to have the same rights as heterosexual couples. What about the responsibilities?

Absent any evidence that homosexuals intend to "cleave to each other only", it seems more likely that this is a publicity stunt. Or (if the law is passed in the USA) a means of squelching criticism. Just consider the "fighting words" defense. If a man criticizes your wife and you punch him, a judge will often side with you. Something like this is already happening, combined with the criminalization of "hate speech".